Monday, December 24, 2018


I had no intentions of posting during the holidays.  I'd like to kick back and contemplate the meaning of the season just like everyone else.  

But, this is pure, unadulterated bullshit.  Every time the Democrats dig in and whine, the Republicans fold.  Instead of signaling we'd be willing to settle for less than the $5 billion and now that the government is shut down... we should be insisting on full funding at $25 billion.  

They just blew over $800 billion of our money on a farm subsidy and we can't extract a paltry $25 billion for the wall?  

Bullshit... STAND UP FOR SOMETHING!  Nobody else has in the last 30 years! 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 



Saturday, December 22, 2018


Mitch McConnell  and the rest of the Democrat Party.  May the fleas of 10,000 illegals infest their armpits.  


Friday, December 21, 2018


The President's decision to pull our troops out of Syria is causing a lot of consternation.  Some of it I agree with, some of it I don't.  

Much can be said about what happened in Iraq when Obama pulled out of there; ISIS immediately flourished and we had a major catastrophe on our hands.  Pulling out of Syria likely will have the same results because, regardless of what President Trump says, ISIS is not dead or defeated.  And, our Middle Eastern allies were justifiably ticked off at us for leaving them in the lurch.  

On the other hand, war and carnage has been brewing in that part of the Middle East since the beginning of times.   It's a culture; they thrive on conflict.  There is only one way we can stop it... nuke the whole damned territory.  Since that option is not palatable or moral, we're better off not being involved.  

Finally, none of us knows what the President is privy to; we can only second guess what the real situation is.  If the Dems and the RINOs are so dead-set against our getting out, it seems to me that the answer is: we'll stay in Syria if we get full funding for our border wall. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2018



Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced Wednesday the Senate will pass a "stopgap measure" to continue funding the government and avert a shutdown later this week.  It won’t include President Trump’s desired $5 billion for border wall funding because of the “reality of our political moment.

I've HAD IT with the mealy-mouthed bastards... and Trump, too... if he goes along with it!  Just more of the same old political smoke,  mirrors and betrayal of the American will!

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, angrily submitted.   


Congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wistfully remembers how life was before she ran for office and the many sacrifices she has made in order to rescue Americans from their stupid, decadent lifestyles.  She told supporters on Monday that her major lifestyle changes have left her feeling worn down and she will be taking a “week of self-care” to recuperate. 

“Before the campaign, I used to practice yoga 3-4x/week, eat nutritiously, read and write for leisure,” she wrote on Instagram.  “As soon as everything kicked up, that all went out the window. I went from doing yoga and making wild rice and salmon dinners to eating fast food for dinner and falling asleep in my jeans and makeup.”

Gosh.  Now that I know and understand how demanding things are for her, it makes me feel very humble indeed to have her in Congress.  Bless her. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Monday, December 17, 2018


They've been making a lot of noise about how they are going to "get to the bottom of things" and "hold those responsible accountable."  Now, in the waning, twilight hours of this Congressional session, they're running around like chickens with their heads cut off... trying to convince us that they really mean what they are saying.  "Oh, we're going to haul James Comey in here and we're really going to give him the what for," they insist with glowering, stern eyes.  

Well, the plain fact is that all Comey has to do is flip them the finger and they fold like a deck of wet cards.  Then, they whine like the spoiled little babies they are and complain because Comey has "selective memory" and didn't answer 2,396 questions.  "Well, we'll get his ass next time," they posture.  Yes, siree. 

For two years now, we've heard their lame excuses and empty threats of righteousness.  Get to the bottom of Fast and Furious; bullshit.  Investigate the facts on Benghazi; bullshit.  Find out about abuse of Americans by the IRS; bullshit.  Bring justice to the Clintons, Obama, Lynch, Holder, Comey; bullshit.  Build that wall; bullshit.  Get rid of ObamaCare; bullshit. Their only claim to fame is a tax cut... engineered by President Trump and passed with his arm-twisting by one vote, (Mike Pence's); bullshit.  

Whatever the Democrats want, they get.  Whatever the left does to America, the Republicans allow.  Bullshit.  

They should be ashamed of themselves.  They should be contrite and asking for forgiveness.  But, the only thing we're going to hear from them for the next two years is about what a mean witch Nancy Pelosi is.  

The Republican Party sucks... big time.  And no... I'm not contributing a damned dime to those worthless, bullshit scumbags.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Friday, December 14, 2018


The DOJ Inspector General has come out and said that a mysterious technological problem destroyed a huge chunk of text messages between FBI agents Strozk and Page and that their agency-provided cell phones had been "wiped clean." 

We all knew of this chicanery months, if not years, ago and the IG is just getting around to "revealing" it?  

The whole damned investigation is a corrupt sham.  The House and Senate Republicans have "investigated" for two years at taxpayer expense and have come up with absolutely nothing.  The FBI and DOJ have stonewalled Congress at every turn and nobody has done a damned thing about it. 

The fix has been in... way in.  It's beyond disgusting.  There isn't an insecticide strong enough to even phases those cockroaches. 

Our government is no better than Russia's.   

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2018


Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and their left-wing liberal cohort friends have made it abundantly clear: we're the assholes.  We're the ones who had the stupidity, the temerity and the audacity to elect Trump.  Who the hell do we think we are, anyway?

They're going to get even.  They're going to take our guns and Bibles and burn them, close down our churches and spit on our graves.  They're going to erase the history of our country and change it to suit their agendas.  If we don't like it, we can eat crap and die. 

As for President Trump, they're going to make him impotent.  They're going to file lawsuits against him, investigate him, separate him from his supporters and isolate him from his staff, impeach him... whatever it takes to immobilize his ongoing agenda.  Whether we Americans who voted for him support his agenda or not... they will neutralize us.  

And they know they can get away with it because all we are going to do about it is to sit on our collective asses, post blogs and send emails complaining about them.  We don't have the guts, the courage or the wherewithal to stop them.  

That pretty much sums it all up.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


It's time the gloves came off.  We've been pussy-footing around the Democrats for far too many decades and in doing so we have allowed our country to sink into the abyss of rampant liberalism and socialism.

The wall must be built.  If the Dems want to continue to thwart the man we elected to the Presidency, then piss on them.  I've had enough of this continued babysitting we have to do to placate the bastards.  

I'm sorry about the language, but to hell with them.  This one-sided bullshit war has to stop.  It's far, far past the time when our foot should have gone solidly down. 

Build the wall or suffer the consequences. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Monday, December 10, 2018


I don't know how things were going in the White House, but out here in America, it seemed to me that John Kelly did an excellent job as President Trump's Chief of Staff.  He certainly put the lid on a lot of the leaks that were coming out on an almost hourly basis and, from my perspective, a sense of stability finally took hold during Kelly's tenure.  

He had an admirable record in the military.  In my opinion, his departure will harm the White House and come back to haunt a besieged Presidential agenda in the weeks and months to come.   

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Friday, December 07, 2018


The horror stories about the Obama administration never seem to stop.   The latest revelation is that good old Barry gave $310 million of our money to a Soros' organization to be used for the purpose of helping illegal alien children avoid deportation from the United States.  

What a guy.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Wednesday, December 05, 2018


It appears that National Republican Congressional Committee computers have been hacked during the 2018 election season.  It is not publicly known at the time of this posting how extensive the hack was, but we do know that emails of top NRCC officials were surveilled and compromised over several months.  The FBI is now evidently investigating; since the FBI still appears to be under the control of Obama and Clinton, I'm not sure what an FBI investgation means in this instance, if anything.  

What we do know is that Pakistani operatives employed by Debbie Wasserman-Schultz got their fingers on information contained on Congressional computers.  We also know that Schultz was at the center of DNC efforts to scuttle Bernie Sanders' presidential aspirations in 2016 and that Schultz was in charge of the DNC when its computers were hacked; the DNC refused to allow the FBI to investigate that.  We also know of the Dems being involved in many purported election frauds around the country in 2018; they stand accused of engineering several Democrats into House offices in California through a ballot scam known as "harvesting."  

With this information, it is not beyond the stretch of imagination to conclude that the odds of the Dems being involved in the hacking of Republican computers are extremely high.   If that turns out to be the case, one also wonders whether or not the FBI would ever let the public know.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Monday, December 03, 2018


Roommates of a Harvard University grad student were ticked off and suspicious because she had a Make America Great Again ball cap; they proceeded to search her belongings and discovered she had legally-owned guns in her room.   They promptly told the landlord, who threw the female student out because the roommates felt "uncomfortable."  

“When I asked them why they were in my room to begin with, they each came up with completely contradicting stories (none of which made any sense), but one comment struck me in particular: ‘We saw that you had a MAGA hat and come on, you’re from Alabama … so we just kind of assumed that you had something,'” Leyla Pirnie said.  Her roommates admitted to searching her closet, under her bed, and in all her drawers in an effort to find her guns.

What has this country come to?  The roommates get away with invading Pirnie's privacy?  Instead of having the roommates move because they were "uncomfortable," Pirnie has to move because she has legally-owned guns and a MAGA cap in her room?  Pirnie has to foot the bill for all costs associated with the move?  

This country is sounding more and more like a fascist communist dictatorship everyday, and I don't like it one damned bit.   

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.