Wednesday, January 26, 2011



Here I sit in front of the keyboards trying to think of something upbeat and nice to say about the President’s State of the Union speech last night. Yes, the speech was everything I thought it would be… a somewhat cavalier and arrogant lot of “to do” about nothing. My hopes for this President have been let down so many times that there’s no more room for letdown. What this country desperately needs is a dynamic, positive and patriotic President who we can trust and believe in and Obama has once again proven himself to be the consummate antithesis.

I guess if I had to say anything positive about the speech, it would be that I didn’t hear any more lies, mistruths or half-truths from him than I have heard before. I find it amusing that this guy has piled up more national debts in two years than the previous umpteen Presidents combined, and yet he has the audacity to say… once again… we have to cut spending. Maybe if we could take his damned pen out of his hand for the next two years, we could actually reduce spending.

The guy says we need to resolve the immigration problem and Congress needs to work together to accomplish that. Then, he goes on to say that we should not be expelling the bright and capable ones because we need help in technology and other sectors? What about the thousands of excellent, well-trained and bright people we have here in our country legally who are out of jobs? What does he mean by all of this?

Obama has never responded to the real needs of America unless we backed him into a corner, and then he has consistently misled his way out of it. What I heard last night sounded to me like more of the same.

What the country really needed to hear was something like this: “We may need to add some taxes in the short term to help us reduce the deficit, but we are going to do our job in Washington by cutting here, and here, and here. We’ll match your tax dollar increases two for one with cuts in Washington.” That’s the kind of inspirational leadership we need, but we all know that Obama will never be the one to give it.

What I see coming is a Republican House being unable to get anything past a Democratic Senate and vice-versa for another two years. If something good does manage to squeak by and get to Obama’s desk, he is likely to veto it if it originated with the Republicans and pass it if in originated with the Democrats. It’s all that simple.

One thing Obama did prove to me last night is that, as a President, he is now excess baggage…. Just along for the ride. He’s lost the support of the far left, never had the support of the right, and has alienated the affections of the independents. But, he still has Nancy and Harry… or does he?

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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