Thursday, November 03, 2011



Our world today is full of adversity and challenge, and what is going on in our political realm is no exception.  We can’t help wondering when the country is going to run out of money, be taken over by illegal Mexican drug cartels, or change into a Marxist Socialist state.  We shake our heads everyday at the waste and corruption going on in Washington and we get sick to our stomachs when we think about the end result of ObamaCare. 

We have every right to be afraid.  Our government has breeding it into us for years. 

I was recently asked if the elections were dividing our country.  I submit that our President has been dividing the country against each other for the last three years.  He has fragmented our society in every imaginable way.  As you know, united we stand and divided we fall. 

The plain simple fact is that we can overcome our fears and we can take our country back.  Surely, no one of us can accomplish that, but united we can.  There is strength in numbers and the stronger you are, the less you have to fear.  No one wants to be the lone wolf even when he is standing up for what is right.  But, the Tea Parties have shown that, when people stand together, they gain strength and they CAN make a positive difference in our country. 

We need to stand united and step up to the plate now. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

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