Thursday, March 31, 2016



In the last week or so, say two weeks, the anti-Trump rhetoric and dirty tricks have reached an epidemic proportion.  Republican leaders have been flatly told to attack Trump or to distance themselves from him or lose their favorite committee assignments.  Paul Ryan, the guy who claims to be neutral, has openly tried to undermine the Trump campaign, a la Mitt Romney.  The media has been using phraseology deliberately designed to cast doubt on Trump's ability to lead the country.  And suddenly now the pollsters are saying Cruz is going to trounce Trump in Wisconsin.  

That may, or probably not, be true.  Remember that Cruz told everybody Carson was quitting the race on the eve of the Iowa caucuses.  Are he and his cohorts now trying to convince Trump supporters that Trump is going to lose, so that they either won't vote in Wisconsin or that they will vote for Cruz?  

People do have an inherent desire to vote for the winning side, you know.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Wednesday, March 30, 2016



After San Francisco banned official travel to North Carolina because it refuses to allow transgenders to use the bathrooms of their choice, New York City has joined in the circus.  

This is the way I see it: if you claim you are really a member of the opposite sex, go get a sex change operation.  Until then, stick to the bathroom of your gender.  If you can't handle that, in my book you are simply trying to go take a sick peek at the opposite gender and that is to their detriment.  

After all, transgenders, who in the Sam Hell dealt you a royal flush?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016



Coming to light in the wake of the Flint, Michigan water crisis is the fact that for years, water systems were built with lead-lined pipes in order to deter rusting.  Conservative estimates are that it will cost trillions of dollars to replace those pipes throughout the U.S.  

Does that arbitrarily mean that we have no intentions of fixing the problems and that Americans will just have to suffer through it?  

Well, the unemployment problem in this country is huge.  Think of what a positive economic impact it would be to put people to work on such a project, about the "new" money floating into the country's financial system and about the increased tax revenues to be generated.   This truly is a "shovel ready project" with profound positive impacts... not a boondoggle pipe dream of some imbecilic president.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Monday, March 28, 2016



You will remember two things: (1) the loud and adamant screams from the Republican-controlled U.S. Senate that it would be a cold day in hell before they would consider Obama's nomination of Merrick Garland to the U.S. Supreme Court, and (2) my proclamation at the time that the Republicans were bound and determined to cave in again and to let Obama have his way with them...  regardless of the dangers of throwing the Supreme Court into liberal control.  

Well, (gasp), it appears that I was correct.  Not only have weak-kneed and treacherous Republican Senators been heard to say that they have some difficulty in turning down Garland since they have supported him in the past but, signaling a potential crack in the Senate GOP roadblock, Senator Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley has indicated he would accept submission from the White House of the standard questionnaire for nominees. 

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said, unequivocally, that no nominee of Obama’s to replace Justice Antonin Scalia will receive a vote. And both McConnell and Grassley have said there will be no hearings for Garland’s nomination.  Yet on Tuesday, Sen. Mark Kirk of Illinois is scheduled to be the first Republican senator to meet with Garland.  Kansas Sen. Jerry Moran says that, while he doesn’t support Garland, he believes Obama’s nominee deserves a hearing. And, for her part, Maine Sen. Susan Collins has said she will meet with Garland — and has been pushing colleagues to do so and to hold hearings as well. 

Anyone who votes for one of those two-faced, lying incumbent Senators to be reelected and who at the same time complains about Congress needs to have his or her head thoroughly examined.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Saturday, March 26, 2016


I cannot think of a time in recent history... say the last 100 or even 200 years... where Christianity has been tested like it is being tested today.  

In the time it took you to read that first sentence, who knows how many Christians were butchered by I.S.I.S. or other radical Islamic groups around the world?  Who knows how many governments, including ours, made laws or rules directly contrary to the tenets of Christianity?  Who knows how many crosses were removed from buildings or monuments?  How many students or athletes were penalized for saying a prayer before or after an event?  

Christianity is under attack everywhere in the world and it is becoming painfully obvious that there are those who are actively practicing the act of genocide against believers in the faith.  The day is rapidly approaching when you may be faced with the wrong end of a gun and a demand to praise Allah or die.  

Jesus died on the cross for you.  Are you willing to die in the streets of America for Him?  

Or, do you think the time has come for us to get off our butts and do something about it?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Friday, March 25, 2016



Obama says we have no business being fearful about terrorism.  After all, he insists, if we show fear... that's just want the terrorists want.  Then, having proclaimed his stance, he turns back to his baseball game in Havana and participates in doing "the wave."  

If our president was any other president who has ever served, except perhaps for Carter, we could take those words of reassurance to the bank, knowing full-well that our president had our backs.  But, that is definitely not the case with this jackass.  

Anybody in this country who ventures out into the public needs to be fully alert at all times to anything and everything that just doesn't seem right.  We need to be prepared to report anything that seems out of place to authorities immediately.  We need to be ready to run for our lives.  We need to be packing a loaded gun and we need to know how to use it.  

Anyone who thinks otherwise is ill-prepared to deal with the reality of terrorism in America, as well as the incompetency and unwillingness of our president to deal with it.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Thursday, March 24, 2016



Like it or not, it becomes more apparent each and every day that a holy war, radical Muslims against Christians and Jews, is coming.  In fact, one would be inclined to agree that it has already started.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Wednesday, March 23, 2016



Raul belittles and insults America while Barack tilts his head in agreement.  Meanwhile, back in Washington, the Republicans and Democrats give us their condescending smiles and winks.  

And we continue to allow it.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Tuesday, March 22, 2016



Hillary has made no secret of her admiration for Barack Obama or of her intention to continue the Obama legacy.  

Bill, on the other hand, has just criticized Barack for the "awful legacy of the last eight years" in a speech made in Spokane, Washington.  

I'll bet he's not going to gave any grits for breakfast tomorrow...   

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Monday, March 21, 2016



Barack is off to Cuba.  Look for him to announce a "deal," whereby he gives back Guantanamo Naval Base to Cuba in return for their promise to curb the abuse of their citizens under their socialistic-communistic regime.  It'll be just like the Iranian nuclear "deal," where we bend over on the freeway and take it in the shorts.  

Of course, there will be that obligatory top-secret, undisclosed "side deal," just like the Iranian negotiations ended, whereby we will agree to close the Gitmo terrorist prison there.  And all of the Republicans in Congress will huff and puff and make a whole lot of useless noise, and then we'll all live happily ever after.  

Isn't that all just so sweet?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Saturday, March 19, 2016


Well, I'm back and it will take a few days to get all blogs up and running, but this post needs to be made now.  

I traveled from northern California to central New Mexico, stayed there over a week, and returned.  In the process, I went through California, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico, all of the time wearing a red and white "Make America Great Again" cap.  Now, given the anti-Trump vitriol spewing from Romney and his cohorts, you would have surmised that I was surely taking my life into my own hands. 

But, that was not the result.  I was bombarded with thumbs up gestures, smiling faces and abundant other signs of agreement with the Trump movement.  Not once did I encounter any hostility, but I did meet a lot of people who were ready to set fire to the Republican establishment if it persists on trying to derail the guy they want to vote for in November.  

The "good old boys" like Romney, Ryan, Graham and McConnell, seem to be more than ready to destroy the Republican Party and hand the election to Hillary or Bernie rather than to obey the growing will of the people who are backing Trump.   They don't seem to want to see the party unite unless it's behind their anointed candidate... someone who they can control and make deals with.  

It should be obvious: Trump is headed for the nomination.  That is the will of the party membership. If the party does not unify behind Trump, the party is sealing its own ill fate.   The chore now facing us is to kick all of the incumbent bums out of Congress and to come together behind Trump; that's the only way our goal of restoring this country to its roots will ever occur.  

To the Romneys, Grahams, McConnells and Ryans of the party, I say good riddance...  Go sulk in a Washington bar someplace and enjoy a good Cuban cigar.      

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Wednesday, March 09, 2016


This blog will be suspended for a few days due to a death in the family.  

Tuesday, March 08, 2016



There are voices growing louder every day which insist that we must have people in office, particularly the presidency, who have experience.  Well, we've had almost 30 years of "experience" in the White House and in Congress and just take a look at where we are today.  What they are really saying is, "Unless you belong to our club, you can't get in."  

They've always been able to out-maneuver the wishes of we, the people.  They've picked up the football and refused to allow anyone else into the game while our national debt has become more than burdensome, our country's security has waned, and our American moral and ethical foundations have been summarily trashed.  

Sensing rebellion in the ranks of citizenship, they are now putting on a full-court press in a concerted effort to derail the train and sideline the voices of the people.  The rancor of the "establishment" has grown to the point of becoming a "din of iniquity."  

They are no longer asking... they are demanding that you and I sit down and shut up.  

This is not the time to get a jittery stomach.  We have come this far and they have seen the whites of our eyes which are now red with anger.  But, rather than admit the errors of their ways and make course corrections, they are plowing full steam ahead in an attempt to coerce us into submission.  

But, there's a problem with their blind selfishness:  The so-called malcontents of the nation are on the verge of kicking the pirates off the ship and we mean business.  

We can do this.  We can save our ship from sinking.  All we have to do is to keep our sense of purpose and to seize this moment in history.  We cannot allow anyone to get shaky boots;  pull them up by their bootstraps and keep our movement going forward.  Remember that "United we stand, divided we fall."  

Don't quit now; we can do this.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

Monday, March 07, 2016



The U.S. Government, and in particular the FBI and CIA, are all complete idiots and they don't mind hanging their stupidity diapers out on the line for the whole world to see.  What they're saying is that they do not employ a single information technology expert capable of hacking into that well-known I-Phone.  Accordingly, I have to surmise that they got their brains out of a Cracker Jack box.  

I'm not alone in my opinion.  BIZ PAC REVIEW reports "Cybersecurity expert and Libertarian Party presidential candidate John McAfee said Apple could unlock the San Bernardino terrorist’s iPhone for the FBI in about half an hour." 

"According to McAfee, both Apple and the FBI are well aware of this. But if the FBI doesn’t know how to unlock the iPhone, then the public should be alarmed at its complete lack of technical prowess.  'If they don’t know it, well then it’s tragic. If they do know it, then they are deceiving the American public and Apple and everyone else by asking for a universal key,' McAfee said."

I'd venture that there well over 1,000 IT types in Silicon Valley alone who could crack that phone.  Add that to the Russian, Chinese, Iranian and North Korean hacks who undoubtedly were shuffling through Hillary's private server and the number could be twice that.  

So, who is kidding who?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Saturday, March 05, 2016


One of the things you have not heard in the Republican diatribes against Donald Trump is any promise or indication whatsoever that the Party is going to respond the angry voters by mending its ways.  

That certainly speaks volumes, doesn't it?

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Friday, March 04, 2016



Before we can succeed at taking back America, we absolutely must take back control of the Republican Party.  We cannot succeed if those in the halls of Congress refuse to get along and support their president; we cannot succeed if the "power brokers" in the Party continue to prioritize their own, corrupt agendas in front of the needs of the country.  

Let's face it: the Party members have had no voice whatever in the workings of the Party ever since Ronald Reagan left office.  In fact, those in power in the Party have done everything possible to secure and maintain their seats of power, as necessary to the exclusion of the wishes of the Party members and American citizens.  

And look at where their selfish "leadership" has led the Party.  

Against the predominant wishes of Party members, they managed to maneuver McCain into the nomination in 2008 and they followed that up by maneuvering Romney into the role in 2012... again against the wishes and desires of Party members.  Both failed the Party and America miserably.  

Once again, the Republican power brokers are now trying to retain their blind control and install "their man" into the candidate's seat.  In the first of what I see as a forthcoming barrage of demonic speeches, they trot out Mitt Romney to tell the Party members who they are compelled to vote for.  In doing so, they cast aspersions of bone-headed stupidity upon those who would vote for Trump... or even Cruz, for that matter.  

With Bush and Christie out of the race, they have chosen Marco Rubio to be their "anointed one."  If you don't like it, you're branded as being a despicable traitor and dumb beyond description.  

As I see it, this is the moment of truth.  This is where the rubber meets the road, and the question is whether we want and will accept more of the same ol' same old, or whether we are ready to send the useless and treacherous Republican hierarchy marching down the sidewalk with their canine tails tucked between their legs.   

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Thursday, March 03, 2016



Although more than 76,000 Syrian refugees have already been placed in over 180 cities over recent years, and although Congress has agreed to 10,000 more this year, Barack Obama has been quietly working on getting even more Syrian refugees into the country.  His moves fly in the face of heavy resistance on the part of virtually every city in the country, as well as the track record of the refugees in European countries.  

According to, Obama’s move to increase the inflow of Muslims comes only two months after hundreds of refugees coursed through Cologne, Germany on New Year’s Day attacking women, beating citizens, destroying and stealing private property, and committing rape. Similar incidents have been happening in Calais, France, where thousands of refugees have filled a camp near town; this has become so bad, it has been called “the jungle.” 

Nearly all immigrants from the Middle East are dependent on welfare and some also embrace jihad.  

We have every right to impeach this president.  If he's not a Muslim, he most surely acts like one. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Wednesday, March 02, 2016



In the final hours before yesterday's elections, the well-known stuff hit the fan in the Republican Party.  The "establishment" is so incensed that a total outsider can come in and "steal" their power and thunder that they have actually gone around the bend and totally "lost" it.  

Almost too late before Trump could do damage control, they tagged him with being associated with the Ku Klux Klan.  Now, the guy hires Hispanics, blacks, Poles, Chinese and even some whites.... how can you attach him to a radical racist cult like the KKK?  It makes no sense.  But, that wasn't the end of it.  

Monday night, much too late for Trump to do damage control, the effluent stink wafted out into the countryside about a so-called "secret" and off-the-record meeting Trump had with the NEW YORK TIMES in January, where he allegedly said that his push to control the borders and build a wall was simply a tool to get him the nomination and that he would drop the plan after winning the White House.  The NEW YORK TIMES was quick to say they couldn't and wouldn't release the "recording" of the meeting unless Trump agreed, because it was "off-the-record."  How convenient.  It's plain for anyone to see through this dirty trick.  It smells like a Cruz move.  

In a last ditch effort to sideline Trump, House Speaker Paul Ryan, who opened his slimy mouth a few weeks ago about Trump and then hastily said he wasn't going to interfere with the GOP nomination process anymore, flapped off at the gums about the KKK allegations and pronounced that the Republican Party would not tolerate or allow any nominee who was racist, a sentiment with which I would be obliged to agree with, were it true.  Mitch McConnell... the so-called bastion of Washington propriety, was quick to jump on the anti-Trump rhetoric.    

It's obvious: if they can't have their way because the damned party members insist on backing Trump, they intend to drive a few trainloads of manure into the arena and make total fools and asses of themselves, convincing the Republican base and all of the rest of the country that their lust for power and control has driven them stark-raving mad.   

I can hear them snarling in the smoke-filled back rooms of Washington right now: "Where's John Wilkes Booth when you really need him?"  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Tuesday, March 01, 2016



For the last three days, every cable and broadcast news channel program has been glued to today, Super Tuesday, and the proliferation of political commentary and claims by the candidates.  There's been no other news... What's going on with the Syrian cease-fire?   What's the latest absurdity from the midget in North Korea?  When are they going to start working on that wall along the Mexican border that Vicente Fox is going to pay for?

Who in the hell is Oscar and why are they giving him awards?  Is it true that Lindsay Lohan married Charlie Sheen?  Did Michael Bloomberg really join the NRA?  Did Barack Obama nominate Nancy Pelosi to the Supreme Court?  Did Putin decide to get out of the Ukraine?  Is it true that Hillary has agreed to tell the truth about Benghazi?  Has Debbie Wasserman Schultz go in for a face transplant?  

These are all important questions to which we desperately need the answers and all the media is talking about is the damned elections.  Yeah, I know that Rubio is now saying he is the best qualified to be president, because his ears are bigger than Obama's.  

Who cares?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.