You can't call a Black a Nigger? You can't call an Italian a WOP? You can't call an illegal Mexican a Wetback?
I beg your pardon. This is America and I have the freedom here to say what I want. And that, my friend is a fact.
Well, you say, calling a Black is Nigger is inflammatory. On and on, and I agree with those sentiments. But, burning the American Flag is also inflammatory, just as is raising a ruckus at a military funeral.
When the Bill of Right was written, I feel that the framers of the Constitution expected that the populace would have a certain amount of common sense and self-dignity. I don't know that they expected how degraded the fundamental fabric of our society would eventually become.
So, is it right that a fragment of our society would deliberately go out and get in the Muslim face in Phoenix or anywhere else with an anti-Muslim message? Right next to a Mosque? After a previous such event in Texas turned deadly?
I think we can all agree that these are dumb moves, just like yelling "Fire" in a crowded Chicago theater when there was no fire.
In my opinion, the right to free speech comes with an obligation, the obligation being not to use that right for incendiary purposes. From a realistic standpoint, if you cross the lines of propriety frequently enough, isn't a just society justified in creating laws and regulations against it?
So, the people in Phoenix have crossed that line in my opinion. Are we willing to sacrifice the right to free speech over that transgression? No. We have the obligation to speak out against it and to chastise such a distasteful act.
But, I will defend till my dying day the right to do it.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Friday, May 29, 2015
Federal prosecutors have indicted former House Speaker Dennis Hastert on money charges. He stands accused of structuring $925,000 in cash withdrawals from his accounts so that they would not be covered under the various federal cash reporting acts. The withdrawals were supposedly made to enable him to pay another individual's blackmail demands regarding prior Hastert misconduct.
Okay, so Haster got caught up in a trap, evidently created by his own doing. We don't know much beyond what is stated above.
What I'd like to know is when the feds are going to indict Clinton for her schemes or Obama for his treasonous and impeachable offenses. Not that their conduct justifies Hastert's getting away with his, but let's get the politics out of the way and see some good old-fashioned justice in this country... for all concerned.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Federal prosecutors have indicted former House Speaker Dennis Hastert on money charges. He stands accused of structuring $925,000 in cash withdrawals from his accounts so that they would not be covered under the various federal cash reporting acts. The withdrawals were supposedly made to enable him to pay another individual's blackmail demands regarding prior Hastert misconduct.
Okay, so Haster got caught up in a trap, evidently created by his own doing. We don't know much beyond what is stated above.
What I'd like to know is when the feds are going to indict Clinton for her schemes or Obama for his treasonous and impeachable offenses. Not that their conduct justifies Hastert's getting away with his, but let's get the politics out of the way and see some good old-fashioned justice in this country... for all concerned.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
So there you are, a cop in Baltimore, and you get a call for help. You show up at the scene and you are immediately surrounded by 20, 30 or more locals carrying cameras and shouting epithets. What do you do? How can you effectively deal with the reason for the call, whether it be a murder, rape, heart attack or domestic spat?
The murder and violent crime rate in Baltimore has soared and the cops, instead of the thugs, are the ones in handcuffs.
What's upside down in this picture, and why are we tolerating it? Why doesn't somebody have the guts to tell it like it is: If you don't want the cops coming to your door or street to arrest you, if you don't want to risk getting a boo boo, obey the damned law.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
So there you are, a cop in Baltimore, and you get a call for help. You show up at the scene and you are immediately surrounded by 20, 30 or more locals carrying cameras and shouting epithets. What do you do? How can you effectively deal with the reason for the call, whether it be a murder, rape, heart attack or domestic spat?
The murder and violent crime rate in Baltimore has soared and the cops, instead of the thugs, are the ones in handcuffs.
What's upside down in this picture, and why are we tolerating it? Why doesn't somebody have the guts to tell it like it is: If you don't want the cops coming to your door or street to arrest you, if you don't want to risk getting a boo boo, obey the damned law.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
A federal appeals court refused yesterday to allow the implementation of President Obama's executive action that could shield from deportation as many as 5 million illegal immigrants. The U.S. Justice Department had asked the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to reverse a U.S. District Judge's earlier decision temporarily halting the administration's plan. The majority opinion reasoned that lifting the temporary stay could cause serious problems for states should they ultimately win their challenge. It said the states have shown that "issuance of the stay will substantially injure" them.
The long and short of this ruling is that the court appears to be leaning toward nullifying Obama's Executive Order on amnesty for millions of illegal aliens.
Obama's executive overreaches have defied Constitutional provisions on many fronts. Allowing even one of his orders to stand opens the door for total destruction of the document upon which America was founded, which has been Obama's stated goal from the very beginning.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
A federal appeals court refused yesterday to allow the implementation of President Obama's executive action that could shield from deportation as many as 5 million illegal immigrants. The U.S. Justice Department had asked the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to reverse a U.S. District Judge's earlier decision temporarily halting the administration's plan. The majority opinion reasoned that lifting the temporary stay could cause serious problems for states should they ultimately win their challenge. It said the states have shown that "issuance of the stay will substantially injure" them.
The long and short of this ruling is that the court appears to be leaning toward nullifying Obama's Executive Order on amnesty for millions of illegal aliens.
Obama's executive overreaches have defied Constitutional provisions on many fronts. Allowing even one of his orders to stand opens the door for total destruction of the document upon which America was founded, which has been Obama's stated goal from the very beginning.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
I think it is quite evident by this point in time that I.S.I.S. is on the rampage all over the Middle East. The president's "strategy" of having the locals deal with the situation is fundamentally flawed, because you have Shiites fighting Sunnis, Syrian rebels fighting Assad, Iran fighting Iraq... they are so busy fighting each other that it is difficult, probably impossible, to create a coalition that is able to deal effectively with I.S.I.S.
So what? One is tempted to let them all shoot it out with each other and to keep our noses out of it. Yet, it is also evident that, once their caliphate is established, the I.S.I.S. militants are going to continue their relentless pursuit of world domination. All of which inevitably leads me to the question: At what point in this steady march are we... Americans... going to stand up and commit to the defeat of I.S.I.S.? What will be the turning point? Moreover, should we wait for them to define the moment that we've had enough?
The argument I hear frequently is that I.S.I.S. is just egging us on, deliberately trying to get us to put boots on the ground. They want to fight us. So, why should we give them what they want? We'll show them a thing or two... we just simply won't respond.
And where, I might ask, will that "strategy" get us?
The time is coming, with increasing speed, when we are going to have no choice but to grab guns and defend ourselves. Personally, the thought of their raping, pillaging and murderous ways running violently around our homeland doesn't really turn me on. We're not going to have a choice, any more than we had a choice against Hitler. Granted, the thought of this president trying to lead us into battle against I.S.I.S. doesn't turn me on, either. Since he doesn't seem to know how to deal from a position of strength, I'm inclined to think the picture of his trying to be a Franklin Roosevelt or Harry Truman is, sadly, a laughing matter.
But, the new Day of Infamy is on the horizon, and we Americans are going to have to make a critical decision.. probably long before Obama leaves office. As distasteful as that proposition might seem, the events of history and the threat of seeing evil defeat good in the world are all combining, leading us toward the thunderous and horrible days of war once again.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
I think it is quite evident by this point in time that I.S.I.S. is on the rampage all over the Middle East. The president's "strategy" of having the locals deal with the situation is fundamentally flawed, because you have Shiites fighting Sunnis, Syrian rebels fighting Assad, Iran fighting Iraq... they are so busy fighting each other that it is difficult, probably impossible, to create a coalition that is able to deal effectively with I.S.I.S.
So what? One is tempted to let them all shoot it out with each other and to keep our noses out of it. Yet, it is also evident that, once their caliphate is established, the I.S.I.S. militants are going to continue their relentless pursuit of world domination. All of which inevitably leads me to the question: At what point in this steady march are we... Americans... going to stand up and commit to the defeat of I.S.I.S.? What will be the turning point? Moreover, should we wait for them to define the moment that we've had enough?
The argument I hear frequently is that I.S.I.S. is just egging us on, deliberately trying to get us to put boots on the ground. They want to fight us. So, why should we give them what they want? We'll show them a thing or two... we just simply won't respond.
And where, I might ask, will that "strategy" get us?
The time is coming, with increasing speed, when we are going to have no choice but to grab guns and defend ourselves. Personally, the thought of their raping, pillaging and murderous ways running violently around our homeland doesn't really turn me on. We're not going to have a choice, any more than we had a choice against Hitler. Granted, the thought of this president trying to lead us into battle against I.S.I.S. doesn't turn me on, either. Since he doesn't seem to know how to deal from a position of strength, I'm inclined to think the picture of his trying to be a Franklin Roosevelt or Harry Truman is, sadly, a laughing matter.
But, the new Day of Infamy is on the horizon, and we Americans are going to have to make a critical decision.. probably long before Obama leaves office. As distasteful as that proposition might seem, the events of history and the threat of seeing evil defeat good in the world are all combining, leading us toward the thunderous and horrible days of war once again.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Monday, May 25, 2015
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's pile of cash is not the only big money being put on the line against American gun ownership and the Second Amendment. Bill Gates, Steven Ballmer, Paul Allen and Nick Hanauer have added $4 million to Bloomberg's $3.5 million in a bid to outlaw all private citizen gun ownership in the United States.
Their game plan is to... state by state... initiate a national requirement for gun registration; they can't confiscate our guns until they know who owns what. Unfortunately, they're all on anti-gun steroids and are oblivious to the truth that the thieves, murderers and other criminals of the country are highly unlikely to go running down to the police station to register their guns when such laws are enacted. Somehow, they believe that if they can seize the gun in the closet of their law-abiding neighbor, they will be safer.
In enacting these laws, the group is making criminals out of you and me. How many people have YOU shot and killed lately? On the other hand, how many violent crimes have been stopped in their tracks because some gun-bearing Good Samaritan citizen interfered long before the cops could arrive at the scene? And, it's bad enough that there are violent criminals out there, like the guy who took down that Washington D.C. family and torched their house; but what about the advent of radical terrorism right here on the homeland?
If they really and sincerely want to reduce violent crime and killings, why aren't they using their money to fund comprehensive and objective studies into the root causes of criminal behavior?
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Their game plan is to... state by state... initiate a national requirement for gun registration; they can't confiscate our guns until they know who owns what. Unfortunately, they're all on anti-gun steroids and are oblivious to the truth that the thieves, murderers and other criminals of the country are highly unlikely to go running down to the police station to register their guns when such laws are enacted. Somehow, they believe that if they can seize the gun in the closet of their law-abiding neighbor, they will be safer.
In enacting these laws, the group is making criminals out of you and me. How many people have YOU shot and killed lately? On the other hand, how many violent crimes have been stopped in their tracks because some gun-bearing Good Samaritan citizen interfered long before the cops could arrive at the scene? And, it's bad enough that there are violent criminals out there, like the guy who took down that Washington D.C. family and torched their house; but what about the advent of radical terrorism right here on the homeland?
If they really and sincerely want to reduce violent crime and killings, why aren't they using their money to fund comprehensive and objective studies into the root causes of criminal behavior?
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Friday, May 22, 2015
Surely, anybody with any experience or knowledge of war should be able to recognize this fact:
We may not wish to jeopardize the lives of our young men and women by tackling I.S.I.S. in the Middle East today, but unless we do, we're going to be jeopardizing the lives of our entire country right here at home tomorrow.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Surely, anybody with any experience or knowledge of war should be able to recognize this fact:
We may not wish to jeopardize the lives of our young men and women by tackling I.S.I.S. in the Middle East today, but unless we do, we're going to be jeopardizing the lives of our entire country right here at home tomorrow.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
This is our country, our freedom, our way of life. These are things our forefathers gave their lives for.
Why in God's name are we allowing our president and his Secretary to treat our national security with such cavalier nonchalance? We're getting our fannies whipped badly in Iraq, Syria, Yemen... our noses are being rubbed into the dung at the Tehran "negotiating" tables... and all those silly bastards can manage to say is, "We've had a slight setback."
I'm angry, I'm scared. We're in deep national security trouble and we're being misled into thinking we should be behaving like docile, complacent sheep.
If we allow ourselves to be lulled into sleep for another 18 months, the I.S.I.S. flag may well be flying over the White House before this s.o.b. leaves office.
Will they stilling be calling it a "temporary" setback then?
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
This is our country, our freedom, our way of life. These are things our forefathers gave their lives for.
Why in God's name are we allowing our president and his Secretary to treat our national security with such cavalier nonchalance? We're getting our fannies whipped badly in Iraq, Syria, Yemen... our noses are being rubbed into the dung at the Tehran "negotiating" tables... and all those silly bastards can manage to say is, "We've had a slight setback."
I'm angry, I'm scared. We're in deep national security trouble and we're being misled into thinking we should be behaving like docile, complacent sheep.
If we allow ourselves to be lulled into sleep for another 18 months, the I.S.I.S. flag may well be flying over the White House before this s.o.b. leaves office.
Will they stilling be calling it a "temporary" setback then?
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Washington D.C.'s concealed carry law says applicants for a permit must show “a good reason to fear injury to his or her person, which shall at a minimum require a showing of a special need for self protection distinguishable from the general community” This bull language was written after the Supreme Court ruled that residents can own guns and that D.C. had to create an avenue for such residents to carry concealed.
On Monday, a federal judge struck down DC’s concealed carry law as being unconstitutional.
The decision was logical. The law, as it was being read and applied, practically required that a criminal be holding a gun to an applicant's head before a concealed carry permit would be issued. It was a blatant attempt to continue the denial of concealed carry permit in the face of opposing judicial review.
To my knowledge, by the way, no person authorized or permitted by a state or local government to carry a concealed weapon has ever been involved in a gun crime. So, what is this insidious push to ban their carry really all about?
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Washington D.C.'s concealed carry law says applicants for a permit must show “a good reason to fear injury to his or her person, which shall at a minimum require a showing of a special need for self protection distinguishable from the general community” This bull language was written after the Supreme Court ruled that residents can own guns and that D.C. had to create an avenue for such residents to carry concealed.
On Monday, a federal judge struck down DC’s concealed carry law as being unconstitutional.
The decision was logical. The law, as it was being read and applied, practically required that a criminal be holding a gun to an applicant's head before a concealed carry permit would be issued. It was a blatant attempt to continue the denial of concealed carry permit in the face of opposing judicial review.
To my knowledge, by the way, no person authorized or permitted by a state or local government to carry a concealed weapon has ever been involved in a gun crime. So, what is this insidious push to ban their carry really all about?
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Most so-called modern-day "journalists" have sold their souls for money, for power or to hold onto their jobs. A very large chunk of them have spouses or other close relatives working in high government positions, most notably including the White House. In short, not only does journalistic objectivity no longer exist, it has morphed into being a torch for political agendas.
Modern-day journalism has become a total propaganda machine for the left-wing-liberal establishment.
Here you have the NEW YORK TIMES, the NBC organizations and CNN with declining revenues and ratings down the toilet; but, they're so oblivious to the fact that Americans don't trust a thing they report anymore that they blame the Internet.
What's the point of reading a newspaper or watching a news program if you cannot trust the content?
There's only one person that I have a lower opinion of than a Congressman or the current president... and that's a "journalist" on a mission. They have no morals, no ethics, no principles and no right to be in print in America, because they refuse to report the truth.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectively submitted.
Most so-called modern-day "journalists" have sold their souls for money, for power or to hold onto their jobs. A very large chunk of them have spouses or other close relatives working in high government positions, most notably including the White House. In short, not only does journalistic objectivity no longer exist, it has morphed into being a torch for political agendas.
Modern-day journalism has become a total propaganda machine for the left-wing-liberal establishment.
Here you have the NEW YORK TIMES, the NBC organizations and CNN with declining revenues and ratings down the toilet; but, they're so oblivious to the fact that Americans don't trust a thing they report anymore that they blame the Internet.
What's the point of reading a newspaper or watching a news program if you cannot trust the content?
There's only one person that I have a lower opinion of than a Congressman or the current president... and that's a "journalist" on a mission. They have no morals, no ethics, no principles and no right to be in print in America, because they refuse to report the truth.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectively submitted.
Monday, May 18, 2015
Everything you do on the Internet is being tracked, but that's old news. Everything you do on your cell phone is also being tracked... but that's still old news. Here are some things maybe you did not know:
Your television knows when you're home, what programs you watch, how long you stay on a channel... from which your interests can be determined, such as golf, mystery and conservative news. Your coffee-maker may know what time you get up in the morning, whether or not you make espresso and how many cups you drink. Your washing machine knows when you do laundry, how big the loads are and whether or not you use bleach. Your car knows where you drive, how fast you go, whether or not you drive erratically and how you take care of it. Your electric smart meter knows when you're home, what appliances you use and whether or not you're in the jacuzzi.
These are but a few examples of the many sources of data collection we have unwittingly installed in our homes. Now, my friend, when happens when they start talking to some third party that you don't know about... Some secret computer base stuck out on a barge someplace?
Well, the commercial side of it is that some marketing firm not only knows what type of ads to throw onto your browser and what kind of emails to send you, but also when you're home to receive a robocall, when your car is due for maintenance or you might be in the market for a replacement, ad infinitum.
On the more sinister side, supposing the neighborhood burglar now knows when no one is home? What if he secretly installs a bugging device into your bedroom, or taps into the web camera on your daughter's computer?
When you're laying in the sack tonight, look up at the ceiling fan and ask it if it's collecting data for someone.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectively submitted.
Everything you do on the Internet is being tracked, but that's old news. Everything you do on your cell phone is also being tracked... but that's still old news. Here are some things maybe you did not know:
Your television knows when you're home, what programs you watch, how long you stay on a channel... from which your interests can be determined, such as golf, mystery and conservative news. Your coffee-maker may know what time you get up in the morning, whether or not you make espresso and how many cups you drink. Your washing machine knows when you do laundry, how big the loads are and whether or not you use bleach. Your car knows where you drive, how fast you go, whether or not you drive erratically and how you take care of it. Your electric smart meter knows when you're home, what appliances you use and whether or not you're in the jacuzzi.
These are but a few examples of the many sources of data collection we have unwittingly installed in our homes. Now, my friend, when happens when they start talking to some third party that you don't know about... Some secret computer base stuck out on a barge someplace?
Well, the commercial side of it is that some marketing firm not only knows what type of ads to throw onto your browser and what kind of emails to send you, but also when you're home to receive a robocall, when your car is due for maintenance or you might be in the market for a replacement, ad infinitum.
On the more sinister side, supposing the neighborhood burglar now knows when no one is home? What if he secretly installs a bugging device into your bedroom, or taps into the web camera on your daughter's computer?
When you're laying in the sack tonight, look up at the ceiling fan and ask it if it's collecting data for someone.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectively submitted.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Obama and his henchmen are doing everything possible to shut me down. They want to eliminate political speech from the Internet. They want me to post only what their censors approve of. They want me to be politically correct in whatever I say and they definitely do not want me to report the facts as they are about anything they do.
It would be bad enough if mine was the only voice they were trying to silence. But, they want to shut down Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, FOX NEWS, Glenn Beck... whoever they don't like. They're now even issuing orders from the White House as to what news shots can be shown from the I.S.I.S. battlefield.
Getting right to the point, they're on the muscle and they don't give a damn what anyone thinks about it. While I've said over and over that our enemies are going to take advantage of our weakness during the remainder of Obama's term, Obama's team is more aggressively pushing its radical and dictatorial agenda. In other words, America is taking it in the shorts both internally and externally.
Americans, however, while taking it on the chin, seem to be taking it all in while sitting on the couch playing with their smartphones and tablets.
At any moment, Obama could decide to shut down my blogs, take FOX NEWS off the air and imprison the dissenting journalists and reporters of the country.
The question of the day is: Would Americans then stand up for their country?
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
It would be bad enough if mine was the only voice they were trying to silence. But, they want to shut down Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, FOX NEWS, Glenn Beck... whoever they don't like. They're now even issuing orders from the White House as to what news shots can be shown from the I.S.I.S. battlefield.
Getting right to the point, they're on the muscle and they don't give a damn what anyone thinks about it. While I've said over and over that our enemies are going to take advantage of our weakness during the remainder of Obama's term, Obama's team is more aggressively pushing its radical and dictatorial agenda. In other words, America is taking it in the shorts both internally and externally.
Americans, however, while taking it on the chin, seem to be taking it all in while sitting on the couch playing with their smartphones and tablets.
At any moment, Obama could decide to shut down my blogs, take FOX NEWS off the air and imprison the dissenting journalists and reporters of the country.
The question of the day is: Would Americans then stand up for their country?
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Friday, May 15, 2015
Word is that you can hear a pin drop. Even the birds have stopped chirping.
For the very first time, both Houses of Congress have agreed to pass a Bill that Obama is totally against; they agreed that Congress must have a say-so in the Iranian nuclear "deal." He's threatened several times to veto such a bill, but it appears at this point that Congress has the votes necessary to override the veto.
I hear the sewer lines from the White House almost collapsed when they got the news... all of the toilets flushed.
You can bet your sweet petunias that the whole world is watching to see what Obama does about it.
Oh. my.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
P.S. Just after I made this post, I heard that Obama has said he will sign the legislation into law. I'll believe it when I see it.
Word is that you can hear a pin drop. Even the birds have stopped chirping.
For the very first time, both Houses of Congress have agreed to pass a Bill that Obama is totally against; they agreed that Congress must have a say-so in the Iranian nuclear "deal." He's threatened several times to veto such a bill, but it appears at this point that Congress has the votes necessary to override the veto.
I hear the sewer lines from the White House almost collapsed when they got the news... all of the toilets flushed.
You can bet your sweet petunias that the whole world is watching to see what Obama does about it.
Oh. my.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
P.S. Just after I made this post, I heard that Obama has said he will sign the legislation into law. I'll believe it when I see it.
Middle East,
Thursday, May 14, 2015
The Reverend Franklin Graham is warning that should the U.S. Supreme Court throw open the doors to full legalization and recognition of gay marriage, that decision will also widely open the doors to persecution of Christians in this country. I thank God that someone in the American religious communities has finally had the guts and the fortitude to come out and say it: “There will be a storm of persecution against all people who follow God and His standards if this passes.”
There has been a steady degradation of the Christian religion in this country. Indeed, the radical socialist-atheist-left has been trumpeting the steady decline of church membership and attendance as if to conclude that Americans are finally coming to their senses and realizing that God does not, in fact, exist. Therefore, all crosses must come down, all references to God must be removed from public buildings and our currencies, all prayer must be condemned and, I presume, all moral and ethical standards can be tossed out the portholes.
If those aren't the words and the arguments of the devil speaking, I don't know what is.
Every single article of the Bill of Rights seems to be under attack; yet, we all must know that they were not written just to pass the time of day. They want to control the press and to censor our speech; they want to take away our right to bear arms; they want to override due process and illegal search and seizure; they want to be able to seize our property at will....
Just what do you think it will take for this country to get its back up and do something about all of this?
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
The Reverend Franklin Graham is warning that should the U.S. Supreme Court throw open the doors to full legalization and recognition of gay marriage, that decision will also widely open the doors to persecution of Christians in this country. I thank God that someone in the American religious communities has finally had the guts and the fortitude to come out and say it: “There will be a storm of persecution against all people who follow God and His standards if this passes.”
There has been a steady degradation of the Christian religion in this country. Indeed, the radical socialist-atheist-left has been trumpeting the steady decline of church membership and attendance as if to conclude that Americans are finally coming to their senses and realizing that God does not, in fact, exist. Therefore, all crosses must come down, all references to God must be removed from public buildings and our currencies, all prayer must be condemned and, I presume, all moral and ethical standards can be tossed out the portholes.
If those aren't the words and the arguments of the devil speaking, I don't know what is.
Every single article of the Bill of Rights seems to be under attack; yet, we all must know that they were not written just to pass the time of day. They want to control the press and to censor our speech; they want to take away our right to bear arms; they want to override due process and illegal search and seizure; they want to be able to seize our property at will....
Just what do you think it will take for this country to get its back up and do something about all of this?
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Let's just take one aspect of proposed gun control. Let's require every purchaser of a gun to have a background check This will ensure that only eligible, mentally capable and responsible people have guns. Sounds good, doesn't it? On the face of it, that's a great way of eliminating possession by "nut cases" and criminals.
That's pure bull. The criminal can get his hands on a gun on the streets, just like illegal drugs. The "nut case" will either use a knife, a stick of dynamite or will get his gun off the same streets. In other words, nothing has been accomplished with this requirement, outside of the fact that the truly responsible citizen now has to jump through hoops in order to buy a gun.
Not one single proposed new gun control measure in any state or by the federal government will deter the criminal or the nut case. Not one. Period.
Those pushing gun control know that. They're all brilliant people, so they realize that what I say here is true. In fact, they don't even bother to try and refute the argument; they simply go on to another "reason" to establish some form of gun control.
So, what is their real agenda, then?
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Let's just take one aspect of proposed gun control. Let's require every purchaser of a gun to have a background check This will ensure that only eligible, mentally capable and responsible people have guns. Sounds good, doesn't it? On the face of it, that's a great way of eliminating possession by "nut cases" and criminals.
That's pure bull. The criminal can get his hands on a gun on the streets, just like illegal drugs. The "nut case" will either use a knife, a stick of dynamite or will get his gun off the same streets. In other words, nothing has been accomplished with this requirement, outside of the fact that the truly responsible citizen now has to jump through hoops in order to buy a gun.
Not one single proposed new gun control measure in any state or by the federal government will deter the criminal or the nut case. Not one. Period.
Those pushing gun control know that. They're all brilliant people, so they realize that what I say here is true. In fact, they don't even bother to try and refute the argument; they simply go on to another "reason" to establish some form of gun control.
So, what is their real agenda, then?
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Although we Americans all recognize that we cannot succeed on the world stage if our nation is seen as being isolationist, Barack Hussein Obama is turning us into just that. Now, two of our allies in the Middle East are making it clear that they have major disagreements with our foreign policy. Four out of six slated attendees, including Bahrain, The Emirates, Oman and Saudi Arabia are refusing to join a "conference" of Middle Eastern nations, called by Obama and scheduled for Camp David, to discuss the Iranian nuclear "deal."
The White House is downplaying the huge cold shoulder, saying it is all due to a "schedule change." But, the plain fact of the matter is that those two nations are doing what so many of us Americans want desperately to do... flip Obama the big one.
They suffer from the same thing we do... upset with Obama's narcissistic, pious disregard for their wills and voices. They understand, as we do, that he "flat just doesn't give a damned" about them as individual entities. He doesn't care one iota about their nuclear fears and concerns... any more than he cares about the existence of Israel.
The rest of the civilized world is looking to America for responsible leadership, and they don't like what they see in our White House any more than we do. Now, watch Obama get even by going to play golf when the other two arrive.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Although we Americans all recognize that we cannot succeed on the world stage if our nation is seen as being isolationist, Barack Hussein Obama is turning us into just that. Now, two of our allies in the Middle East are making it clear that they have major disagreements with our foreign policy. Four out of six slated attendees, including Bahrain, The Emirates, Oman and Saudi Arabia are refusing to join a "conference" of Middle Eastern nations, called by Obama and scheduled for Camp David, to discuss the Iranian nuclear "deal."
The White House is downplaying the huge cold shoulder, saying it is all due to a "schedule change." But, the plain fact of the matter is that those two nations are doing what so many of us Americans want desperately to do... flip Obama the big one.
They suffer from the same thing we do... upset with Obama's narcissistic, pious disregard for their wills and voices. They understand, as we do, that he "flat just doesn't give a damned" about them as individual entities. He doesn't care one iota about their nuclear fears and concerns... any more than he cares about the existence of Israel.
The rest of the civilized world is looking to America for responsible leadership, and they don't like what they see in our White House any more than we do. Now, watch Obama get even by going to play golf when the other two arrive.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Monday, May 11, 2015
Here we are, infiltrated by I.S.I.S. and with a growing threat of internal domestic terrorism; deluged with tens of thousands... millions... of illegal aliens, many with criminal backgrounds; lost in a growing sea of international enemies; losing what friends we have left; stuck with a poor economy; run by a gang-load of corrupt politicians; embroiled with festering racial tensions and faced with a decline of morals and ethics heretofore unheard of in our country. What do we do now?
That's a big question.
We all know that we must do something. We simply cannot allow the status quo to exist any longer. Frankly my friends, it means that we are going to have to roll up our sleeves and go to work to put the country that we all love and adore back together again. And we need to start by accepting and convincing ourselves that we can do it... we can accomplish what has to be done. After all, we are Americans.
Now, this very moment, is the time for us to set the standards of excellence in government that must be reachieved. That means we have to insist on accountability from government officials, strength of leadership, responsibility to the foundations our forefathers endowed us with and adherence to the will of the people.
In order to do that, we must allow only those who agree with us... only those ready and willing to put forth the tremendous efforts required to accomplish our goals... to be elected to public office at any level of government, whether it be federal, state or local. We have to spend the time to learn of their qualifications, their histories and their objectives in holding office before we cast a single vote.
Whether we are black, brown, white; whether we are Republican or Democrat; whether we are rich or poor; whether we are young or old... It is vitally important and critical to the continuance of our freedoms that we work together, hand in hand, over the next two years to make this happen.
Only through diligent, continuous effort on our part and Divine providence can we save our country.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Here we are, infiltrated by I.S.I.S. and with a growing threat of internal domestic terrorism; deluged with tens of thousands... millions... of illegal aliens, many with criminal backgrounds; lost in a growing sea of international enemies; losing what friends we have left; stuck with a poor economy; run by a gang-load of corrupt politicians; embroiled with festering racial tensions and faced with a decline of morals and ethics heretofore unheard of in our country. What do we do now?
That's a big question.
We all know that we must do something. We simply cannot allow the status quo to exist any longer. Frankly my friends, it means that we are going to have to roll up our sleeves and go to work to put the country that we all love and adore back together again. And we need to start by accepting and convincing ourselves that we can do it... we can accomplish what has to be done. After all, we are Americans.
Now, this very moment, is the time for us to set the standards of excellence in government that must be reachieved. That means we have to insist on accountability from government officials, strength of leadership, responsibility to the foundations our forefathers endowed us with and adherence to the will of the people.
In order to do that, we must allow only those who agree with us... only those ready and willing to put forth the tremendous efforts required to accomplish our goals... to be elected to public office at any level of government, whether it be federal, state or local. We have to spend the time to learn of their qualifications, their histories and their objectives in holding office before we cast a single vote.
Whether we are black, brown, white; whether we are Republican or Democrat; whether we are rich or poor; whether we are young or old... It is vitally important and critical to the continuance of our freedoms that we work together, hand in hand, over the next two years to make this happen.
Only through diligent, continuous effort on our part and Divine providence can we save our country.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Saturday, May 09, 2015
While the rest of the world is playing Obama and the United States for suckers, the sawed-off little runt in North Korea is making ominous strides in the ability to use one of its nukes. North Korea has carried out a successful underwater test of a ballistic missile, and we know that their ballistic missiles are capable of carrying nuclear warheads.
I don't know about you, but I really don't like the thought of a bunch of North Korean nuclear-carrying subs operating in the Pacific Ocean just off the coast of America. It appears to me, due to the lack of any news on the subject, that Obama doesn't care any more about this threat than he does about the threat of a slew of Iranian nuclear-carrying subs operating off of the Atlantic Coast.
When in the Sam Hell are we going to at least circle the wagons?
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
I don't know about you, but I really don't like the thought of a bunch of North Korean nuclear-carrying subs operating in the Pacific Ocean just off the coast of America. It appears to me, due to the lack of any news on the subject, that Obama doesn't care any more about this threat than he does about the threat of a slew of Iranian nuclear-carrying subs operating off of the Atlantic Coast.
When in the Sam Hell are we going to at least circle the wagons?
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Friday, May 08, 2015
Some expected it to be a squeaker but, to everyone's surprise, the United States Senate yesterday passed a bill giving Congress the right to review any nuclear deal the Obama administration reaches with Iran; the vote was a shocking 98 to 1, which virtually assures an override of any veto Obama might make. The lone vote against the bill was cast by Senator Tom Cotton, Republican of Arkansas.
The bill that passed the Senate Thursday would require that the administration send the text of a final accord, along with classified material, to Congress as soon as it is completed. It also halts any lifting of sanctions pending a 30-day congressional review, and culminates in a possible vote to allow or forbid the lifting of Congressionally imposed sanctions in exchange for the dismantling of much of Iran’s nuclear infrastructure.
Americans throughout the country, I believe, have drawn a deep sign of relief. Obama and Kerry have been entirely focused on ramming through a nuclear deal with Iran regardless of the costs and potential damage to national and world security. The House is now expected to sign on to the legislation and to send it to the White House.
The only question that hangs out there is whether or not Obama will exercise his Executive Power to write an Executive Order nullifying the new law.
And, indeed... he will at least give that audacious move some serious consideration.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Some expected it to be a squeaker but, to everyone's surprise, the United States Senate yesterday passed a bill giving Congress the right to review any nuclear deal the Obama administration reaches with Iran; the vote was a shocking 98 to 1, which virtually assures an override of any veto Obama might make. The lone vote against the bill was cast by Senator Tom Cotton, Republican of Arkansas.
The bill that passed the Senate Thursday would require that the administration send the text of a final accord, along with classified material, to Congress as soon as it is completed. It also halts any lifting of sanctions pending a 30-day congressional review, and culminates in a possible vote to allow or forbid the lifting of Congressionally imposed sanctions in exchange for the dismantling of much of Iran’s nuclear infrastructure.
Americans throughout the country, I believe, have drawn a deep sign of relief. Obama and Kerry have been entirely focused on ramming through a nuclear deal with Iran regardless of the costs and potential damage to national and world security. The House is now expected to sign on to the legislation and to send it to the White House.
The only question that hangs out there is whether or not Obama will exercise his Executive Power to write an Executive Order nullifying the new law.
And, indeed... he will at least give that audacious move some serious consideration.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Middle East,
Thursday, May 07, 2015
The city of Harrisonburg, Virginia, levied criminal charges against the Valley Church of Christ, because the church had two pro-life statements on its outdoor reader-sign. Church leaders received an April 20 letter informing them that someone had complained about the signs, which the city initially claimed were displayed in violation of an ordinance governing banners. The congregation was reportedly given 10 days to comply with the ordinance or possibly face a Class 1 misdemeanor, which the Rutherford Institute said could have led to up to a year in jail and a $2,500 fine. But zoning officials subsequently backed away from demanding that the signs be taken down after attorneys with the Rutherford Institute stepped in and argued that the First Amendment bars content-based discrimination when it comes to signage, according to a press release. (Thanks to THE BLAZE).
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
The city of Harrisonburg, Virginia, levied criminal charges against the Valley Church of Christ, because the church had two pro-life statements on its outdoor reader-sign. Church leaders received an April 20 letter informing them that someone had complained about the signs, which the city initially claimed were displayed in violation of an ordinance governing banners. The congregation was reportedly given 10 days to comply with the ordinance or possibly face a Class 1 misdemeanor, which the Rutherford Institute said could have led to up to a year in jail and a $2,500 fine. But zoning officials subsequently backed away from demanding that the signs be taken down after attorneys with the Rutherford Institute stepped in and argued that the First Amendment bars content-based discrimination when it comes to signage, according to a press release. (Thanks to THE BLAZE).
It is just another example of
how local, state and the federal governments are conspiring against
religions in general and religious expression in particular. This agenda
is in direct conflict with provisions of the United States Constitution, and
it's way past the time when we, as Americans, and churches as religious
organizations, need to stand up and raise hell.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Wednesday, May 06, 2015
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest alleges that although I.S.I.S. is claiming responsibility for the attacks in Garland, Texas, there is no proof that is true.
Okay, here we go again. In the face of overwhelming evidence, it's deny, deny, deny; this, from a White House that doesn't hesitate to indict, try and convict a cop for shooting a black before the gun smoke has left the scene. This is the same White House that has consistently refused to acknowledge that I.S.I.S. is a radical Islamic terrorist organization, and which claims I.S.I.S. is "on the run" when its tentacles are reaching farther and farther into and out of the Middle East.
The president's first and foremost duty to the country is to provide security and to protect us from our enemies, both foreign and domestic. Yet, he ignores that duty on a daily basis and by doing so, he places our way of life, our everyday peace and security, at total jeopardy.
Just who is the REAL junior varsity team here? I submit that Obama, by his actions and inactions, has proven himself to be a mortal danger to all of us. No wonder we're not sleeping well at night.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest alleges that although I.S.I.S. is claiming responsibility for the attacks in Garland, Texas, there is no proof that is true.
Okay, here we go again. In the face of overwhelming evidence, it's deny, deny, deny; this, from a White House that doesn't hesitate to indict, try and convict a cop for shooting a black before the gun smoke has left the scene. This is the same White House that has consistently refused to acknowledge that I.S.I.S. is a radical Islamic terrorist organization, and which claims I.S.I.S. is "on the run" when its tentacles are reaching farther and farther into and out of the Middle East.
The president's first and foremost duty to the country is to provide security and to protect us from our enemies, both foreign and domestic. Yet, he ignores that duty on a daily basis and by doing so, he places our way of life, our everyday peace and security, at total jeopardy.
Just who is the REAL junior varsity team here? I submit that Obama, by his actions and inactions, has proven himself to be a mortal danger to all of us. No wonder we're not sleeping well at night.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Tuesday, May 05, 2015
In the aftermath of the Baltimore riots and charges against six cops, FOX NEWS was at the main scene of events yesterday to provide a followup report on Shepard Smith's program. While gathering information and setting up for the live report, a shot rang out; a back man fell to the ground and was transported to a local hospital. The gun involved in the shooting laid in the street underneath the feet of a guarding officer as cops formed shielded lines at opposite ends of the block to preserve the scene of the crime.
News quickly spread that the black man had been fleeing from the cops when he was shot. Dozens of angry area residents poured onto the streets. Conflicting stories rose, one saying the "young" black man had been sitting on a stoop when cops drove up and saw him reaching for something from the front of his pants, which turned out to be a gun; that story has the man instantly taking off and running from the cops when he was shot by one and fell to the ground. Another story had the "unarmed" man simply running from the cops when he was shot in the back.
And just like that, the tempers in the city of Baltimore were inflamed again.
When the dust started to settle, it turned out that the black man on the stoop did have a gun and that he had taken off running when the police car originally showed up. In the process, the gun dropped to the ground and one shot rang out as it hit the pavement, during which or after which the man fell to the ground. The bullet had not hit him, but in the interest of caution he was transported to a hospital anyway.
The lesson of the story is one that needs to be repeated over and over again: witnesses to a sudden situation see several different versions of the same thing. And so it is that until you get all of the facts, and often until you get into a courtroom where all of the facts can come out, you simply cannot take sides or even try to make a judgment as to what actually happened.
Barack Obama, Al Sharpton and the rest of America would be wise to understand this lesson and to act accordingly in the future.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
In the aftermath of the Baltimore riots and charges against six cops, FOX NEWS was at the main scene of events yesterday to provide a followup report on Shepard Smith's program. While gathering information and setting up for the live report, a shot rang out; a back man fell to the ground and was transported to a local hospital. The gun involved in the shooting laid in the street underneath the feet of a guarding officer as cops formed shielded lines at opposite ends of the block to preserve the scene of the crime.
News quickly spread that the black man had been fleeing from the cops when he was shot. Dozens of angry area residents poured onto the streets. Conflicting stories rose, one saying the "young" black man had been sitting on a stoop when cops drove up and saw him reaching for something from the front of his pants, which turned out to be a gun; that story has the man instantly taking off and running from the cops when he was shot by one and fell to the ground. Another story had the "unarmed" man simply running from the cops when he was shot in the back.
And just like that, the tempers in the city of Baltimore were inflamed again.
When the dust started to settle, it turned out that the black man on the stoop did have a gun and that he had taken off running when the police car originally showed up. In the process, the gun dropped to the ground and one shot rang out as it hit the pavement, during which or after which the man fell to the ground. The bullet had not hit him, but in the interest of caution he was transported to a hospital anyway.
The lesson of the story is one that needs to be repeated over and over again: witnesses to a sudden situation see several different versions of the same thing. And so it is that until you get all of the facts, and often until you get into a courtroom where all of the facts can come out, you simply cannot take sides or even try to make a judgment as to what actually happened.
Barack Obama, Al Sharpton and the rest of America would be wise to understand this lesson and to act accordingly in the future.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Monday, May 04, 2015
Secretary of State John Kerry, appearing on Israeli television over the weekend, accused the Israeli government and population of "mass hysteria" over the pending Iranian nuclear deal.
Obama and Kerry have made no secret of the fact that they not only despise Benjamin Netanyahu, they also don't like Jews in general. To them, I m sure, an Iranian nuke dropped on Tel-Aviv would solve both dislikes. Both of them, Barry and Johnny, are rushing blindly into a deal that will guarantee Iran nuclear weaponization; it's just a matter of time, if it has not already occurred. And nether one of them seems to give a hoot about what you, I or Netanyahu and the Israelis feel about it. In fact, both are doing everything possible to keep Congress and us out of it.
Reports emerged late last week that Arab states, which are also nervous about a nuclear Iran, are insisting on U.S. protection if the deal goes through. That protection could amount to defense treaties, meaning the U.S. would effectively be pledging to go to war on behalf of Arab states against Iran in the future, in order to avoid having to go to war against Iran today.
The problem is, of course and for good reason, that no one on the face of the earth trusts either Obama or Kerry, regardless of what they say, promise, or sign. Unfortunately, the jackass in the State Department... the guy with fourteen Bronze Stars and 63 Purple Hearts... thinks otherwise.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectively submitted.
Secretary of State John Kerry, appearing on Israeli television over the weekend, accused the Israeli government and population of "mass hysteria" over the pending Iranian nuclear deal.
Obama and Kerry have made no secret of the fact that they not only despise Benjamin Netanyahu, they also don't like Jews in general. To them, I m sure, an Iranian nuke dropped on Tel-Aviv would solve both dislikes. Both of them, Barry and Johnny, are rushing blindly into a deal that will guarantee Iran nuclear weaponization; it's just a matter of time, if it has not already occurred. And nether one of them seems to give a hoot about what you, I or Netanyahu and the Israelis feel about it. In fact, both are doing everything possible to keep Congress and us out of it.
Reports emerged late last week that Arab states, which are also nervous about a nuclear Iran, are insisting on U.S. protection if the deal goes through. That protection could amount to defense treaties, meaning the U.S. would effectively be pledging to go to war on behalf of Arab states against Iran in the future, in order to avoid having to go to war against Iran today.
The problem is, of course and for good reason, that no one on the face of the earth trusts either Obama or Kerry, regardless of what they say, promise, or sign. Unfortunately, the jackass in the State Department... the guy with fourteen Bronze Stars and 63 Purple Hearts... thinks otherwise.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectively submitted.
Saturday, May 02, 2015
Al Sharpton is now vocalizing that the federal government must take over all police departments. “We need the Justice Department to step in
and take over policing in this country. In the 20th century, they had
to fight states’ rights in — to get the right to vote. We’re going to
have to fight states’ rights in terms of closing down police cases.”
If this isn't an overt big step toward government tyranny in this country, nothing is. In making the statement, Sharpton is inflaming the gangs and thugs of the country and contributing directly to the violence that now permeates every major city. In my considered opinion, he has no business opening his mouth about anything until he pays his damned taxes.
I'm sorry and apologizing in advance, but I'm going to have to come right out and say it like I feel it: Sharpton is one Black in this country who really needs to move back to Africa.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Friday, May 01, 2015
PATRIOT UPDATE is reporting religious colleges and universities could lose their tax-exempt status for opposing same-sex marriage if the Supreme Court rules that it is a constitutional right.
PATRIOT UPDATE is reporting religious colleges and universities could lose their tax-exempt status for opposing same-sex marriage if the Supreme Court rules that it is a constitutional right.
U.S. Solicitor General Ronald Verrilli
made that surprising admission during a line of questioning during his
presentation of the federal government’s case in Obergefell v. Hodges.
The case tests whether states are obligated by the 14th amendment to
recognize same-sex marriages. The federal government appears to be bound and determined to stick its bulbous nose into religious affairs which are constitutionally protected.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
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