Friday, September 30, 2016



We have a Supreme Court that makes law instead of interpreting law that Congress is supposed to be making.  We have a president who is also making law and ignoring what laws Congress does pass.  We have a Congress that lets the Court and the White House do what ever they want.  All three are corrupt as hell, in bed with lobbyists, corporate interests, the rich folks and George Soros.  

Our chief legal officers, the Attorney General and the Director of the F.B.I., refuse to do the jobs they took an oath to do, and both are in bed with the politicians.  In fact, when caught in their mutual dereliction of duty, they just smile and you and pat you on the head.  If you rain on them, they get their backs up, claim you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground and that they are angels, saving America.  

We have a presidential candidate who is up to her earlobes in scandal and illegal activity, smiling and winking because she knows she is going to get away with it.  And we have a press and media that has become her propaganda arm, covering for her and promoting her selfish interests at every turn.  

Is it too late?  Have we already been had?  Is our democracy and our free way of life now gone forever?  

Are we just going to sit here and let it happen?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Thursday, September 29, 2016



Everybody knows that HP consistently makes one of the best computer printers.  We also know that they charge an arm and a leg for their refill cartridges.  Those of us who use our printers a lot cringe every time we have to purchase more cartridges, so we instinctively look for ways to cut those costs.  We get cartridges refilled or we purchase off-brands.  

When we install a refilled or off-brand cartridge, we usually get a warning.  Well, HP has decided that if you are going to use their printers, you're going to have to do it their way... or else.  From now on, instead of the warning message, your printer will just shut down and you'll be toast.  That's right: you may own the printer, but you don't own the right to use at as you wish.   Like it or not, if you want to print, you're going to have to pay the premium and purchase only their cartridges.  Of course, the logical next step is that when you update the software for "security" reasons in your existing printer, that'll produce the same result when you go to replace cartridges: unless it's a genuine, new HP cartridge, you're not going to be printing anything soon.

It'll be a cold day in hell before I ever do business with HP again.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2016



Well, I surely don't think that Hillary won.  She made many statements that were soooo off the wall.  To have the unmitigated gall to suggest that the "deal" with Iran was the greatest thing since sliced bread is beyond ludicrous.  I honestly think she was so pumped up on uppers and other medications  that she was "spacey," as exemplified by her silly smile.  

On the other hand, I don't think Trump won it, either.  He had several chances to drive home the fact that she is not fit to be president and to dwell on her emails and foundation, but he didn't.  I also felt that she got under his skin more than once, not that she doesn't deserve it... but, not in a public forum.  

So, I guess there were no winners and, therefore, no losers.  Frankly, for some reason the whole debate left me kind of blah.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2016



I need to let the evening soak in a bit, but my initial reaction is... Hillary is beyond delusional. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Monday, September 26, 2016



1. The Democrats were against the abolition of slavery and against the Civil Rights movement. 
2. Neither Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton give a rat's behind about anybody who is not in their circle of friends or on their level of "intellectual elitism."  They don't care about Native Americans, Hispanics, Whites or Blacks, except when it comes to election time.  

We have a problem in this country that has been festering for decades.  The unemployed, the impoverished, the disenfranchised... of any color... are justifiably angry.  They are striking out at authority figures in the elitist government of ours, and uniformed cops surely represent the authority they have come to despise. 

Change needs to start in the election booth.  I don't care if you're raising hell at Standing Rock or in the streets of Charlotte; right now, that seems to be the only way you are going to be heard.  And, if I were one of them and really wanted things to be better for me, I'd be damned if I'd vote for a Democrat.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Saturday, September 24, 2016


I don't care what you say or think.  I say this country is in one helluva mess... from San Bernardino to Orlando to New York City to Dallas to Ferguson to Baltimore to Charlotte to Tulsa to Congress to the White House to unemployment to the Clinton Foundation to North Korea to the borders to Iran to the South China Sea to I.S.I.S... on and on the list grows. 

Somebody has to fix it, and it sure as hell isn't going to be Hillary Rodham Clinton, because she's right smack dab in the middle of all of it.   

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Friday, September 23, 2016



First came the story that the Obama administration has mistakenly granted 850 illegal aliens citizenship.  Then came word that as many as 1,000 more may have "mistakenly" been given citizenship in 2014.  And, now the real story finally comes out.  

The orders of the day are that immigration officials are to process and grant citizenship to as many aliens as possible before the November elections, even if they have to work overtime to do it.    Presumably, as soon as the new citizens are sworn in, they are marched over to a table where they register to vote as Democrats.  

You get the picture. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016





That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Tuesday, September 20, 2016



I've heard enough of this "Don't be afraid of terrorism" bull.  We have every right to fear terrorism.  We've seen for ourselves its deadly impact... maiming and killing the innocent.  And it is spreading its bloody tentacles all of the way around the country while the impotent chief cretin in the White House can only continue to espouse the philosophy that if we're afraid, we're giving them what they want.  

He sure as hell shows absolutely no signs of doing anything about it. 

From what I've seen, they don't care whether we're afraid or not.  They don't ask whether you're afraid, they just kill you anyway.  They might ask if you're a Muslim, but they generally don't even bother to ask any questions at all; they just start indiscriminately shooting, stabbing or bombing.   

Well, I'm not afraid to die, because that is eventually going to happen anyway, I think.  But, I don't want to spend years in pain filled with shrapnel, that's for sure.  

So, I am afraid... And, because this Muslim sympathizer in the White House can do nothing about it except give lip service, I'm even more afraid.  Trump is correct... we have no business allowing in more Muslims until we know who they are and what their intentions are.  This business of bringing in another 110,000 of them before the end of the year, and Clinton's planning to go for 500,000 more on top of that... has to be stopped and stopped now.   

Those imbeciles in Congress aren't doing anything about it, either.  The day has come when we should be showing up on the White House and Congressional steps and raising holy hell.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Monday, September 19, 2016



All politics aside, it is becoming increasingly evident that Hillary has some serious health issues.  If that is truly the case, it is inhumane to continue to subject her to the rigors of campaigning and the potential stresses that come along with the White House.  

Saturday, there was a bombing in Seaside, New Jersey and another in New York City.  Hillary seemed confused and appeared to be very worn out at 9:00 PM or so, when she responded and spoke about it.  I suspect that she has some form of Parkinson's and/or that she has been suffering from some type of brain damage resulting from her fall.  I also suspect that she is being maintained by some stimulant drugs to keep her appearing "buoyant" and some medications to try and control the effects of her disease, whatever it really is.  Over time, this drug treatment "cocktail" could backfire on her and cause some really dangerous, if not deadly, results.  

Attempting to prop her up with medications, when she really needs rest and good medical care... simply because the Democrats want to win the presidency, lacks compassion and true concern.  

Let's put an end to hiding things and cover-ups.  Let's get it all out in the open, where it belongs, and deal with whatever it is in a responsible and proactive way. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Saturday, September 17, 2016


There's ruckus anew over where Obama was born and whether or not he is a natural-born U.S. citizen as defined by the Constitution as being a requirement for becoming President of the United States.  I'm going to borrow a quite from Hillary Clinton at this point and ask, "What difference at this point does it make?" 

If he was actually born in Kenya or in Indonesia, he's not a U.S. citizen within the strict confines of Constitutional language and is, therefore, not legally the president.  So, what are we going to do about it?  Remove him from office?  Early on in his term, that would make sense to try it, but now... when he's just about out the door?  It would take us until the end of 2018 to get through the legal hurdle to remove him from office, and then what? 

Still, we might wonder whether or not he is legally entitled to be there, but that question had been posed to us way back in the first part of his first term.  In the interim, we reelected him, essentially ratifying his right and capacity to be there. 

Personally, I have to wonder why it is not required for any candidate to submit proof of all of his qualifications to office.  I also have to agree with anyone and everyone who says that the "certified" evidence of his birth in Hawaii is by no means compelling; as a legal document, it's impeachable. 

But, at this stage of the game, what is... is.  So, forget about it.  We have many more important things to tackle.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Friday, September 16, 2016



Those who refuse to stand for the Star Spangled Banner, the Pledge of Allegiance or the presentation of the American Flag are making it all about themselves.  They remind me of adolescent teens with Mohawk haircuts, died green, wearing rings in their navels or through their noses, plastered with tattoos and wondering why they can't find a job.  

If there is something in America that ticks you off, there's a system for addressing your concerns:  you show up at meetings and hearings and voice your opinions; you join a local service club or some political association; you write your Congressional delegation or letters to the editors of your newspapers; and you vote in every primary, every off-year election and every national election.  

The last thing you do, if it's really not about you but is truly about a better country, is to sit on your ass and show total and utter contempt for your country and others because you're just too damned self-absorbed and lazy to become part of the real solution.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Thursday, September 15, 2016



Hillary Clinton's "Pay to Play" scheme involving the Clinton Foundation and the State Department stinks badly enough.  You make a donation to the Foundation, you get a meeting with Hillary, the government pays out some enormous benefit to you and Hillary siphons off a large portion, if not all, of the donation to the Clinton Foundation.  Additionally, Bill may get a huge speaking fee in the process.  

That appears to be just the tip of the iceberg.  

New hacked documents leaked by Guccifer regarding the Democratic National Committee appear to show an even more sinister and far-reaching scheme.  You fork over contributions to the DNC and get rewarded by the government, which names you to some high-profile job, such as U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom... a job forked over to Matthew Barzun after he donated $3.5 million.  One list shows 57 donors of similar amounts getting top jobs in the Obama administration.  What happened to the money after it ended up in DNC coffers is anybody's guess.  

The reaction of the DNC to this story sounds like squeals from a pig farm after the mud runs dry. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Tuesday, September 13, 2016



“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?  The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it."  That was Hillary Clinton, trying to drum up interest during another half-empty rally.  

"My cough is from allergies.  I've got bad allergies.  Every time I hear the name Donald Trump, I cough."  Followed by, "Mrs. Clinton got overheated and had to leave."  Followed several hours later by, "Mrs. Clinton has pneumonia."  Followed by Hillary emerging in the sunshine with a huge smile on her face.    

And just like that... POOF!  Nobody's talking about her emails, her Benghazi lies, or her Clinton Foundation anymore.  

Now, if that ain't magic, what is?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Monday, September 12, 2016



Barack Hussein Obama never did come up with a legitimate birth certificate.  Mind you, I'm not saying he was born in Kenya; I'm just saying he refuses to prove he was born in the U.S.  He also refused to provide college records or anything else of substance for those with an interest in his background.  And the Democrats fought valiantly for his right not to disclose.  

Now, we have Donald Trump, who has yet to disclose his income tax returns.  Not that he has any legally compelling reason to do so, he just hasn't done it. And the same Democrats are now foaming at the mouth, indignant with rage that Trump would dare... dare... not to release those returns. 

I say, If they expect Trump to release his tax returns, then we should expect Hillary to release all of her emails, all of her Clinton Foundation records and all of her meeting schedules while Secretary of State.  

Let's see where that idea goes.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Saturday, September 10, 2016


Most of us, with the exception of those who weren't born yet, can remember exactly where we were at very the instant we heard that the World Trade Center was being taken down.  It was as if we were transfixed at a very slow moving moment in time, watching in horror as thousands of people either fried or jumped to their deaths.  Confusion and anxiety reigned as Washington, DC became the next victim and we wondered where our president was, if he was safe and what he was doing.

Over the next few hours and days, the country came to grips with what had happened and we came together, bound by the common bond of concern for our safety, mourning for those who were lost and planning to secure our nation's future.  Democrat, Republican, Independent, Black, White, Native, rich, poor, Christian, Jew, Hindu... we stood together, united in purpose and steadfast in determination. 

Tomorrow marks the 15th anniversary of that horrible day.  I heard a zombie network guru refer tomorrow as a "celebration of 9/11."  Good God, man... how can you celebrate that? 

Look at where we've come in those intervening 15 years.  Hillary Clinton has run for president... twice.  Our military might has been sorely degraded.  The Middle East has become a virtual tinderbox.   Worldwide terrorism abounds and we have a president who seems impotent in its face.  North Korea has nuclear weapons.  Iran has become the belligerent super-power of the Gulf.  Virtually every facet of our society is on the precipice of wanting to extinguish all other facets.  Crime, greed, lust for power and corruption infest our government.  

And the lessons of 9/11 are all but forgotten.  Tomorrow, the bells in Manhattan, at the Pentagon and in Shanksville will toll once more, but who will be listening? 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Friday, September 09, 2016



There's been much buzz and "to do" about what is perceived to be an earpiece that Hillary was wearing during Wednesday night's presidential candidates "forum."  The website TRUE PUNDIT quoted New York police sources saying Clinton was wearing an “inductive earpiece” during the NBC song-and-dance routine hosted by Matt Lauer. The website described the unit as the kind of tech used by stage actors in need of prompting to recite forgotten lines.  

Well, we all know that Hillary replied with an "I do not recall" assertion around 40 or so times during her so-called F.B.I. interview a couple of months ago.  So, it's obvious that she's lost her mind.  We also can suspect that she was afraid of being caught speechless when it came to answering some important question in front of a live television audience.  

Now, that might be considered as cheating by some people.  After all, wasn't the idea to ask questions and get spontaneous answers to serious issues of the day?  Perish the thought: according to Hillary's campaign staff, she was wearing no such device and it must have been a reflection off her jewelry.  Perhaps she had an abundance of shiny earwax protruding from her ear?  Maybe a caterpillar crawled in there and built a cocoon?  Could it be that she was abducted by an alien being and implanted with a high-tech control device?  

Or, maybe it's just a simple trick of your imagination and you don't really see it at all.  One thing we know for certain... it's not an "inductive earpiece," because they say it's not and we all know they never, ever tell a lie.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Thursday, September 08, 2016



BREITBART.COM is reporting: 

Now, if that isn't going bonkers, what is?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Wednesday, September 07, 2016



There is growing concern about Hillary's health.  Several prominent physicians have suggested that her mental condition is tenuous.  This may be leading to physical problems as well, such as not being able to climb steps without assistance or having uncontrollable coughing fits.  

For the first time, it appears that Hillary is vulnerable politically due to issues surrounding her numerous scandals, including transactions involving her several charitable organizations.  The possibility emerges that Clinton may withdraw from the presidential race due to "health concerns," providing that an agreement is reached not to prosecute her for her misdoings.  

Stay tuned.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Tuesday, September 06, 2016



We white folks know no end to our insensitivity or mean spirits when it comes to Native Americans.  

A number of natives have gathered in North Dakota at the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe to protest the building of the Dakota Access Oil Pipeline, and not without some justification; there was a recent break in the Keystone Pipeline in South Dakota and another leak occurred at the Ventura Pipeline in southern California.   In fact, there have been almost 600 oil or gas line leaks in the country just since 2000.   

Tribal officials now say construction crews deliberately destroyed American Indian burial and cultural sites on private land near the Standing Rock Sioux reservation.  Several hundred protesters confronted construction crews Saturday and violence erupted.  A security officer was taken to a Bismarck hospital for undisclosed injuries and two guard dogs were taken to a Bismarck veterinary clinic.  

Tribal spokesman Steve Sitting Bear said protesters reported six people had been bitten by security dogs, including a young child. At least 30 people were pepper-sprayed, he said.  The tribe fears the project will disturb sacred sites and impact drinking water for thousands of tribal members on the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation and millions further downstream.  The protest Saturday came one day after the tribe filed court papers saying it found several sites of "significant cultural and historic value" along the path of the proposed pipeline.  Tribal preservation officer Tim Mentz said in court documents that the tribe was only recently allowed to survey private land north of the Standing Rock Sioux reservation.  Mentz said researchers found burials rock piles called cairns and other sites of historic significance to Native Americans.  

Nevertheless, Federal laws regarding the national preservation of historical and cultural sites not withstanding, the builders of the pipe line appear so focused on rushing to completion of their project that they are willing to trample the sacred rights of Native Americans.  I can't begin to imagine how those calloused bastards would react if a tribe were to start building a road through an all-white cemetery.  

This reaction of mine has nothing to do with my stance on pollution and energy; in fact, I'm all for getting more energy to more Americans at a cheaper price.  However, the actions of those involved in the North Dakota project are outrageous and totally insulting to the dignity of mankind.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Saturday, September 03, 2016

Friday, September 02, 2016



There are several brigades of us Americans who think that every last immigrant in this country who is here illegally should be immediately deported, no questions asked.  Those of us who feel that way got behind Trump from the very first day and some of us may be feeling a little disenfranchised when he now starts equivocating.  

Here's something to ponder.  Our border was, and still is, wide open.  Once an illegal gets here, he or she gets free food, medical care, housing, clothing and even hiring preferences.  We don't track them down and deport them or punish them in any way.  In other words, we're doing everything we can to invite them... to encourage them... to come to the United States and to skip the formalities in the process.  All we ask is that they hot-foot it down to the registrar's office and sign up as a Democrat.  

So, realistically speaking, they're not to blame for being here; we are.  How can we morally justify to ourselves taking the position that they have to be sent back?  

Enjoy chewing on that during the Labor Day barbecue.  See you Tuesday.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Thursday, September 01, 2016



Obama and his fellow hoodlums have spent the last eight years sweeping things under the rug.  He started off by making a fool out of himself over the Cambridge cop story and promptly swept that under the rug after a beer in the Rose Garden.  Then came his claim to 57 states, the Fast and Furious gun-running case, the I.R.S. targeting scandal, the Associated Press spying scandal, the Benghazi Massacre,  the I.S.I.S. "JV Team," the V.A. death stories, the Iranian Nuclear "deal,"  the Iranian Ransom payment... well, you get the gist of it. 

Now, he's got John Kerry out there running around suggesting that if we quit talking about terrorism, it'll go away.   Yep... I.S.I.S. will fold up its bloody tent and disappear into the woodwork if we just quit talking about them.  Sweep them all under the rug and everything will be hunky-dory.  

Well, we've got a huge... huge problem.  ObamaCare is exploding in Obama's face and there's no room left under the rug to hide that mess.  

But, like he says, he's only got less than five months left in office, so who cares?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.