Tuesday, June 01, 2010



These people have their audacity. They lied to us about the cost. They lied to us about the benefits. They lied to us about abortion funding. And then, they stood there in the face of 70% of Americans who did not want the Health Care Bill and they shoved it down our throats straight down the Democratic Party line. Now, they brag about rubbing our faces into their corrupt, non-responsive and belligerent ways.

Despite the fact that it was Americans… not Republicans alone, but Independents, Republicans and Democrats alike who were against their dictatorial power mongering, they now blame solely the Republicans for being against them.

Let me say that I do agree with Ms. Pelosi when she says that “no Democrat in the House should lose his or her seat for doing the right thing.” But, they didn’t. They bought each other off with our money. They plunged us into massive debt and continue to do so. They twisted arms, held meetings behind closed doors, and they collectively sold America’s future down the damned drain. The right thing? Far from it.

Unemployment is at 10% and they freely admit it will not get lower. Yet, in another outright and inflammatory lie, Ms. Pelosi claims they created 3.5 million jobs and gave 95% of Americans a tax cut? Do they think we all smoke the same stuff they do? Where are the damned jobs and where are the damned tax cuts. Where?

Barney Frank insults me by claiming the American Tea Parties are a wing of the Republican Party? This is the guy who sits on the oversight committee that was in charge of the watch when the economy tanked and Fannie and Freddie almost folded.

Where these two birds get their gall to turn to members of the American Republic and ask them to fund their lying, cheating, corrupt, belligerent and unresponsive ways is beyond me. That’s MY contribution.

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