Tuesday, July 19, 2011



The news oozing out of our Southern border these days is scary.  Americans are being advised to stay out of any and all towns along the border as violence has virtually taken over.  And cartel members are now reportedly threatening to invade towns on our side of the border.  Over 40,000 people have been butchered in these drug wars that have resulted in beheadings, kidnappings and mass graves.  Corruption is rampant in all levels of society and government; in fact, the very government of Mexico is in imminent danger of collapse. 

You must… must understand that this is not an issue that we can turn our backs on.  If the drug cartels win and the Mexican government does fall, 20 million more Mexicans are going to be heading north and over the border.  And, just who do you think is going to follow them?

Already, several states have uncovered drug labs and sophisticated marijuana growing operations under direct control of the cartels.  Our illustrious government, in its haste to get a huge fence up in order to placate an angry public, left many American citizens on American property walled out and stuck on the other side of the wall.  They said they’d be back later to put a door in the fence. 

Running in tandem with this bad news is the report that arrests of illegal aliens crossing the border have plummeted and that Janet Napolitano has issued firm orders to quit arresting so many illegals.  Americans who live anywhere near the border are all carrying guns; assumptions of security and the rule of law no longer prevail. 

But, the Mexicans are not the only problem.  There is strong evidence to suggest that members of Hezbollah and Al Qaeda have used our porous southern border to cross “at will.”  Last year, over 3,100 illegal crossers were found to be from Cuba, Pakistan, Nigeria, Iran, Syria, Yemen and other unfriendly countries. 

We cannot afford to pay lip service to this problem any longer.  We need an immediate and far-reaching Congressional investigation into the facts and a full report to the American people.  We also urgently need something done about it.     

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 


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