Saturday, June 26, 2010


I think it goes back to the beginning of Oabama’s bid for the ascendency to the throne of power in the United States of America. I don’t mean that statement in a facetious way; I think that, in Obama’s mind, the Presidency is the throne of power in the free world. In other words, he saw the power of the Presidency as being able to trump the power of Congress and the power of the people, and he saw himself as being not only the guy who could make that happen, but also as being the guy who should make that happen.

Obama envisioned the Presidential throne as being a stepping stone to more power in the “New World Order.” And with these powers he could impose a new leadership on the world that would bring the rich in line with the poor through centralizing the total power of government for all nations in the hands of a chosen and anointed few.

On the other hand, there is an oligarchy of power behind the scenes that has been looking for a viable method to overthrow the government of the United States, a vital step toward the creation of that "New World Order." And along came Obama. They glommed on to “his royal highness, the Messiah,” narcissism and all, as being the vehicle to meet their needs.  

Now, they have merged their agendas, each thinking that they have the other party under control.  Unfortunately for their planning,  the citizenry is not playing along in its “dumbed down” state as planned. The spoilers, Fox News and the Tea Party, have raised so much commotion that the plans have not gone forward. External events have intervened. And, people are now getting their eyes open to the background, or lack of it, of Barrack Hussein Obama.  And the love fest that they had for each other is collapsing under the weight of of their own and selfish agendas. 

The collusion of the press and media in this process cannot be overlooked, with the exception of Fox, the right-wing bloggers and the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. Every effort has been made to make the Obama ascendancy successful, to the point that the press, the media, the White House, some Members of Congress and the left-wing liberals have been patently asinine in their attacks on any detractors.

The result of all of this scenario, and it is a Shakespearean play after all, is that the country has acquired a totally negative and nasty mood. We don’t like Obama. He doesn’t like us. We don’t like Pelosi, she doesn’t like us. On and on;  nobody likes anybody and we have a national epidemic of outright hate and distrust.

Obama’s dreams are lost. Worse yet, our vision for the future of our country is lost because our damned government has misspent our money and sent us down the road toward oblivion.

Now what?

We need change. Not Obama’s change, but OUR change. We need to take charge of our own futures. We need to minimize the government influence on our lives. We need to stand up to the responsibilities of being Americans. We need to have the guts, the courage and the fortitude to take our country back from the Obama’s, Pelosi’s, Reids and Franks of the world. We need to chase this damned negativity out of our lives and be positive in the assertion of our rights and powers of American citizenry.

We cannot wait until tomorrow to get started. We must start today.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

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