Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Only God knows what is in store for us as this day and this era begin. What we mortals do know is that the greatness of America has been tarnished by a lack of emphatically positive and proactive leadership, the kind of leadership that brought us through World Wars 1 and 2 and the Cold War. This Ship of State has seemed lately to bounce along the waves of time without any steady course of purpose, embroiled in political bickering and a sea of internal and external animosity.

Early indications are that this President, whatever his mettle and intentions are, is going to have to swim like hell in order to distance himself from the perpetually ongoing fracas and quagmire on the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, but that does really remain to be seen.

I did not vote for this man, but I surely know that he is our President and elected Captain of this ship, and I will not yet judge him for his actions under fire; rather, I will support him and I will pray to God for the strength of leadership that this country so truly needs at this juncture in its history.

Let the era begin.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

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