Monday, July 25, 2011



Back in 1958, Eugene Burdick and William Lederer published their book, "THE UGLY AMERICAN."  It's worth a read, by the way, because its message still applies today. 

Now, the country has acquired its share of "ugly Americans" in different respects.  The ugliness is epitomized by those on the left, by the Democrats as a whole, by many businesses and by some of us common folks.  It is a lack of civility, a nastiness that is pervasive.  It is a refusal to discuss things in a reasonable manner.  It is spoken hatred and disrespect.  It is yelling people down, screaming until their voices can no longer be heard.  

Any alien from outer space could only conclude, upon even cursory observation, that we are still far from being civilized.  If scalps weren't so short, we'd still be dragging each other around by the hair.  The plain fact of the matter is that the real reason the uglies are wanting gun control is that they are afraid we'll use our guns against them.    

Not all hope is lost, because those "ugly Americans" are in the minority.  We, the majority, can stand together and silence these dolts.  Don't you think it's time we did?  I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of listening to their tantrums, their whining, their obstructionism and their bully tactics.  I think the time is far past when we should have set them in their places.   

Maybe some over-sized baby-pacifiers will do the trick.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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