Thursday, July 14, 2011



The talk around Washington right now is that we need to legalize marijuana and tax it, thereby raising $30 billion in additional revenues over the next ten years.  The question is: Why stop there?  

Think of it.  We could have a national lottery and make it illegal for states to have their own.  This would funnel untold billions of dollars into our national treasury every year!  If we legalize cocaine, crack and heroin, we'll add hundreds of billions of dollars more into the national coffers while at the same time literally shutting down the illegal drug trafficking across our southern border.  These ideas open a whole new horizon of possibilities: taxed and legalized prostitution, national legal drinking at age 14, nationally owned and operated racetracks, $500 per head from illegal aliens entering the country ... Isn't this exciting?  

I say we all put our heads together and come up with new ideas on how to raise Federal revenues so that government can continue to grow bigger and spending will not have to be curtailed.  What do you think?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

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