Tuesday, November 01, 2011



How often do we ask ourselves, “What can we possibly do to straighten out this country, considering the mess they have made of it?”  It is frustrating to see the basic structure of our government being torn apart, to see our President flaunting the Constitution and our Congress so mired down in corruption and unethical conduct that they can’t function.  And the trickle-down effect is devastating, with our educational system in shambles, the economy fractured, people out of work, illegals taking over our lives….  What do we do? 

Well, I’m guilty of making a wrong suggestion.  I have said over and over again: we have to throw the bums out and bring in fresh blood.  But, I’m now convinced that such a move is simply addressing the symptom.  We have to identify the real, underlying problem and attack it. 

The real underlying problem, you will have to agree, is that we have lost our compass. We lost it as a nation, as a people and individually as human beings.  Let’s face it; we just don’t know what direction we are going in, let alone what direction we should be going in.   

I was brought up, as most of us were, with a solid sense of family, a quest for knowledge, a search for the truth, solid ethics and morals, and a rock-solid foundation for my life.  Our government was the same way, because the whole country was the same way.  Finally, the single thing that makes all of these attributes work is… religion.  A firm and unwavering belief in God and His teachings gave us a solid sense of family, knowledge, truth, ethics and morals, and a rock-solid foundation for our lives. 

We need to get back there, my friends.  We need to really get back to our roots, to get back in touch with our religious upbringings and to reestablish the fundamentals in our lives.  That’s a very simple answer; all we have to do is put God back into our lives and all of these problems that our government and our politicians have created will go away.  Understand: there is no way that our government or politicians can continue to screw up in the face of a nation full of people who believe in God and who practice His teachings. 

Let’s stop addressing the symptoms and stark attacking the problem and let’s get started today. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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