Saturday, January 31, 2009


By the time we finished the second week of Obama’s Presidency, their “holier than thou” Pious agenda was already clearly established.

If you want to work for the Administration, you have to complete a questionnaire. One of the questions asks you if you own or have ever owned a gun, if so why, and has anyone ever been hurt with it? If you answer “Yes” to any of the questions, your application automatically goes to the bottom of the trash basket. They fail to ask if you have any kitchen knives.

“We have too many children in this country.” That’s why Nancy Pelosi stuck $150 million in the “economic stimulus” bill for birth control. China has a strict one-child-per-family rule. The gal who just had a litter of eight, plus the six she already had, needs to be severely ostracized, especially since she's from Pelosi's home state of California. YEGODS! She will be required to learn how to speak Chinese.

“There are too many fat people in this country.” Unless they lose weight right now, we’re going to arrange for them to have stomach bypasses. If they refuse, they’re going to prison where the food is not so plentiful and they can spend the rest of their lives among all of the illegal aliens. Make jokes about them. They’re fat, they deserve to have their feelings hurt. It doesn’t matter if they have medical conditions or not; they’re obese. Fat is ugly, and they are consuming more than their fair share of food. Yuck. Bad people. Yucky.

“Anyone who stands up and says what they believe, if it does not agree with what WE believe, they are Rush Limbaugh lackeys.” Limbaugh, Hannity and Ingram are an endangered species, because we are going to replace them or shut them down with the “Fairness Doctrine.” The Fairness Doctrine says you have to allow equal air time to those who hold opposing views. If no one wants to listen to the opposing views and the stations can’t sell advertising, then that means your view cannot be heard, because that’s unfair. Yuck! Bad talk show hosts! Yucky!

"Who CARES if Exxon made $45 Billion in the last quarter of 2008?" That was then, this is now and we need to stimulate the economy. That’s why we’re buying all new vehicles for all branches of government and we’re installing new commodes with seat warmers in the Capital. Don't bother us, you lowly commoners! Yuck!

"SUV’s have to go." They are gas guzzlers. It doesn’t matter whether or not the guy who owns one can afford it. WE are the only ones who should be seen riding around in big, heavy SUV’s, because we are the upper crust and we need to be protected against accidents and thugs with guns. Of course, once we make guns illegal, that’ll solve that problem.

And, we have to get rid of blogs. People who write bad things about us in their blogs are doing a disservice to this country, and that is why we need to clear out Gitmo, because we need a place to send the bloggers where they can’t get their hands on a computer. Everyone knows bloggers pose a worse threat to this country than terrorists. YUCKKKKK!

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

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