Saturday, August 01, 2009


When the new Government Health Care Plan takes effect, probably around January 1, 2010, the ball will start rolling to convert health care as we know it, into the new Obama Plan. Granted, it will take time to set up the new agency and related bureaucracy, and for the various oversight committees and government directorates to get their feet on the ground…let’s say five years. That’s about how long it will take for them to hire 200,000 administrators and to write and install the rules.

So, if you are 55 now, you will be 60 when things really start to get sticky. But, in the meanwhile confusion will reign. That means that no medical treatment or procedure is going to be given unless the initial rules say specifically that it’s okay. No one wants to risk jail by sticking their necks out.

The way I see it, if there is anything…any medical issue that you can possibly foresee, and if you will be 55 or over on January 1, 2010, you need to get it taken care of now, before it’s too late. After that, between January 1, 2010 and January 1, 2015, you’re going to get the answer to the effect that the rules are “unclear.” After January 1, 2015, you are going to get diddly squat because…you’ll definitely be an old fart. And, as we know, old farts won’t count.

As a matter of fact, and beginning in 2011 at the very latest, you’ll be visited by a community health representative, probably from ACORN, who will tell you what you are required to include in your Living Will in order to comply with the new regulations. This visit will not be an option; either you comply or your Social Security benefits will be terminated until you DO comply. Your Medicare benefits as they exist today will be gone; that’s part of the plan and your contributions to the plan under the contract America has had with you up to this point… don’t matter. The government can break any contracts it “needs” to break…. at will and that’s because whatever rights you have emanate from the government itself.

Simply put, you’d be well-advised to start stocking up on all of the pills you might ever possibly need right now. If you have a toenail that could, maybe, become ingrown by 2015, get it examined now. Any possible thing that could medically hurt you between now and the end of your life, you need to get treated now. Do not depend on your children or grandchildren to save the day, because they will have no choice in the matter.

Even if you have $100 million bucks….you will have to leave the country to see a doctor if you’re over 65.

You have five months left to cover your future medical needs. Do it now.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, based on what I’ve read.

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