Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Unless earth-shattering events occur which require my immediate interpretation and intervention, MY AMERICAN OPINION will return on October 1, 2015. 

Monday, September 21, 2015



Tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing the ISIS- stricken Middle East are landing on Europe's doorstop and Europe is totally unprepared and unwilling to deal with them.  Other nations in the Middle East, such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia, don't want them either.  We surely don't want them; after all, they could be seeded with terrorists and they'll undoubtedly vote like progressive socialists.   Besides, why should we take them in, when we've historically been the dumping ground for the rest of the world anyway.  

Don't get me wrong; this is not any assertion on my part that we need to take them in.  This country has been split apart badly enough by the Obama regime that any straw might break the eagle's back.  

Maybe we could sell them as slaves.  I mean, they're not really wanted by anybody, so they're useless.  In a sense, they're like dead fetus tissue, so why not sell them?  Some people might think that's an ugly statement, pointing out that fetuses are "human beings."  But, we kill fetuses and sell the parts, don't we?  

So, what's wrong with selling the refugees as slaves?  The ones that don't sell, we can abort.  Kill them and sell the body parts.  Just think of the organs and limbs that can be harvested for the needy.  

Hell, we might even find a new brain for Obama or a new mouth for Al Sharpton.   

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Saturday, September 19, 2015


There's an email floating around which suggests President Hoover deported "all" illegal aliens to create jobs for Americans, that President Truman deported over two million illegal aliens to create jobs for returning veterans after WWII, and that President Eisenhower exported 13 million Mexicans under "Operation Wetback."  

Generally speaking, the stories have some truth, but the facts are skewed.  Hoover intimidated about 121,000 illegals to depart; Truman did chase 3.4 million back across the border through deportation or threat of deportation; and Eisenhower ran off 2.1 million under "Operation Wetback."  But, it is also generally accepted that all illegal aliens were removed from the country during those purges.  As a matter of fact, the Mexican government actually sent troops to the border to keep Mexicans from crossing into the U.S.  

With that background, let's examine the problem of 13 million or more, (probably much more), illegals in the country today.  What do we do with them?  To me, the argument that it is physically impossible to deport all of them due to cost and logistics is a bogus argument.  They drain our national resources through welfare programs and medical expenses far more than the cost of rounding them up and deporting them.  We have so much unemployment in the country right now that would be alleviated if those 13 million weren't here, and many of those unemployed could be used in temporary positions doing the actual moving of the illegals back to Mexico.  

The next question is the anchor baby and the splitting up of families in order to accomplish all of this deportation.  That question tugs at my heartstrings; although it is not our fault that illegals had kids born in the U.S.  And although I disagree vehemently against the "anchor baby" philosophy, we're stuck with the problem and it seems to me that the only logical and humanitarian way to deal with it is to provide some accommodation... some way for the illegals to stay here IF they meet certain requirements above and beyond those placed on legal immigrants.  

That's how I size the situation up: (1) deport all illegals who have a criminal history regardless of other facts; (2) deport all illegal aliens who do not have anchor babies here and (3) provide an avenue for the illegals with anchor babies with some avenue for staying... requirements which they must meet within a certain time period or be deported.  To deport them and then allow them back after they meet those requirements is cumbersome and doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.  

But... and this is an important but... we have to seal the border off first.  But, building a wall goes against my grain.  Let's tell Mexico that they either have to build a wall, or that they have to put troops back on the border and stop illegal immigration, or we are going to pull all of our businesses out of Mexico and cut off our foreign aid to them.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Friday, September 18, 2015



So, Trump hasn't really issued any policy statements and you can't ask him a question of substance and get a straight answer.  All he keeps saying is that he's going to hire the best people and together they, we and Trump will make America great again.  Indeed, many would say that America is already great, so what in the hell is he talking bout?  

Is he for real, or is he simply another big blowhard?  

Let me begin by saying that America was a great country, but our ship of state has lost its way and we are no longer great.  Let's face it: we are, in fact, a second-rate nation.  We got there by sitting on our duffs and not paying attention to what was going on in Washington ever since the day Ronald Regan left office, and we capped our irresponsibility off by electing and re-electing Barack Obama to office and backing him up with the horrible Congress that we now are faced with.  

Secondly, any good manager is going to surround himself with good people who know what they are doing and who will give knowledgeable and straight advice.  So, if you're a good manager who can make good decisions based on good advice, then you don't need to know a while lot about any given subject... if you surround yourself with competent people.  We all know that this is Obama's biggest failure: he surrounded himself with a bunch of idiots and ran off anybody who was competent.  

Third, when you're in a race to win, why do you want to come out and reveal your strategies too early in the ball game?  You're just giving your opponents the opportunity to glomb onto your ideas and claim them for themselves.  

That all having been said, there will come a time in the not-too-distant future when Trump is going to have to name some of the people he's going to be depending on and he's going to have to develop positions on the important issues of the day.  

I think we all might be pleasantly surprised when that day comes.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Thursday, September 17, 2015



When you back away from the human tragedy involved and take a broader look at what is happening in the Middle East with the huge and urgent migration to Europe by fleeing refugees, you have to acknowledge the fact that Assad and Putin are brilliantly underscoring that Obama is not only inept... he's a lamebrain.  

Assad has two problems on his hands, being ISIS and Syrian rebels.  Putin, on the other hand, desperately wants to gain influence and control in Europe.  

So, here's the picture:  Chasing Syrians out of Syria reduces both the military and the economic issues associated with dealing with the rebels and caring for the homeless.  The ISIS firestorm is creating terror in the hearts and minds of everyone in the Middle East, including the Syrian rebels. So Assad is issuing passports to anyone who wants to leave the country.  

The hoards of refugees coming out of Syria, Libya, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan have Europe in total turmoil.  How can the European nations cope with the affects of such migration both from a humanitarian standpoint and from an economic standpoint, especially when their economies are fragile as it is?  Imagine what is going to happen there in the approaching months as temperatures plummet and the snow flies; surely, the fuel bills for European nations are going to go sky high, and it's Russia who supplies most of the fuel.  

After the rebels leave Syria, Assad can partner with Putin to go and kick the hell out of ISIS.  This is a win win situation for both Assad and Putin, and it will leave Syria in an ideal position to join forces with Iran and seize total control of the Middle East; there won't be anybody left to defend those other nations.  And there's the added benefit of being able to salt the legions of refugees with scores of Islamic militant terrorists to create more havoc around the world.  

Of course, none of this would be happening if Obama had kept forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Now, the big bear of Russia is in charge and many Biblical prophesies loom.  Obama, on the other hand, is still wondering WTF happened.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Wednesday, September 16, 2015



Rand Paul has made a stupid move: He says Donald Trump has a temper and then asks how we can trust the guy to be in charge of our nuclear weapons.  Well, Rand doesn't bother to justify why the United States Senate, of which he is a member, allowed Iran to have nukes.  But then again, I suspect that Rand Paul is more of a pacifist than Barack Obama.  

It's evident that the Democrats, the establishment Republicans, the press, the media... every facet of our national community which has let our country down for so many decades... is now singing the Dump Trump chorus.  They've been saying since the start of this campaign that Trump would never last, but he's been climbing steadily in the polls; the higher the poll numbers, the more we've been hearing the cries of lament.  Now, Carson pulls closer to Trump and suddenly... all of those naysayers are saying that Trump is finished.  

Lost in the incessant noise is the fact that this country is in deep jeopardy and we are absolutely going to have to choose the right person to be our next president.  And while we're at it, we need to clean out Congress as well.  This is much too important an election to allow it to become a battle of personalities.  It needs to be confined to a battle of principles, abilities and agendas to get things done.  

We cannot turn our backs on America now.  Let's quit the sideshow routine and get down to the nitty-gritty of choosing a president and a Congress who will step up to the plate and set things straight.  To me, there are four people on the trail who meet my criteria: Trump, Cruz, Carson and Fiorina.  Let's skip the bull and get down to the business of deciding which one of those four has the best chance of getting the job done.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015



Congress has proven itself one more time to be more useless that teats on a boar hog.  They're all snarl and no bite.  They don't have the backbone to stand up for what is right for the country, if indeed they are capable of determining any difference between right and wrong.  They are corrupt and self-serving.  There is nothing I can say about them that is low enough or despicable enough to adequately characterize their anti-American uselessness.  

What's worse is that they don't care... they don't give a damn whether we Americans like their malfeasance and misfeasance or not.  Otherwise, they would have seen the errors of their ways and would have taken steps to correct them long, long ago... decades ago.  

This latest in a seemingly endless series of atrocities against our Constitution, caving into an imperial president and allowing a mortal enemy to gain more weapons of mass destruction while turning loose of $150 billion in cash to finance their horrors of terrorism upon humanity in the Middle East, is an unimaginable and treasonous act.  

This is our country, certainly not theirs.  They need to start cleaning out their cozy, comfy offices and packing up.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Monday, September 14, 2015






Saturday, September 12, 2015





Friday, September 11, 2015



By giving Iran the nuclear bomb.  

There's not one single Republican in Congress that I would ever vote for again.  They say that if we elect a Republican president, they will cancel "the deal."  I say bullshit... there's not been one such promise made that they've kept since Ronald Reagan left office... not one.  

They're not Americans... they're cowards.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Thursday, September 10, 2015



One thing the Kim Davis controversy has accomplished is that it has awakened Americans to the fact that our religious rights are being trampled upon by those in office who have perverted the provisions of our Constitution to their own use.  When I say "those in office," I include the Congress, the president and the Supreme Court.  

But, that's only the tip of the iceberg.  When you step back and take a look at it, you should understand that we are losing all of our freedoms.  We can no longer say what we think, for example.  Yes, freedom of speech is under attack.  Our right to bear arms is being diminished.  Our right to secure borders is being eradicated.  Our right to a secure nation... the government must provide for our security... is greatly reduced.  

In fact, our fundamental right to run this country as citizens has already been destroyed.  The stark reality is that the vast majority of Americans does not want this Iran "deal," but our government... the president and the Congress...  is going to have its way and there appears to be not a damned thing we can do about it.  

Well, there is one thing that is striking fear in the hearts and minds of today's politicians... the fear that somehow, some way... Donald Trump is going to end up being elected President.  As disagreeable as that prospect might be to some of us, if it is the only way we can reclaim our rights in this country, then I submit that we have no choice.  

And that, my friends, is MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Wednesday, September 09, 2015



Russia has been sending cargo ships and flights full of military weapons to aid Syria in its fight against the anti-Assad rebels there.  Obama and Kerry have admonished Putin and Sergey Lavrov that they had better stop it, or else.  Kerry's State Department warned that Russia's continued actions could "further escalate the conflict" and "risk confrontation with the anti-ISIL Coalition operating in Syria." The shipments, however, continue as Lavrov insists the weapons are meant to help Syria in its fight against the ISIL terrorists.  There are also strong indications that Russia is building a military base there. 

Word has it that Marxist Paint Company has received an order from the U.S. Government for 100,000 gallons of red paint suitable for drawing lines in the sand.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Tuesday, September 08, 2015



The annual anniversary of that horrible day in 2001 is only three days away.   Have we learned anything during those 14 years in the interim?  

I mean, it's been relatively peaceful here at home.  There have been a few random acts of terrorist murders, but nothing even remotely resembling what happened in 2001 has transpired.  So, have we become too complacent?  

Just what has changed?  

Well, not all that much has really changed.  We went in and cleaned up Afghanistan and Iraq, but things there are really worse now than they were then.  The Taliban is on the rise again and between Al Qaeda and ISIS there are more terrorists... much more wicked and ugly terrorists... than there were in 2001.  Iran is on the road to having its nuclear weapons and the United States is the laughing stock of North Korea, Russia, China, Iran, Syria... In 2001, even Bin Laden shuddered at what he knew in his heart would be American response to the impending doom, but today? 

We've drawn our share of meaningless red lines in the sand here and there.  We thought we were getting away from war, but we have a war against whites and on cops going on right here at home.  Our country is more divided than it has ever been, split into so many opposing factions that no modern-day computer can keep track of them.  We've got a few "outsiders" horning in on the traditional political circus and the "good old boys" in Washington are shaking in their socks at the prospect.  

Actually, although we all thought that the demise of the twin towers was going to be a stark wake-up call for Americans, I think we're much worse off in 2015 than we were at the same time in 2001.  After all, in those days... right or wrong... we had an American in the White House.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Friday, September 04, 2015



With the national opposition to the Iranian nuclear "deal" being what it is, and with Congress being impotent and unable to stop such a disastrous event, the proof is in the mud...

Obama can do anything he wants and there's nothing Congress can do about anything he does, so they may as well recess until January of 2017 because they're as worthless as teats on a boar hog.  

I'm done posting until the 8th, and it will NOT be a happy Labor Day for this American.    

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Thursday, September 03, 2015




With the announcement yesterday that Senator Barbara Mikulski will not vote to override a presidential veto of the Iranian nuclear "deal," Obama has told the vast majority of Americans and Congressional members who are against the deal... "Up yours, I don't give a damn what you think or want, I win.  Period."  

And he's selling our national security and the security of the world straight down the drain.  

The Republicans were complicit in this tragedy when they caved in and allowed that the "deal" was not a treaty which would require Senate approval; in turn, the number of votes required to stop the "deal" decreased.  

This is truly horrible, horrible bullshit, and it stinks that way.


That's MY AMERICAN OUTRAGE, respectfully submitted. 

Wednesday, September 02, 2015



BREITBART NEWS reports that on August 28, the NRA presented ATF and FBI data showing Americans have purchased “170 million new guns” since 1991, and violent crime has fallen “51 percent.”  “Since ’91, Americans have acquired over 170 million new firearms and violent crimes have declined by 51%.”  

That having been said, the country is now in a scary situation.  We have blacks vocally pledging to kill whites, and white cops in particular.  We have terrorists anxious and plotting to inflict fear by killing hundreds or thousands of Americans right here on our streets.  And our government.. the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security and the White House... are not even talking about it, let alone doing anything about it.  

We're on the virtual precipice of anarchy.  Can you imagine what sitting ducks we would be if we didn't have guns?  

Can you imagine how much better prepared we would be if we all owned guns?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Tuesday, September 01, 2015



It's obvious to all of us; our government officers suck.  

Now, what do we do about it?  How do we make the decisions this political season to get us the hell out of this mess as fast as possible?  

First of all, w have to recognize that the current administration has been going about its "change" for six and-a-half years already and will have been at it for eight years when Obama leaves office.  Secondly, we are all aware that our Congress is widely rated as being the worst Congress the country has ever had going back beyond those eight years.  

You don't undo all of this over night, and NO president is going to be able to do it without the Congress behind him or her and without the American people behind Congress.  So, when we're talking about changing out the president, we also really need to be looking at changing out the Congress as well.  

In the White House, we need someone who can stop this Ship of State in its tracks and turn it around.  That will in and of itself be a monumental task.  Most importantly, our president and Congress need to work hand-in-hand to rebuild the trust of the American people and our allies abroad.  We need to rebuild the military, just as we need to rebuild our relationships with nations around the world.  We need to get rid of most of the thousands of ridiculous and burdensome regulations that have been heaped upon us and our businesses in order to free up our national economic engine.  And we're going to have to deal with immigration, the borders, and the ugly specter of  increasing racism.  

We have become a country divided in so many ways that we've literally become a nation of mincemeat.  

It's going to take strong, hands-on leadership by people who are willing to sacrifice personal agendas and to place America first every hour of every day of every week.  

Who among all of these presidential candidates do you think has the background, the guts... the determination and the patriotism to get the job done?  And who of your Congressional candidates to you feel has those same qualities as well as the ability to work with a strong leader in the White House?  

Those are the questions we need to asking.  The time has come for us to quit listening to fancy speeches and promises that we know are going to be broken.  I think we've had enough of that.  Let's start taking a very close look at the real substance of our candidates and let us vow forever never to allow our country to be in this condition again.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.