Saturday, January 29, 2011


Jimmy Carter, the fine, upstanding and ever so capable President in 1977, stood firmly at the helm of American diplomacy when Islamic extremists toppled the Shah of Iran. Carter justified his actions, or inactions, by pointing out that the Shah was not exactly the best of world dictators. But, any student of history will tell you that he was our ally in the region. Carter essentially cut his feet out from under him and we ended up with a string of Ayatollahs determined to destroy America and the advent of Iranian nukes that Obama is currently ignoring.

Which brings us to the subject of Egypt: there has been growing protest in that country against longtime President Hosni Mubarak who is on his fifth consecutive six-year term. Although he has instituted some essential financial reforms in his country, he has left the poor and the middle class behind; there is some evidence, at least strong allegations, that the last election was rigged. In recent days, protests have turned violent and millions of Egyptians want Mubarak ousted. Mubarak may be gone by the time you read this but, for the moment, he has dismissed his entire cabinet, promised reforms, and stated he will form a new government starting today.

President Obama, the fine, upstanding and so capable President of 2011, now stands at the helm of American diplomacy as Islamic extremists seek to topple the President of Egypt. He spoke last night, briefly telling Mubarak to toe the line and warning the protesters against continued violence. There is no doubt about the fact that Mubarak is corrupt and doesn’t seem to care about anyone but himself. Yet, if Islamic extremists install themselves into power in Egypt, that will just be one more breeding ground for Al Queda terrorism and the current balance of power, as fragile as it is in the Middle East, will be torn to shreds.

In short, as much of a skunk as Mubarak is, we are much better having him in charge then some new Egyptian Ayatollah.

I don’t think it takes a rocket scientist to see how successful Obama’s “bow to the enemy” strategy has been. As to whether or not Obama will come down on the correct side of the situation, one only needs to remember that Obama is a Marxist and, at the very least, a closet Muslim. He had a radical left agenda during his first two years in the White House that leads one to imagine that he might well either come down on the side of the “democratic rebellion” in Egypt or that he just might remain on the sidelines and let the chips fall where they may.

Tunisia started this ruckus, and now we have Egypt ready to topple its leader and it is only a matter of time until… uh, oh, it’s already happening. Overnight, unrest in Jordan has reared its ugly head. Like Egypt, Jordan has been a key ally in American Middle East strategy. The fall of these two counties into radical Islamic hands most certainly would directly lead to World War III. It is going to take a very strong coalition of leaders to deal with this situation. But, like Carter, Obama seems content to keep his Nobel Peace Prize well polished and in prominent view.

Déjà vu? Or, deja voo doo?

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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