Friday, November 11, 2011



Every year on Veteran’s Day, we pause to salute and to thank our American military veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice for God and Country.  Throughout 2-1/2 centuries, our military has stood ready to risk limb and life to preserve the freedoms and liberties that our forefathers crafted so carefully for us.  Cemeteries throughout America and overseas contain the bodies of those whose souls were given in the defense our nation and what we stand for. 

Those of us whose ancestors came across the ocean in the 1600’s to escape tyranny, those of us whose ancestors fought in the Revolution, the Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam and the Middle East… we know what sacrifices have been made in the name of God and Country and it saddens us to see the state of the nation as it exists today.  Our government is encroaching upon virtually every aspect of our lives.  Our freedoms are being eroded and we are being pushed into economic slavery. 

We so desperately need a leader who can unite us in the common interest of healing this nation and restoring the values upon which it was founded.  Surely, there is not one person in Washington, not in Congress and not in the White House, who is or can be that leader.  They are all… each and every one of them… tainted by the scourge of graft, greed, corruption, debauchery and selfishness. 

Once again, the Grand Lady… the Spirit of America… calls upon us to stand together, united in purpose and bound together in the common bond that built this nation.  We must, we simply must, take our country back. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.   

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