Thursday, March 01, 2012



Let's face it; the country is filling up with people who want to tear down our Democracy, change our Constitution and turn our nation into a colony of Marxism.  Many of these people were born here and acquired their anti-American agendas at left-wing universities at our expense.  Many of these people migrated here legally or illegally.  But those of us who believe in the fundamental foundations of our country have allowed these enemies to rise among us; we have not been vigilant in the defense of our freedoms and our national principles.  

Now, we have an infestation.  The only way to deal with an infestation is perform a radical removal of it.  When your child gets head lice, you can't treat your child and forget it because, by now, his brother has them.  They are in your furniture and bedsheets.  You have to treat everyone in the family, spray your furniture and clean your bedsheets in ultra hot water.  You have to remove all of the head lice from your family or they will multiply and reinfect. 

The time is coming when we will have to remove our enemies from our midst, or to find other ways to neutralize them.  If we elect to neutralize them through some method, we also need to neuter them.  The best way to remove them is to put them on a Carnival ship and send them off on an Italian cruise.  

But, this is really not a laughing matter.  We need to start charging some of these people with sedition and/or treason and violation of our Constitution.  We need to hold them up for ridicule and publicly chastise them for who and what they are.   Once they get the message, maybe they will leave on their own and head off to Russia or Iran where they would be more at ease with their lives. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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