Saturday, January 24, 2009

ECONOMIC STIMULUS; Misplaced Congressional Priorities

I’ll open this opinion by pointing out a plain, simple fact: The economy is consumer driven. Keep that thought in mind why I lay out my case for the impeachment of Congress. That may seem to be a little tongue-in-cheek rhetoric, but you haven’t yet heard my contentions.

Let’s discuss this “economic stimulus” for a moment. Frankly, I believe it’ll be the greatest American rip-off ever conjured up. Now, I’ve stated, and I don’t think anyone can successfully debate, that the economy is consumer driven. That, of course, means that you and I control the economy according to our spending, earning, and saving habits. Congress, on the other hand, would have us believe that the economy is driven by the “fat-cat” big businesses, and that any stimulus needs to be directed to them, as if to say in the same breath that, if the consumer doesn’t want to buy your product or to invest in your stock, the government has an inherent obligation to compensate you for the consumer’s stupidity.

We all know that the Congress has become somewhat cavalier with respect to the American citizen. We are the proletariat, or the common fold unworthy of discourse. Congressional members regularly dismiss even the overwhelming will of the people by suggestion that “they know better” or “our plans are in the best interests of the country.”

Pepsi Corporation has decided to get rid of the 12-pack in favor of the 8-pack. The 12-pack fits quite nicely in most refrigerators, whereas the 8-pack requires you to refrigerate 16 cans as opposed to 12, if you’re planning on having any company. When I sent them an email of complaint, my answer was, basically, “It fits OUR needs and you are only the consumer and if you don’t like the way we package our products, that’s tough.”

I went into a Courtyard by Marriott in Denver for breakfast and was informed that breakfast closed at 10:00 AM and they weren’t serving anyone until 11:00 AM, and that would be for lunch. When I pointed out that I thought they were a full service hotel and I thought you could eat anytime, I got a shrug of the shoulder and a very fast exit.

On the other hand, I went to a glass shop in Fall River Mills, California, carrying a piece of ceramic glass that I had obtained from a competitor and had not measured correctly. The owner of the shop cut my glass down to the correct size and….didn’t charge me for it. In fact, he did it immediately…on the spot…and wished me a good day and “bring your business back to me” as I went out the door.

The point being that the economic stimulus packages seem destined to reward the Pepsi’s and Courtyards of the world for their bad management, while ignoring the good and independent business managers like that one in Fall River Mills, California. Is that misguided, or what? We’re helping out the BAD business managers?

So, how should these billions of dollars that Congress is bound and determined really be spent? How about hiring incentives? For every new employee you hire, you get a tax reduction of a certain dollar amount or percentage.

Why not give the consumer back the write-offs he had for interest on credit card debt and auto loans? Wouldn’t that encourage the consumer to buy? Wouldn’t that drive business?

Why not raise the unemployment compensation by $100 a week? Or $50 a week with an extension? Wouldn’t that enable the unemployed to spend more money on basic necessities, thereby also driving the economy?

Why not an extra incentive, besides low interest or favorable terms, to buy a new or used home? An extra tax break during the first year of ownership should help drive sales.

Take the guy who wants to invest and give him an investment tax credit PLUS a break on the capital gains tax for the next two years. Would that not drive non-government investment in stocks, bonds and commodities?

How about another direct tax rebate to the American taxpayer? The argument against that idea is that they, (government), learned the last go around that we Americans won’t spend it; we’ll just pay off debt or save it. Well, what did you expect us to do, given a crappy economy with worsening forecasts? The smart guy gloms on to every dime he can get and he buttons down the hatches in protection against the brewing storm. But, what if we do it again and double down the bet? You get twice as much as you got last time BUT…. You are going to pay taxes on it UNLESS you spend it as a down-payment on a large ticket item such as a house, car, entertainment center….something costing $2,000 or more. Will that drive some buying, and the economy?

Yes, as part of these ideas, we should push for repairing dams, bridges and highways. Those are needed results and the resulting increase in employment will help drive the economy. Energy credits and other incentives to produce results that will benefit Americans should be encouraged through tax credits.

But, and most assuredly, the “stimulus” in the works is not designed with these objectives in mind. The stimulus is designed to reward business that we consumers won’t do business with, based on a fallacious argument that big business drives the economy and that the American consumer doesn’t know shit from Shinola.

Given the Congressional disregard for what we Americans think and the direction we feel we should take, should they all not be impeached?

And that, my friends, is MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

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