Saturday, November 19, 2011


I have been asked repeatedly who I like for President in 2012.  Of course, people want me to make my own insignificant endorsement.  I do get a lot of crazy reactions when I say “Obama,” probably because people who follow my writings know full well how much I despise the weenie.   

There is a school of thought out there that the emphasis should be on who can beat Obama.  The theory is that Obama must go and that the Republican selection for an opponent should be based solely on who has the best chance to beat him.  My answer to that is, “How about Genghis Khan?  Would you prefer him over Obama?  Or, how about Pee Wee Herman?” 

Indeed, we all know what we want in a President.  We want someone who can bring the opposite sides of Congress together in the common purpose of working with the President to resolve the serious issues that are facing our nation today, and in the most expeditious manner possible.  You can add a few lines to that, but I’m sure I have basically summed it up and it doesn’t involve getting rid of Obama.  The plain simple fact is that, if you find someone who fits this job description, Obama cannot and will not ever get rehired. 

Who among the candidates best fits that description? 

Frankly, I think the only candidate who can work both parties in Congress is Newt Gingrich.  His experience and track record as Speaker of the House working with both Clinton and the Republicans produced the “Contract for America.”  No other candidate, in my opinion, has that ability. 

We also need someone with business understanding and expertise.  I would say that Mitt Romney and Herman Cain both fit that trait quite well.  But, we both know that Mitt is elusive and, I think, a closet liberal; after all, haven’t you heard of Romney Care?  Regardless of Romney’s pledge to trash ObamaCare, Romney was the true author of the concept.  That speaks to his liberalism and warped thought processes.  Herman, on the other hand, also has a great business track record and he’s very obviously much more conservative than Romney. 

Finally, we want someone who is patriotic to the bone, someone who will make decisions for the country that are based on what is best for the country in light of our rich democratic heritage.  I think Romney is a tad selfish in that respect, but Gingrich, Cain and Bachmann are definitely not.  Bachmann has become a victim of the far-left liberal attacks on the Tea Parties, but she has demonstrated a keen interest in the financial affairs of the country and endless patriotism. 

So, at the moment I like Gingrich, Cain and Bachmann.  I don’t know that either Cain or Bachmann can being Congress together so that we can accomplish what needs to be accomplished.  Frankly, I am inclined to suggest that Bachmann can do far more to help us in this direction as a Member of Congress; we need all of the help there we can get. 

But, those three are my picks to go forward.  Of the three, I think Gingrich could best debate Obama, but that is not MY sole criterion.  At some point in the near future I will come forth with an endorsement and a recommendation on how to go forward.  What will happen in the not too distant future is that those who do not stand a chance will drop out and endorse somebody.  Percentages will change.  But the fact is that Romney hangs in at 20-25% consistently which means that 75-80% of Republicans would prefer someone else.  Just because the liberal media insists that he has the best chance of beating Obama is not a valid reason to back him. 

For once, I think all of us would like to be in the position of voting for the guy we like as opposed to having to vote for the lesser of two evils.  Let’s work together to make it shape up that way. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.   

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