Saturday, June 19, 2010


Would you believe that the last full-blown “Short Shots” was written in November? Well, there’s been such a plethora of bad news floating out of Foggy Bottom that I’ve not been able to put together a “Short Shots” posting.

What gets me is that here we are, two months after the oil rig explosion in the Gulf, and it seems like we’re still fumbling around in the dark trying to find the fuse box. Several European nations with expertise in these things offered to help from the get go and our illustrious President turned his back on them. Even now, with some of those offers being renewed, he’s not inclined to take anyone up on their offers of help. So, he’s bought himself into this debacle, taken full ownership of it, and once again has proven that even with his Harvard shingle, he’s as dumb as a post.

Just in case you were not aware of it, Joe Biden says that the stimulus plans have worked absolutely perfectly. Can you image what a mess we’d be in if those prodigies hadn’t spent $2 trillion of our money? $2 trillion!!! They sure could be having a lot of folks over for beer at the White House if they hadn’t pissed that money away.

The Indians have figured out a way to solve the immigration problem. They want to send all of us white folks back to Europe.

Yes, November was seven months ago. During that time, the unemployment situation in this country hasn’t improved one bit. I know people who have been out of work for two or more years. When a job opening is announced, hundreds of people show up to apply for that one job. And, there’s a twit in Washington who suggests that the only reason people are still unemployed is that they have not been out looking. But, no matter... Joe says the stimulus plans worked.

The Muslims want to build a huge new mosque on ground near the World Trade Center. That’ll be a handy place for New Yorkers to buy sheets.

With all of the impetus to vote against incumbents, incumbents are resorting to trickery when listing their names on ballots and voting material; they don’t list themselves as being incumbents. Obviously, they are ashamed of the jobs they are doing, as they should be. Yet, by this method they are continuing to lie and mislead their constituents and otherwise are treating them like dummies. Enough is enough; they need to learn how to make an honest living, like the rest of us.

BP and the government are now quick to say that they’ll use the $20 billion fund to promptly pay legitimate claims. Having watched such action before, the word “legitimate” will probably be determined on a case-by-case basis in a trial by Court. This whole thing makes me as sick as if I was standing there on a Louisiana shore, smelling it.

Nothing like Eric Holder taking Arizona to Court over the illegal immigration issue. That surely sends a strong message to America about what pile of dung Obama stands in.

Have you noticed how the Republican National Committee has stepped to the plate and taken some strong leadership positions on important issues? Neither have I.

I vote Alvin Greene for President in 2012.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

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