Saturday, August 08, 2009


I’ve actually been toying with this journalistic thrust for a week or two. The posting of the video berating President Obama had nothing to do with what I now have to say. But, it should be noted that there are tens of thousands of Americans who are so upset with where our country is today and where it is going tomorrow that they are actually talking about civil insurrection. I've heard the talk and it sickens me.

I am not a religious fanatic. I do not attend church, except for weddings and funerals, (similar in nature). I believe that organized religion in the country is straying from God’s teachings in a misguided effort to attract membership and donations. Yet, I do devoutly believe in God and in God’s teachings. I think that it is important here to insert a little known fact: the overwhelming majority of the founders of this country were religious theologians… ministers of differing faiths who all believed in God and in the teachings of the Bible.

It is in that spirit that I begin this series of comments regarding the current status of our country. We need to get back to the basics; we need to get back to the foundations upon which this country was created, and we as God-fearing citizens need to have the courage, the wisdom, and the fortitude to stand up in the face of opposition and to force our governing officials to subscribe to the premise that ours is a government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Our national leaders have seized from us the right to govern ourselves. They have tolerated the removal of broad-based religious symbols from our buildings, the banning of prayer in public places, the right of people to question and to be heard, the assertion of “political correctness” as a premise for governance and a litany of other offenses against the bulwark of our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution.

Our President does, in fact, present himself as being “The Messiah.” He is not humble before God, but seems to believe that he has been anointed and that he can force compliance with whatever it is that he commands. He does not appear to pray for guidance in the position of President, but to display contempt for those who “cling to their religion and guns.”

We are simply going to have to come to grips with the fact that this man, and far too many government officials surrounding him are totally okay with government funded abortion and government mandated euthanasia; these positions are fully contradictory to our beliefs, teachings and American patriotism. Now is the time when our beliefs are being tested as they have not been tested in centuries, and we need to stand strong and together in the face of adversity that threatens our country and our future.

Truly, now IS the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted and with much more to follow.

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