Wednesday, February 28, 2018


First off, let me say that I agree 100% with Trump's plan to ban bump stocks in this country.  Any modification to any gun that is made to allow that gun to fire automatically like a machine gun should be outlawed.  They are designed to kill multitudes of people, pure and simple.  That's not to say such a band will mean anything; there are many bump stocks already out there and available and a simple law does not mean spit to a criminal or terrorist.  But, I do agree with the idea of a ban.  

Raising the age limit on long gun possession to 21 is the dumbest idea Trump has come up with, ever.  That's not going to make it any more difficult for someone determined to get his hands on a long gun; they're in almost every gun closet in America.  All you're going to do is to create a black market for them.  At the same time, you're punishing the law-abiding and the innocent.  You're taking away a father-son sport that has been around since guns were invented... hunting.  The next logical step in this crazy thinking is to ban long guns anywhere in the residence of anyone who has someone under 21 living there.  

Allowing volunteer school staff to carry concealed campus is an excellent idea.  But, there needs to be some conditions; (1) must legally possess the firearm; (2) must obtain and maintain a concealed weapons permit;  (3) must take and pass training in how to deal with mass shootings in schools and public places, and (4) must pass a competency qualification on the gun range.  

 I also believe that laws which prohibit concealed carry permit holders from being on school campuses or in other public places should be abolished.  

That all having been said, we can't stop there.  These are valid stop-gap measures.  Talking to governors and other high muckety-mucks about what they think is not the answer; we need to pull together school teachers, administrators, law enforcement, the NRA, psychologists, social engineers and the military to discuss the root causes of gun violence and to study solutions.  That's a medium-range objective.  Finally, we need to come to grips with violence in general and eliminate the "need or desire" to commit any act of violence, and that is going to have to be a long-range objective. 

Finally, we have to start acting like adults.  This constant screaming, demanding and threatening... much like a kid throwing a tantrum in a sandbox... has simply got to stop.  Is this the kind of example we want  to show our children?  Grow up.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Monday, February 26, 2018


Anti-gunner socialists are just fine with the way the Parkland, Florida school shooting turned out.  They're perfectly okay with the fact that no one in the school had a gun or the training to counteract Cruz.  

You can tell that by the fact that they are not screaming bloody murder over the four cops who hid outside while the shootings were going on.  The media, to the contrary, seems to be covering it up; they're downplaying that sad fact and instead, climbing on the "Blame the NRA" bandwagon.  None of them want school teachers or staff members to be armed and trained.  

Obviously, they would prefer to seize guns from legal and responsible gun owners than to defend their school children from sick, psychotic and evil criminals.  They don't even want your children to pray while they're being shot, because they're in a public school!   

And, you'd damned-well better make sure your kids attend school, danger or not; otherwise, you're going to go to jail for being an unfit parent.   

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.   

Friday, February 23, 2018


Mass shootings at schools, churches and other "no guns" venues has to stop.  Shootings of cops has to stop.  There is no one in the NRA who doesn't agree with the rest of the country that these things have to stop.  

The other side of the story, that the left-wing socialists and Democrats in the country want to abolish the Second Amendment and totally get rid of guns in this country, is also true... but we all know that such an event would only leave the criminals and terrorists totally in charge of our destinies.  

Nevertheless, the common denominator between the NRA membership and the anti-gunners is that we both desperately want gun violence to stop.  The nation in its entirety, as a whole, needs to come to grips with the problem and solve it.  There is absolutely no reason why law-abiding citizens should have to give up their Second Amendment rights in the process.  They are not the ones to blame here. 

So, how do we deal with the ones who are to blame?  That is the question which both the NRA and the rest of Americans need to deal with.  Why can't we all sit down at the table, cut out the name calling, and solve it?  Don't be afraid of the issue; look it straight in the eye and find a way to come together and solve it. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


We're just learning that the Russians infiltrated our social media platforms and fed information to Americans designed to pit them against each other and create social unrest.   They even organized public demonstrations, both for and against Trump, for and against Hillary.  Obama and the intel people did nothing, because they mistakenly believed that the Russians were for Clinton and against Trump; the Russians, however, were against all of America and our political processes.  

The mainstream media, wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Clinton cartel and the Democrats, pounced on anything and everything the Russians were doing for Clinton and against Trump and went trumpeting Russia's messages around the country like rabid animals, sowing further division and disruption among the populace; Hillary and Barry even started to think that Hillary's election was "in the bag." 

When the election was over and Hillary lost, they were stunned.  I doubt they ever realized that Russia was playing both sides against the middle.  In fact, they're evidently still in denial. 

And so it festered upon itself, like the hateful and spiteful lunacy that it has become.  The Soros-inspired  media is controlled by the Democrats and the Russians, the Dems are driven to greater depths of depravity and insaneness by what they read in the papers and hear in the media, and the whole cabal of idiots proceed, like crazy dogs, to think they were somehow cheated in their quest to take total control of America.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


Andrew Pollack lost his 18-year-old daughter, Meadow, in last Wednesday’s tragic Florida school shooting.  A photo of Pollack holding a picture of his daughter went viral after the shooting; he's wearing a "Trump 20/20" t-shirt.  

“I have zero sympathy. Notice the tee shirt he’s wearing. He helped murder his own daughter,” one person said.  

“I am sorry he lost his daughter however he voted for Trump and is suffering the consequences of his actions now,” another person said.  

“The shirt I’m sorry I have to laugh,” one person added.  

They're Democrats... just the kind of person you want to vote for in the November elections.  All Democrats these days are alike.  Someone needs to take them out in back of the barn and teach them some decency and respect. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Friday, February 16, 2018


How dare you point the finger of blame at me and my fellow NRA members for what has happened in Florida, Columbine, Las Vegas, Sandy Hook or anywhere else in this country.  To my knowledge, none of the shooters involved was a member of the NRA; they were all, like you, living on the very fringes of sanity.  

You are the ones to blame.  You are the ones who have torn at every fabric of American society.  YOU have caused the family unit in this country to disintegrate.  YOU have forced an economy on us that requires both parents to work, leaving someone else to raise our children.  YOU have openly and shamelessly set about removing religion and its teachings from our daily lives.  YOU have allowed illegals to come into our country, rape our women, kill our neighbors and drug our children.   YOU have eliminated history and culture from our schools.  

YOU'RE the ones who want heroin, cocaine and marijuana made universally legal.  YOU'RE the ones who don't give a damn about our laws.  YOU'RE the ones who don't respect our heritage or our borders.  YOU'RE the ones who don't want the rest of us to speak plainly and openly... the ones who want to confine free speech to "protected zones" on school and college campuses.  YOU'RE the ones who think it's fine to disrespect our flag and our National Anthem.  YOU'RE the ones who ban prayer in public meetings and schools unless it's a Muslim prayer.  

It's YOU who foments anger by seeking to divide us in every way: black vs. white vs. Brown; rich vs. poor; atheist vs; Christian vs. Muslim; vs. Jew vs. Hindu; cop vs. citizen; on and on.  

My family has spilled its blood to protect and build this country since the mid-1600's.  Virtually all of my friends in the NRA are just as patriotic and caring for this country as I am.  Then, we have YOU...  YOU don't have what it takes to be an NRA member.  In fact, YOU don't have what it takes to be an American, because YOU do not believe in and respect this country the way WE do.  

How DARE you blame ME when YOU are the ones to blame.  And, don't try to change the conversation, either.  May God damn you and all of your hypocritical left-wing seditious friends.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Wednesday, February 14, 2018



As I write this, the dust has not settled on the Florida High School shooting.  I'm damned angry.  I'm angry because this and other recent shootings might well have been prevented if we had not set up the scenes to make them into shooting arcades for deranged gunmen and terrorists who want to wreak havoc and death for whatever reason.  

You can argue gun control; indeed, the scene was still an active crime scene when gun control advocates started pointing their bony fingers at me and countless other law-abiding gun owners across the country.  But, I submit to you that it was against the law for the shooter to have a gun... any gun... on that campus.  Yet, he did and making guns illegal would not change a thing; he'd still have found a gun and it would still be illegal.  

There are then the arguments that we need to chase the terrorists out of the country, that we need to identify some social issues in our society or that we need to be more aware of those around us who are not acting "quite right."  I agree with all of those sentiments.  Yet, we've been at this problem for well over a decade and not one step has been taken, such as forming a commission to look into what the actual causes are and how to mitigate them.  When will we start?  

 Let's talk about the Vegas shooter.  There he was, armed to the teeth, in a high perch overseeing all of his potential victims, most of whom had no idea where he was shooting from; virtually none of them were carrying any kind of weapon with which to defend themselves.  Take the schools: most school systems and states ban students from carrying weapons, and they also ban teachers, counselors and other employees as well.  So, the students, like the concert goers in Vegas, become sitting ducks in a horrible arcade game.  

Think about this: had there been 30 or so teachers and other school employees with concealed guns and training in how to deal with mass shootings in a school setting, why would any potential shooter walk into in that situation in the first place; and if he did, would the carnage have been as bad as it was in Florida?  I'm inclined to wonder if the only reason such a preventative move has not already been done is that gun control activists actually want the massacres to continue until we agree to repeal the Second Amendment. 

Knowing that things are not changing, are you willing to send your kids off to school tomorrow morning, and every morning for the next ten years while the politicians talk about it?  

If you think that taking guns away from law-abiding citizens will make the violence stop, you're dumber than a post.  Let's quit being dumb and start being smart and let's level the shooting field.  Let's demand that school employees with concealed weapons permits and training be allowed to carry on campus.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 


Late yesterday afternoon, information from the Senate Judiciary Committee was released that seem to show then president Obama was at least complicit in setting up the "Russian-Trump" investigation.  Evidently, on January 5, 2017, Obama, Vice President Biden, then-FBI Director James Comey, and then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates had a meeting in the Oval Office about the fallout from the Russian interference in the 2016 election.  

The meeting also reportedly centered on the Steele dossier, which has since been exposed as an "extensive opposition research project," a "hit-job," subsidized by the Democrats, the Hillary Clinton campaign, the Russians and the FBI, and executed by Fusion GPS who hired a former British spy to get dirt on Trump. The dossier was also used to obtain a FISA warrant on Carter Page, a former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign.  

Other portions are classified, but it seems as if Comey agreed to keep Obama in the loop on the possible shielding of information on Russia from incoming Trump officials.  

My God, what a blow to American democracy!  Everybody involved, including Obama, needs to go to jail and we need as many special prosecutors and inspectors general as it might take to to rout out this corruption... and all that needs to start today.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Monday, February 12, 2018


The crimes, scandals and corruption in Washington just go on, on and on.  They repeat, year after year, decade after decade... and nothing ever changes.  Don't you want things to change?  Let's be clear; WE have to change it, because it's obvious that they are not ever going to do so. 

Understand one thing: If your favorite politician isn't doing anything about it and you keep reelecting him or her, things are not going to change.  Ever.  

The Republicans claim they want fiscal responsibility but... when it comes time to exert fiscal responsibility, they seem to be impotent and they quickly sign on to Democrat lavish and uncontrollable spending, like they just did.  They control the House, the Senate and the White House, but they are powerless against the Democrats?  Come on... that's either by design or it's due to flat-out incompetence.  

We're faced with corruption and abuse of power unlike anything ever seen in the history of the nation.  We have crooks and thieves ensconced in suites of high power in Washington who have seized control of government out of the hands of the people and asserted oppression and tyranny over the country, but yet the Republicans allow it to continue.  Oh, they make a big show of it, investigating and squawking like banty roosters, but what are they doing about it?  Those government suites remain occupied by the same despots and nobody is being removed, no actual charges are being filed and the same results go on and on... 

It's all just a big game, an unholy charade  designed to placate the citizens and keep them at bay.  And we keep falling for it.  

Don't you think it's time we did something about it?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.   

Friday, February 09, 2018


What if Hillary had won in 2016?  

Let's see... Taxes would be up, wages would be down, the economy would be in the toilet and all illegals would now be citizens.  Comey would still be at the FBI and Lynch would still be in the Justice Department.  We would never have heard the names Page, Wray or Strzok.  The Russians would own 40% of our uranium and Bill would be making $1 million for speeches.  Kerry would be vice president and Susan Rice would be Secretary of State.  And, of course, Barack Obama would be on the Supreme Court in the seat now held by Neil Gorsuch. 

North Korea and Iran would have their nukes, Putin would be giving orders to Hillary and China would control the South China Sea.  Drugs would be surging across our southern borders, ISIS would be ruling Iraq and Afghanistan and MS-13 would be ruling our streets.  

And all of those left-winger Hollywood types would not have been forced to renege on their promises to move to Canada.  

Wouldn't life be so much better?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Wednesday, February 07, 2018


Senator John McCain has again taken leave of his senses, as if he ever had any.  He's proposed a solution to the immigration problem that does NOT include building a wall on the Mexican border.  

Like Barack Obama, he thinks it's just fine that illegals come across the border, commit crimes and vote for Democrats.  Allowing MS-13 and the Mexican Drug Cartels to freely violate the border doesn't bother him a bit.  The constant infusion of illegal and poisonous drugs into our society doesn't phase him at all.  And, I'm sure the knowledge that terrorists groups have infiltrated that border doesn't keep him awake at night. 

He's a jackass... and he's no American hero.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Monday, February 05, 2018


If nothing else, the period leading up to the release of the House FISA memo and the period immediately thereafter should convince every realistic American beyond a doubt that the Democrats don't give a damn about this country.  They definitely do not want you to know the facts about what is going in on Washington or within our government agencies, good or bad.  Otherwise, there is no logical explanation for why they fought so hard against public disclosure of dirty laundry, high crimes and misdemeanors.  

There is no reason why any law-biding citizen should put up with this behavior.  We need to clean the scum out of the House and Senate in November.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Friday, February 02, 2018


So, who do you think will have the first nervous breakdown today?  Will it be Pelosi, Schumer, Clinton, Abedin, Comey, Lynch or Holder?  

Will Wray resign?  Will Mueller indict Trump?  Will Soros leave the country?  Will Obama play golf? 

What do you think is going to happen when the memo comes out? 

That's MY AMERICAN QUESTION, respectfully submitted. 


The ink wasn't even dry yet on the President's new tax reform package before Democrats across the country started conniving on how to deny us the benefits.  They simply cannot fathom the idea that we should be allowed to keep even a dime of our hard-earned money. 

California has raised their gas tax.  They now want to add a surtax of 10% on anybody who happens to make more than $1 million.  Faced with a mounting deficit crisis that will soon blow the lid off of their state government, California legislators are scurrying to find ways to screw the public and glam onto their newfound Federal tax relief.  

California is not alone in this quest.  Not only are states across the union eyeballing that tax relief, but the Federal government itself has already decided it wants that money back; it is looking at raising gas taxes, national park fees, and other sources of revenue.  

No, Mr. and Mrs. America... you're not entitled to any tax relief.  

Remember who the enemy really is come the November elections; remember who refuses to quit squandering our money. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.