Friday, June 29, 2018


The Dems, led by Maxine Waters, have been asking members of the party to get in the faces of Trump Administration employees and anybody who supports Trump as President.  They've also been encouraging violence... throw Barron Trump into a cage with pedophiles; assassinate Justice Kennedy; burn down the White House... on and on. 

Turning up the heat, the Democrat leadership is now calling for the elimination of I.C.E., the principal agency in charge of enforcing immigration laws.  After all, I guess, criminal illegals have a right to stay in this country, to commit violent acts against our citizens, to bring in deadly drugs across the border, and above all... to vote in our elections. 

Turning up the heat, the Democrat leadership is now calling for the elimination of I.C.E., the principal agency in charge of enforcing immigration laws.  After all, I guess, criminal illegals have a right to stay in this country, to commit violent acts against our citizens, to bring in deadly drugs across the border, and above all... to vote in our elections. 

If anyone tries to stop their agenda,  they will march into your office and raise the roof; they will leave dead and mutilated animals on your doorstep; they will oppress you and intimidate you into submission. 

If this doesn't all sound like an organized attempt to overthrow our government and install Marxist rule, what does?  One has to wonder if the chief organizer in this country, Barack Obama, isn't behind all of it. 

One thing is for certain: It's going to be a long, hot summer.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Wednesday, June 27, 2018


I can't believe it, but it came... and went... without fanfare.  After so many missed deadlines to comply with various and numerous House subpoenas, Devin Nunes set yet another deadline for Monday at 5:00 PM and the Department of Justice replied with a memo that said, essentially, "up yours, we've given you all you're going to get." 

And despite all of the bluster, rants and rumblings from a House that has been unable to get what it wants and needs for well over a year... rumblings of contempt citations and impeachment proceedings... yesterday, the House was ominously silent. 

Let's be honest: All of the evidence points to the fact that nobody in Congress, whether Republican or Democrat... wants the American public to have disclosure about what went on with Clinton, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, spies in the Trump campaign, the "dossier," the Russian "collusion" or anything else involving crime and corruption at the highest levels of our government. 

The time for the wringing of hands and broken promises to America will end in November when we, the people, remove them all from office.  

Every last one of them.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Monday, June 25, 2018


Fresh on the heels of Kirstjen Nielsen being accosted in a Washington restaurant, Sarah Sanders being tossed out of a Virginia restaurant, Peter Fonda calling for Baron Trump to be kidnapped and thrown in a cage with pedophiles, and Pam Bondi being protested and harassed at a movie theater screening Mister Rogers, Maxine Waters has come out with an full-blown demand that all Democrats openly and with hostility... harangue, harass, protest and otherwise make life miserable for any and all conservatives, their families and their friends.  

Waters wants Democrats to attack cabinet members and their staff members anywhere they might be seen: "If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere."  If they don't like it, piss on them; chase them out of the country or berate them into submission.  

These are not the acts of the deranged; rather, they are the carefully orchestrated and planned actions designed to thwart American democracy.  They amount to domestic terrorism.  They intend to continue until Trump is forced out of office and their fascist, Marxist rule is firmly established over our country.   These activities have already stressed the fabrics of our society to the breaking point, and anarchy is on the very precipice.  All it will take to throw us into armed conflict is for someone, Republican or Democrat, to get injured in one of these events and the bonfire will be lit.  

The most recent incidents have prompted the DHS over the weekend to issue a memo about “a heightened threat" against their employees due to the furor over Trump’s “zero-tolerance” immigration policy.  "This assessment is based on specific and credible threats that have been levied against certain DHS employees and a sharp increase in the overall number of general threats against DHS employees -- although the veracity of each threat varies," the memo from acting Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Claire M. Grady stated, according to CBS News. "In addition, over the last few days, thousands of employees have had their personally identifiable information publically [sic] released on social media."

These are indeed fearful times.  One is inclined to stock up on food, gasoline, water and ammunition.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 


Presidential Press Secretary Sarah Sanders was tossed out of the Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington, Virginia Friday night because she works for the President. 

These nasty, vile insults and behaviors all have to stop.  We Americans have had enough of the decadent bullshit. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Friday, June 22, 2018


If you think our nation is in some protective shell where we cannot be destroyed, you're sadly mistaken.  You may have some self-assurances that we have a strong military, tons of weapons and technological superiority over any adversary, and I tend to agree with that. But, there's more than one way to bring a country to its knees. 

There are a whole lot of protesters in the streets raising hell over everything from abortion, to immigration, to guns, to cops, to Black Lives Matter... on and on.  By and large, these organized protests are packed with paid activists and funded by outside entities such as George Soros, Russia and China.  If you think I'm nuts, think again: we did exactly the same thing in Iran, Iraq, Venezuela and who knows where else?  It's fomenting civil unrest and disobedience throughout the country. 

But, that's not all of it.  The organized resistance to democracy has permeated all branches of our government.  The executive branch is full of bureaucrats who think they run the country and they act accordingly, totally disregarding law and the American will.  The judicial branch is filled with activist judges who disregard our Constitution and laws; they rule by the seat of their pants or according to their own biases and agendas.  The Congress is deliberately not passing meaningful or productive legislation unless it has been watered down to the point of being absurd.  Virtually all of our government is filled with employees who have one common purpose: to seize control of our nation for their own objectives.  Their better known as the "establishment" or "deep state."  

It's no accident that the Clinton investigations were botched, just as it was no accident that Hillary sold Russia 20% of our uranium and got paid $150 million under the table for it.  It's not by accident or ignorance that she sought to hide her communications from private eyes by using an undeclared personal server, not is it an accident that the FBI and the DOS protected her.  The IRS scandal was not an accident, nor is the mess at the border and the persistent blockage of actions to solve the issue.  It was no accident that Mueller moved from the FBI to Special Counsel or that the Dossier was written. It's not by accident that no one is investigating what went on at the State Department.  Nor is it by accident that the media is complicit; he who controls the media controls the country. 

If it's not by accident, then it certainly must be on purpose.  We're under attack by Soros, Russia, China and only God knows who else.  They all want the government to collapse so that they can install their own world orders and satisfy their own agendas.  

This is not a fantasy; it's a nightmare, and we're not only living in it... we're not doing anything about it.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Thursday, June 21, 2018


Occupy Wall Street, a radical left-wing group endorsed by Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi, is on social media showing activists how to kill ICE agents and go after their families.  Actor Peter Fonda wants Barron Trump to be kidnapped and placed in a cage with pedophiles.  Fonda is also advocating for activists to surround children of ICE agents and harass them.  DHS Secretary Kristjen Nielson went out for a nice quiet dinner and was accosted by left-winger protesters in the restaurant yelling and screaming and blaming her for the child-separation border crisis; a video of that ugly scene was posted by the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America.  American conservatives have been branded as "Nazis."  

All of this happened within the last week.  

Is it only a matter of hours before they grab clubs, rocks and Molotov cocktails and take to the streets?  I cannot rule out bloodshed.  Anarchy is upon us.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


This is floating around the Internet: 

If Senate Democrats had any ideological integrity, they would have done one of two things:

Cheered President Trump’s decision to pull the United States out of the nuclear agreement with Iran…or they would have kept this letter to themselves. Because in an attempt to throw their weight around, the Democrats have sent a letter to President Trump with a list of things any nuclear deal with North Korea must include.

The irony being, of course, that Iran is already in violation of each and every one of these requirements.

North Korea, wrote Sen. Bob Menendez and six other senior Democrats, must abide by the following measures if Trump wants Democrats to support a deal:

·         They must dismantle and remove every single one of their nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons.

·         They must end the production and enrichment of uranium and plutonium for military purposes, and permanently dismantle their nuclear weapons infrastructure.

·         They must suspend all of their ballistic missile tests and disable, dismantle and eliminate all of their ballistic missiles and programs.

·         They must commit to robust compliance inspections including a verification regime for their nuclear and ballistic missile programs. Inspections must have complete access to all nuclear related sites and facilities with real time verification of North Korean compliance. A separate compliance regime for its chemical and biological weapons that prevents, detects and punishes cheating on the part of North Korea is also necessary. These compliance regimes must include “anywhere, anytime” inspections and snap-back sanctions if North Korea is not in full compliance.

·         Any deal put in place must “be permanent.”  Wow.

It takes a lot of gall to draw up this letter in the full knowledge that Iran was either in violation of these exact requirements or, in many cases, the requirements were not part of Obama’s deal at all. And yet Democrats were out there telling the world that this was the greatest nuclear agreement in history and that Trump was endangering world peace by pulling the U.S. out of it.

Two opposing things can’t be true at the same time. Democrats are used to being Washington’s worst hypocrites, but this takes political nonsense to a whole new level.  

All that said, the Democrats’ list of requirements is not the worst list we’ve ever seen; we would like to see all of these included in any potential deal as well.

It’s just ironic that they are getting up on their high horse with these demands now…after just blasting the president for de-certifying the Iran deal, which included none of them. Simply amazing.

Right on, and that's exactly MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Monday, June 18, 2018


Nothing in Washington is going to change if we insist on reelecting the same old worthless idiots over and over again.  The corrupt mess we have in Washington right now is so entrenched that it cannot be overcome until we change the players.  What happened with Clinton and her emails, what is happening with Mueller and his witch hunt, what is being tolerated from Sessions, Rosenstein and Wrey is outrageous, and we have a Congress that refuses to do anything about it except to give lip service. 

Throw the bums out.... all of them.   

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Friday, June 15, 2018


The more I learned about the I.G.'s report, the more angry I became. 

This report is nothing more than an extension of Comey's "I know she showed great negligence and blah, blah... but no reasonable prosecutor would take the case" conclusion regarding Hillary Clinton's email scandal.  Now, the I.G. is saying "this guy did wrong, that guy did wrong, they both showed bias but there was no bias in their investigations and they did nothing wrong." 

Horowitz is another sham foisted upon the unwitting American public, just as Mueller was.  "Oh, he's such a cool guy, level-headed, straight down the middle, no-nonsense great American boy."  And, on both occasions,  it has turned out that the great American boys are nothing more than lackeys for Obama, Clinton and the enemy within us... the deep state.

This report pulls out the big weenie and shoves it straight up our collective butts.  "F you, America."  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION respectfully submitted. 

Thursday, June 14, 2018


The predominant theme coming out yesterday afternoon in response to the Inspector General's report was that Strzok and Page were the main culprits, both operating under the orchestration of Andrew McCabe.  What's missing is the knowledge and consent of Comey and discussion of the emails specifically saying that POTUS, (president of the US), wanted to be kept in the loop.  

The conclusion that I reached yesterday afternoon as I was writing this post is that Strzok and Page, and possibly McCabe, are going to be put on the griddle over the surreptitious attempts to sabotage Trump and his campaign.  Comey will get heat over the way he handled the Clinton email scandal, but Lynch will get away scot-free, as will Obama.  

And, it appears, nobody is going to pay the penalty for the ongoing obstruction and stone-walling of Congress by the FBI and DOJ.   It may be that somebody watered down the IG report after it was delivered, but the report as released to the public is nothing new and nothing but lip service and whitewash as far as I see it.  

It's a major disappointment and a total disservice to the American public.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


The consistent foot-dragging, cover-ups and obstructionism of the whole damned Justice Department has got to come to an end... now.  

Every FBI agent and employee of the DOJ who has failed to stand up and speak out, to reveal the truth and help solve the problems, simply has to be fired.  By failing to step up to the plate, they have proven themselves to be part of the cabal; their loyalties are with their corrupt bosses and not to Americans. 

Rosenstein, Comey, Wrey, McCabe and Mueller have proven beyond a doubt that they are refusing to uphold their oaths of office. and that they are part of a well-organized and entrenched conspiracy to thwart justice and protect both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.  Sessions is the Enabler-in-Chief.  

The stench in the tench is unbearable.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.    

Monday, June 11, 2018


Have you every wondered who you really are?  Are you really a human body or are you a separate entity... a soul trapped within a body?  Why are you here, in this place and at this time?  Where did you really come from and where are you really going?  What happens to the you... the real you... when your body dies?  

How does all of this relate to the stress you feel every day, and why do you feel that stress?  Why do you have pain, anger, happiness, love, frustration or even hatred?  Why is it that we fight each other, that we argue, that we go to war to kill and plunder?  Why can't we live together in peaceful co-existence and use our unlimited resources for the benefit of our fellow mankind instead of creating weapons of mass destruction?  

Some of us feel lonely, isolated or unwanted.  While almost all of us do something in our lifetimes that is fundamentally wrong, why do some of us thrive on such activity while others feel overwhelming guilt?  

Why do some people commit suicide?  Could it be that the search for  answers to these and other questions has driven them into mental anguish and illness?  

There had to be a beginning to all of this, but what was that beginning?  Did the "big bang" kick it off?  If so, where did the matter come from which existed when the big bang occurred?  Who or what created that?  Are we, as logical beings, expected to believe that there is something out there... some all-encompassing super power from which all things emanate?  

Scientists are beginning to accept the theory that there is something out there which exists, but which cannot be defined.  There are mysterious, unknown forces flowing through the universe which even the brightest minds cannot comprehend.  Yet, the only reasonable answer to all of this is:  We are who and what we are, but we are all part of the whole.  And the whole... the entirety of it all... must be God.  Therefore, you are part of God... and so is Nancy Pelosi.  

Sip on your latte' and contemplate that.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.


Friday, June 08, 2018


While Nancy Pelosi moans and groans over the results of the California primaries, it has become obvious the the Democrats in the Golden State are in trouble.  For the first time in decades, Republicans are poised to make significant gains in the November mid-terms.  

California has a so-called "jungle" system of elections; it's no longer a situation where you either vote Democrat or Republican and the primary Dem winners face their Republican opponents in November.  The rule now is that it's all one ballot for the primaries, and the two top vote getters face each other off in November.  So, it could be Democrat vs. Democrat, for example.  Further, if the top vote getter garnishes more than 51% of the vote, he/she is the automatic winner of the seat and doesn't have to run again in November.  

Historically, the Democrats have either won races outright or they have been facing another Democrat in November.  Not so this year.  Few Dems won their races outright and and virtually all of the rest will be facing a Republican in November. What's even more ominous is that in many races, there were more Republican total votes than Democrats, meaning that the Republicans in those races could be in the driver's seat.

It surely appears that no "blue wave" is going to sweep the country this year.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Wednesday, June 06, 2018


Let's face it... Trump is making far too much headway to suit the Dems, left-wing liberals or the RINOs in Congress.  All hands are on deck to get rid of the Republican majority in November so that a Democrat-controlled Congress can impeach Trump... or at least put him in dire straits where he totally cannot function.  

So, just who is going to organize the take-down?  

The organizer-in-chief, Barack Hussein Obama, has everything to lose if the investigations into political and criminal mischief continue; he becomes the natural leader of the conspiracy.   Other involved parties naturally follow: Clinton, Holder, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Jarrett and Rice... they're all key players in the effort to stop Trump and they have to play for all of the marbles.  

The evidence against them must suppressed at all costs, and the guys in charge of that part of the equation are Sessions, Rosenstein and Wrey.  Also in on that task are key leaders in the Congress who oversee all committees including the investigative ones... their job is to contain those investigations, to prevent them from coming to fruition.  That would be McConnell and Ryan and the rest of the RINOSs who support their goals.  

We now get to Mueller.  His job is to go on an ugly defensive just before the November elections... something from which the Republican candidates cannot possibly recover before the elections.   If, for example, Mueller issues a subpoena to Trump  to testify in late October, and the Trump teams moves to quash the subpoena... that could set off a political firestorm.  Mueller could easily follow that up with indictments, phony or not, against some key Trump people... even against some members of the President's family.  

I think you get the picture.  You may think this is far-fetched or that I am out of my tree, but you know very well they are capable of doing it and that they have everything to lose if they don't stop Trump. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Monday, June 04, 2018


California is disintegrating into pure fascism and oblivion as the radical left-wing liberals maintain their iron-clad grip on the Golden State.  Now, for the first time in many, many years... the citizen inhabitants have the ability to rid themselves of this pestilence.  Tomorrow, voters have the ability to take out many, if not most, of the incumbent lunatics ruling the State.  

The problem is that one helluva lot of really good Americans have already left the State and countless thousands of illegals are now poised to vote for more of left-wing ideology.  These facts make it even more critical that every single voting citizen who is fed up with the status quo shows up to vote at the polls tomorrow.  We can take out a large chunk of the loony birds right now in the primaries. 

This is a call for every good person who is sick and tired of the BS to show up and vote accordingly tomorrow, June 5th.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Friday, June 01, 2018


When you have someone of high political and governmental power trying to subvert, destroy and remove the duly-elected President of the United States, you have a treasonous enemy on your hands.  

Follow with me for a moment.  Jeff Sessions was asked by President Trump to be his Attorney General.  Sessions had been very active in Trump's campaign and was prepared to give up his prized Senate seat to take the job.  Why would you do that?  Sessions had been around the Senate long enough to gain great power and position; the Department of Justice, on the other hand, was infested with corrupt criminal actors hellbent on supporting the election of Hillary Clinton... and destroying Donald Trump after he won the election.  

That would be a helluva job for anyone to take, but Sessions readily took it and gave up his prestigious Senate powers.  

When you go back and look at Sessions' voting record in Congress, you see that he was anything but a conservative.  In fact, his record shows him to be a member of the "Good Old Boy" network commonly referred to as "The Establishment."  By accepting the A.G. nomination, that  put him in the position of being able to control subsequent investigations into political corruption...namely at the Department of State, Department of Justice and the FBI.  He would become a formidable block wall against getting at the truth, while at the same time a prime instrument in initiating the investigation into "Russian Collusion."  In short, that would make him a political operative... the point man... of the Democrats and the RINO's.     

So it was that Sessions didn't bother to tell President Trump that he was going to recuse himself.  And, so it is that Sessions hasn't ordered the DOJ or the FBI to produce documents requested by Congressional investigators.  So it is that he allowed Rosenstein to create a Special Counsel to investigate the Russian thing, but adamantly refuses to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate the Clinton campaign or her emails or foundation...  and the FBI involvement therein.  

And so it is that Sessions, faced with Trump's ire and disgust, refuses to resign.  He has a job to do... for Obama and for the "establishment,"  but not for the duly-elected President of the United States or the best interests of America.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.