We have recently been presented with two individuals who are accused of racism... Cliven Bundy and Donald Sterling. At the outset, let me say that I support Cliven Bundy because his remarks were taken out of context and I no not believe they were intended to be racist; far from it, I take from their full context that Bundy is supportive of all races.
Now we get to Sterling. Based on what I know at this moment, I have to say that HIS remarks were racist and disgusting. I do not condone them in any way whatsoever, EXCEPT...
As offensive as the remarks were, he has the right to say them. This is a country of free speech; the instant we cross the line to censor anybody over any remarks, no matter how vile they might be, we have abrogated the right to free speech. Our nation went justifiably ballistic over Sterling's remarks; from what I hear, people are staying away from his games in droves and that is swell by me.
It is unclear what the NBA based its $2.5 million fine and disbarment on. If it was based on conduct unbecoming a member of the NBA, I could hang my hat on that. But, if it was based on what Sterling said, I object strongly on the basis of his Constitutional right to free speech.
Keep this in mind: if you allow this to pass, this infringement of Sterling's right to free speech, you open the door to gun confiscation and the trashing of the whole gamut of the Bill of Rights. As tough as it may be sometimes for us to adhere to the principles of the Constitution, we simply have to;Ttat's why it's there and it has been proven to be 100% correct through thick and thin since 1789.
Illegitimi non carborundum.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Last week, some liberal news outlet put its hands on a video of remarks made by Cliven Bundy in Bunkerville, Nevada, and put them on the air in such a manner as to suggest to the world that Bundy is a racist and to take the sails out from under his support against the BLM. PATRIOT UPDATE is now releasing the full context of those remarks which clearly shows that Bundy is actually an advocate for black and Hispanic rights.
As I suspected and wrote about in the Saturday, April 26th post on BURNEY MOUNTAIN HERMT, Bundy was indeed suggesting that as horrible as conditions were during slavery, they might have been better off then than they are under today's "modern" government. The remarks were edited and presented far out of context, then exploded across the Internet and broadcast newsrooms.
Harry and Rory Reid are ruthless opponents.
National attention has been drawn to their apparent underhanded moves as a result of the BLM invasion at the Bundy Ranch. Bundy's credibility has suffered what I hope will not be irreparable damage, but this onslaught is just as dangerous to his well-being... probably more so... than the BLM outrage itself.
As for me, I'm still standing behind Bundy.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Last week, some liberal news outlet put its hands on a video of remarks made by Cliven Bundy in Bunkerville, Nevada, and put them on the air in such a manner as to suggest to the world that Bundy is a racist and to take the sails out from under his support against the BLM. PATRIOT UPDATE is now releasing the full context of those remarks which clearly shows that Bundy is actually an advocate for black and Hispanic rights.
As I suspected and wrote about in the Saturday, April 26th post on BURNEY MOUNTAIN HERMT, Bundy was indeed suggesting that as horrible as conditions were during slavery, they might have been better off then than they are under today's "modern" government. The remarks were edited and presented far out of context, then exploded across the Internet and broadcast newsrooms.
Harry and Rory Reid are ruthless opponents.
National attention has been drawn to their apparent underhanded moves as a result of the BLM invasion at the Bundy Ranch. Bundy's credibility has suffered what I hope will not be irreparable damage, but this onslaught is just as dangerous to his well-being... probably more so... than the BLM outrage itself.
As for me, I'm still standing behind Bundy.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Monday, April 28, 2014
When World War II ended, the United States emerged as the preeminent military power of the globe. We recognized the horrible destruction that nuclear weapons cause and we did everything short of going into another war to prevent the Soviets from getting their own nukes but, they did it anyway. Recognizing the dangers of nuclear proliferation, the world's nuclear powers ultimately agreed in 1970 to put a stop to the growing number of nations possessing nukes and to work toward the use of peaceful nuclear energy and the reduction of nuclear weapons. At that time, only the U.S., Soviet Union, France, Russia and the United Kingdom were recognized as nuclear nations.
Some 190 nations have signed on to that agreement. Those not agreeing, or having withdrawn include: North Korea, Pakistan, India, Israel and South Sudan. As of this moment, four additional nations appear to have nukes: North Korea, Israel, India and Pakistan. Iran appears to be within weeks of joining "the club."
Since World War II, we have been involved in several wars and essentially lost all of them: Korea; Vietnam; Desert Storm, (Gulf War); Desert Fox, (Iraq); Iraq and Afghanistan. We certainly did not win any of them. In the last five years we have decimated our military readiness and steered away from any possibility of conflict. It can be argued that we have displayed weakness and are no longer perceived as being the world's preeminent military power.
We are now staring at tinderboxes around the globe: North vs. South Korea; Iran & Syria vs. Israel; Russia vs. Ukraine; China vs. Japan & Philippines; Taliban, Al Qaeda and the Middle East in general. It's tough enough to have a balancing act with any one of these situations, let alone all of them at the same time. These are all instances of potential war that could easily escalate to World War III.
These are also all instances that would probably not exist if the world didn't respect our political muscle and our commitment to world peace. As it is, every passing day seems to get us closer to an irreversible confrontation somewhere on the globe which could lead directly to World War III.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
When World War II ended, the United States emerged as the preeminent military power of the globe. We recognized the horrible destruction that nuclear weapons cause and we did everything short of going into another war to prevent the Soviets from getting their own nukes but, they did it anyway. Recognizing the dangers of nuclear proliferation, the world's nuclear powers ultimately agreed in 1970 to put a stop to the growing number of nations possessing nukes and to work toward the use of peaceful nuclear energy and the reduction of nuclear weapons. At that time, only the U.S., Soviet Union, France, Russia and the United Kingdom were recognized as nuclear nations.
Some 190 nations have signed on to that agreement. Those not agreeing, or having withdrawn include: North Korea, Pakistan, India, Israel and South Sudan. As of this moment, four additional nations appear to have nukes: North Korea, Israel, India and Pakistan. Iran appears to be within weeks of joining "the club."
Since World War II, we have been involved in several wars and essentially lost all of them: Korea; Vietnam; Desert Storm, (Gulf War); Desert Fox, (Iraq); Iraq and Afghanistan. We certainly did not win any of them. In the last five years we have decimated our military readiness and steered away from any possibility of conflict. It can be argued that we have displayed weakness and are no longer perceived as being the world's preeminent military power.
We are now staring at tinderboxes around the globe: North vs. South Korea; Iran & Syria vs. Israel; Russia vs. Ukraine; China vs. Japan & Philippines; Taliban, Al Qaeda and the Middle East in general. It's tough enough to have a balancing act with any one of these situations, let alone all of them at the same time. These are all instances of potential war that could easily escalate to World War III.
These are also all instances that would probably not exist if the world didn't respect our political muscle and our commitment to world peace. As it is, every passing day seems to get us closer to an irreversible confrontation somewhere on the globe which could lead directly to World War III.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Just how widespread is voter fraud in this country? Is it possible that Obama did not really win the 2012 election?
Four counties in Alabama have more registered voters on the rolls than they have residents of voting age. All of those registered voters are active, meaning they voted within the last four years; all four counties voted for Obama. Election officials are claiming that the last census is wrong and that people of voting age were actually under-counted. If you believe that, I've got a really great ObamaCare policy I'd like to sell you.
It is the Obama regime that is so dead set against requiring voter identification at the polls. Some nitwit has suggested we all just have Social Security cards with pictures on them. Who says they can't make fake Social Security cards; they do make fake driver licenses, you know. And identify theft experts tell you not to carry your Social Security number in your wallet, anyway.
The only logical reason Obama has for being against voter identification is that he wants to be able to stuff the ballot box. He insists that when you require voter identification, you are making it tougher for voters to register. He needs to rephrase that statement: If you require voters to show identification, you are making it tougher for voters to register and vote more than once.
This is our country, not his. We have the right to decide who has the right to vote in this country and what they must do to prove their eligibility. No one is asking for them to pay for voter I.D., so no one can claim it is a poll tax.
Illegitimi non carborundum.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Just how widespread is voter fraud in this country? Is it possible that Obama did not really win the 2012 election?
Four counties in Alabama have more registered voters on the rolls than they have residents of voting age. All of those registered voters are active, meaning they voted within the last four years; all four counties voted for Obama. Election officials are claiming that the last census is wrong and that people of voting age were actually under-counted. If you believe that, I've got a really great ObamaCare policy I'd like to sell you.
It is the Obama regime that is so dead set against requiring voter identification at the polls. Some nitwit has suggested we all just have Social Security cards with pictures on them. Who says they can't make fake Social Security cards; they do make fake driver licenses, you know. And identify theft experts tell you not to carry your Social Security number in your wallet, anyway.
The only logical reason Obama has for being against voter identification is that he wants to be able to stuff the ballot box. He insists that when you require voter identification, you are making it tougher for voters to register. He needs to rephrase that statement: If you require voters to show identification, you are making it tougher for voters to register and vote more than once.
This is our country, not his. We have the right to decide who has the right to vote in this country and what they must do to prove their eligibility. No one is asking for them to pay for voter I.D., so no one can claim it is a poll tax.
Illegitimi non carborundum.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Friday, April 25, 2014
After well over five years of ObamaLand, the fantasy appears ready to die. Afghanistan and Iraq are falling apart; the rest of the Middle East is a tinder box awaiting a match; North Korea has the bomb; Russia is on the march to restore the Soviet Union; the economy continues to sputter dangerously along; ObamaCare is on the verge of implosion; government agencies are being called to task for their oppressive tactics against American citizens; and Obama has been caught telling lie, after lie, after lie. Even longtime Democrat supporters are starting to jump ship.
Could it really be that the wheels are starting to fall off?
News yesterday was that the Phoenix V.A. Center has been manipulating the figures, placing the names of waiting patients into a secret queue before eventually putting them on an active waiting list, thereby making it appear that patients were being seen much sooner after originally applying for an appointment. The hospital has the highest percentage of patient deaths of any V.A. hospital in the country.
Cries of misfeasance once again abound about an agency of Obama's government. Yet, he was the one to set the parameters of conduct when he started lying and manipulating; if the President does it, why shouldn't everyone else? Bad conduct in government generally starts at the top and works its corrupt ways down.
It would be a relief to many of us to think that Obama's chickens are coming home to roost. It couldn't happen any too soon for me.
Illegitimi non carborundum.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
After well over five years of ObamaLand, the fantasy appears ready to die. Afghanistan and Iraq are falling apart; the rest of the Middle East is a tinder box awaiting a match; North Korea has the bomb; Russia is on the march to restore the Soviet Union; the economy continues to sputter dangerously along; ObamaCare is on the verge of implosion; government agencies are being called to task for their oppressive tactics against American citizens; and Obama has been caught telling lie, after lie, after lie. Even longtime Democrat supporters are starting to jump ship.
Could it really be that the wheels are starting to fall off?
News yesterday was that the Phoenix V.A. Center has been manipulating the figures, placing the names of waiting patients into a secret queue before eventually putting them on an active waiting list, thereby making it appear that patients were being seen much sooner after originally applying for an appointment. The hospital has the highest percentage of patient deaths of any V.A. hospital in the country.
Cries of misfeasance once again abound about an agency of Obama's government. Yet, he was the one to set the parameters of conduct when he started lying and manipulating; if the President does it, why shouldn't everyone else? Bad conduct in government generally starts at the top and works its corrupt ways down.
It would be a relief to many of us to think that Obama's chickens are coming home to roost. It couldn't happen any too soon for me.
Illegitimi non carborundum.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
In the days since the BLM's belligerent attack on Cliven Bundy's ranch in Bunkerville, Nevada, I've pointed out several other instances of BLM overreach... an overreach that appears from every aspect to be fascist and un-American. But, it's not just the old-time settlers who have faced the wrath of the BLM, they've also gone after Native Americans...people whose rights to the land precede the very arrival of the white man on this continent, rights fought for and secured by treaty with the Federal Government which has not hesitated to abrogate those treaties whenever big money entered the picture.
I remember back in the 1940's when uranium was discovered on the Navajo reservation in Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. Up to that time, the government had stepped in and leased Navajo coal-mining rights, compensating the tribe virtually nothing and banking the meager profits which they negotiated "in trust" for the Navajos. Of course, that money later disappeared and the accounting for it was "lost." Navajos and other tribes settled missing trust funds for pennies on the dollar in what, after years of legal wrangling, became known as the Ramah Settlement.
The Navajos went to my father, who was Director of Education on the Navajo and Hopi reservations at the time, and told him that the government wanted to negotiate their uranium mining leases for them. He asked them what their opinion was of their coal mining leases and, after he got an earful, he suggested they hire their own attorney and negotiate their own leases. That move by the Navajos really pissed off the Department of Interior and the issue ended up before the Supreme Court which ruled that yes, the damned Indians could negotiate their own leases.
Had they known what dangers uranium dust posed for their people, I think the Navajos would have rejected the mining on their lands. The government would have gone ahead anyway and more profits would have disappeared leaving the Navajos still poor and sick with radiation poisoning. At least, by negotiating their own leases the tribe secured better profits for themselves with which to lift its people out of the desperate poverty the government wanted to perpetuate on them.
But, I digress. Take a look at this brief story and the included video: http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2014/04/19/video-dann-sisters-battle-save-their-cattle-stark-contrast-clive-bundy-154521
Check out these links:
The BLM is the epitome of government-gone-wrong. We need to do something about it.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
In the days since the BLM's belligerent attack on Cliven Bundy's ranch in Bunkerville, Nevada, I've pointed out several other instances of BLM overreach... an overreach that appears from every aspect to be fascist and un-American. But, it's not just the old-time settlers who have faced the wrath of the BLM, they've also gone after Native Americans...people whose rights to the land precede the very arrival of the white man on this continent, rights fought for and secured by treaty with the Federal Government which has not hesitated to abrogate those treaties whenever big money entered the picture.
I remember back in the 1940's when uranium was discovered on the Navajo reservation in Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. Up to that time, the government had stepped in and leased Navajo coal-mining rights, compensating the tribe virtually nothing and banking the meager profits which they negotiated "in trust" for the Navajos. Of course, that money later disappeared and the accounting for it was "lost." Navajos and other tribes settled missing trust funds for pennies on the dollar in what, after years of legal wrangling, became known as the Ramah Settlement.
The Navajos went to my father, who was Director of Education on the Navajo and Hopi reservations at the time, and told him that the government wanted to negotiate their uranium mining leases for them. He asked them what their opinion was of their coal mining leases and, after he got an earful, he suggested they hire their own attorney and negotiate their own leases. That move by the Navajos really pissed off the Department of Interior and the issue ended up before the Supreme Court which ruled that yes, the damned Indians could negotiate their own leases.
Had they known what dangers uranium dust posed for their people, I think the Navajos would have rejected the mining on their lands. The government would have gone ahead anyway and more profits would have disappeared leaving the Navajos still poor and sick with radiation poisoning. At least, by negotiating their own leases the tribe secured better profits for themselves with which to lift its people out of the desperate poverty the government wanted to perpetuate on them.
But, I digress. Take a look at this brief story and the included video: http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2014/04/19/video-dann-sisters-battle-save-their-cattle-stark-contrast-clive-bundy-154521
Check out these links:
The BLM is the epitome of government-gone-wrong. We need to do something about it.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
California is proposing a law banning anyone associated with the Boy Scouts of America from becoming a Judge. The proposal is based on the fact that the Boy Scouts will not allow gays to be leaders.
Of course, that proposal is in and of itself discriminatory in that it singles out anti-gays for government intervention. However, the left-wing radicals who are pushing this legislation would never be able to understand that fact.
The next step in their agenda is to establish a law that says anti-gay straight couples shall not be allowed to have children; if the wife gets pregnant, the fetus must be aborted. Since anti-gays have no right to express their opinions, they should also be exterminated.
That all makes sense to me. How about you?
The bad news is, that's what they believe.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
California is proposing a law banning anyone associated with the Boy Scouts of America from becoming a Judge. The proposal is based on the fact that the Boy Scouts will not allow gays to be leaders.
Of course, that proposal is in and of itself discriminatory in that it singles out anti-gays for government intervention. However, the left-wing radicals who are pushing this legislation would never be able to understand that fact.
The next step in their agenda is to establish a law that says anti-gay straight couples shall not be allowed to have children; if the wife gets pregnant, the fetus must be aborted. Since anti-gays have no right to express their opinions, they should also be exterminated.
That all makes sense to me. How about you?
The bad news is, that's what they believe.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
School officials in Topeka, Kansas asked Michelle Obama to be the guest speaker at their high school graduation ceremony on May 17th. She's just announced that she is accepting the invitation. The reason for the invitation is the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case that declared separate-but-equal public education unconstitutional.
Well, I suppose that's all good and dandy, but students and families in Topeka don't think so. There are five different high schools in the district which normally hold separate graduation ceremonies. Having the First Lady speak necessitates a combined ceremony at the Kansas Expocentre, which seats 10,000; not all family members and guests will be able to attend and the ceremony is likely to drag on well into the night. Graduates and parents are ticked off, especially since invitations have already been sent out and now they must call the recipients and uninvite them.
Well, I guess that's life in the big city of Topeka.
And, that's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
School officials in Topeka, Kansas asked Michelle Obama to be the guest speaker at their high school graduation ceremony on May 17th. She's just announced that she is accepting the invitation. The reason for the invitation is the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case that declared separate-but-equal public education unconstitutional.
Well, I suppose that's all good and dandy, but students and families in Topeka don't think so. There are five different high schools in the district which normally hold separate graduation ceremonies. Having the First Lady speak necessitates a combined ceremony at the Kansas Expocentre, which seats 10,000; not all family members and guests will be able to attend and the ceremony is likely to drag on well into the night. Graduates and parents are ticked off, especially since invitations have already been sent out and now they must call the recipients and uninvite them.
Well, I guess that's life in the big city of Topeka.
And, that's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Monday, April 21, 2014
The Bundy's have come forth with graphic photographic proof that livestock was slaughtered by the BLM on the ranch and buried in deep pits. Bundy has also released aerial photos of damages to ranch property by the BLM. In response, the Feds Friday declared the air above the Bundy Ranch to be a "no fly zone."
At first glance, this might seem to be a response by the BLM to Bundy's photos. However, I suggest the declaration is more sinister. If the BLM intends to return to the ranch with a larger force, possibly including tanks such as those which attacked the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco, Texas, they certainly would not want photos or videos of that to reach the general public.
Saturday. I reported on BLM's similar treatment of Raymond Yowell. Here's another blood-chilling story about the Hage family: http://www.infowars.com/federal-judge-blm-engaged-in-a-criminal-conspiracy-against-ranchers/
And yet another about Tommy Henderson from Texas: http://offgridsurvival.com/blm-attempting-to-steal-another-ranchers-land-in-texas/
There are others. The point is, the BLM is treating American ranchers like German peasants. The takeover of our country by fascists and socialists has begun. This situation is not going to go away without a fight.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
The Bundy's have come forth with graphic photographic proof that livestock was slaughtered by the BLM on the ranch and buried in deep pits. Bundy has also released aerial photos of damages to ranch property by the BLM. In response, the Feds Friday declared the air above the Bundy Ranch to be a "no fly zone."
At first glance, this might seem to be a response by the BLM to Bundy's photos. However, I suggest the declaration is more sinister. If the BLM intends to return to the ranch with a larger force, possibly including tanks such as those which attacked the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco, Texas, they certainly would not want photos or videos of that to reach the general public.
Saturday. I reported on BLM's similar treatment of Raymond Yowell. Here's another blood-chilling story about the Hage family: http://www.infowars.com/federal-judge-blm-engaged-in-a-criminal-conspiracy-against-ranchers/
And yet another about Tommy Henderson from Texas: http://offgridsurvival.com/blm-attempting-to-steal-another-ranchers-land-in-texas/
There are others. The point is, the BLM is treating American ranchers like German peasants. The takeover of our country by fascists and socialists has begun. This situation is not going to go away without a fight.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Cliven Bundy stands accused by Harry Reid and the BLM of being the bad guy of the year. I've said before in this column that the history of the BLM in the West is far from stellar. They have run roughshod over this part of the country for decades, grinding their opponents into the desert dust as they go.
Read this: Shoshone Farmer, Raymond Yowell, Set to Take on the Bureau of Land Management
I don't know about you, but I stand firmly behind Bundy, Yowell and the other ranchers. This damned Obama government has gone too damned far.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, firmly submitted.
Read this: Shoshone Farmer, Raymond Yowell, Set to Take on the Bureau of Land Management
I don't know about you, but I stand firmly behind Bundy, Yowell and the other ranchers. This damned Obama government has gone too damned far.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, firmly submitted.
Friday, April 18, 2014
You certainly must have noticed it. Barack Obama has it. Granted, Michelle doesn't have it, but the others do... Bill, Hillary, Harry, Nancy. It's the way they carry themselves... a certain, misguiding smile and a brief, but distinctive nod of the chin. Michelle never smiles; she's angry at the world. The rest of them consider the country to be their private oysters in a glass full of rare, vintage wine.
They believe that they, and only they, possess the required attributes to run this country, to steer it toward what they consider to be the epitome of world government. And well they should believe that; after all, they have degrees from Harvard, Columbia, Oxford, Yale, George Washington University, Trinity and Princeton. Where did you go... trade school, vocational school, some obscure college out in the midwestern sticks? Maybe you never even graduated from junior college or... gasp... high school! And you have the unmitigated gall to think you could do a better job of running the country than they are?
Sometimes, there's that patronizing wink that accompanies the condescending smile and nod. It's a "Come play along with me for a while and I'll let you in on the details later," kind of wink. The details never come or, if they do, they smell worse than dead fish.
There's a deep divide in this country, and it's damned closed to becoming the Grand Canyon of all times. Something's about to break wide open, and I don't think it's going to be pretty. When it does; it'll be the battle of the snots vs. the real Americans.
Smile, nod, wink wink.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
You certainly must have noticed it. Barack Obama has it. Granted, Michelle doesn't have it, but the others do... Bill, Hillary, Harry, Nancy. It's the way they carry themselves... a certain, misguiding smile and a brief, but distinctive nod of the chin. Michelle never smiles; she's angry at the world. The rest of them consider the country to be their private oysters in a glass full of rare, vintage wine.
They believe that they, and only they, possess the required attributes to run this country, to steer it toward what they consider to be the epitome of world government. And well they should believe that; after all, they have degrees from Harvard, Columbia, Oxford, Yale, George Washington University, Trinity and Princeton. Where did you go... trade school, vocational school, some obscure college out in the midwestern sticks? Maybe you never even graduated from junior college or... gasp... high school! And you have the unmitigated gall to think you could do a better job of running the country than they are?
Sometimes, there's that patronizing wink that accompanies the condescending smile and nod. It's a "Come play along with me for a while and I'll let you in on the details later," kind of wink. The details never come or, if they do, they smell worse than dead fish.
There's a deep divide in this country, and it's damned closed to becoming the Grand Canyon of all times. Something's about to break wide open, and I don't think it's going to be pretty. When it does; it'll be the battle of the snots vs. the real Americans.
Smile, nod, wink wink.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Ben Carson is an impudent asshole. Cliven Bundy is a parasite. Ted Cruz is right-wing extremist. Paul Ryan is a tightwad. The Tea Parties are racists. Gun owners are baby killers.
Karl Marx is to be emulated and Barack Obama is really "cool."
Get the picture?
Illegitimi non carborundum.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Ben Carson is an impudent asshole. Cliven Bundy is a parasite. Ted Cruz is right-wing extremist. Paul Ryan is a tightwad. The Tea Parties are racists. Gun owners are baby killers.
Karl Marx is to be emulated and Barack Obama is really "cool."
Get the picture?
Illegitimi non carborundum.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
A Russian fighter jet was obviously trying to provoke an international confrontation over the weekend; the jet continuously buzzed the U.S. Navy destroyer USS Donald Cook at close range in the Black Sea over a 90-munute period. A Russian Navy ship, a frigate, has also been shadowing the U.S. warship, remaining within visual distance but not close enough to be unsafe.
This type of activity occurred every day during the Cold War; they never led to outright battle or World War III. Of course, we had Presidents in those days who didn't put up with any nonsense. These days, we have Barack Obama.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
A Russian fighter jet was obviously trying to provoke an international confrontation over the weekend; the jet continuously buzzed the U.S. Navy destroyer USS Donald Cook at close range in the Black Sea over a 90-munute period. A Russian Navy ship, a frigate, has also been shadowing the U.S. warship, remaining within visual distance but not close enough to be unsafe.
This type of activity occurred every day during the Cold War; they never led to outright battle or World War III. Of course, we had Presidents in those days who didn't put up with any nonsense. These days, we have Barack Obama.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Saturday morning, faced with hundreds of protesters and the promise of hundreds of more by the end of the week, the BLM summarily announced that it was pulling out of its hostile takeover of the Bundy Ranch near Overton and Bunkerville in Nevada. Several protesters had been arrested, including one of the sons of the ranch owner, Cliven Bundy. Both Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval and Clark County Sheriff Douglas Gillespie both condemned the BLM actions.
BLM has historically had rotten relations with ranchers and farmers, particularly in Western States. The Las Vegas office has been particularly overbearing and arrogant in its relationships. It has many times used ruses to drive farmers and ranchers from their lands. In this case, the BLM claimed the desert tortoise was nearing extinction and that cattle grazing in the area had to stop. It was around that time that one BLM agent allegedly told ranchers and farmers that the BLM would drive them off their lands. In the meanwhile, the desert tortoise has thrived and the BLM is actually killing some of them off. Yet, the land battle has continued.
The Bundys moved to the area in 1870, long before the BLM was formed, and began ranching. It was open range in those days; you could graze cattle wherever there was edible vegetation. The most recent confrontation was over Bundy's grazing of cattle on BLM lands, formerly open grazing lands. At the heart of the issue is the lack of a fence to distinguish Bundy Ranch lands from lands supposedly owned by the BLM; the Bundy's were saying Friday that the lands in question were actually state-owned lands.
During the standoff, the BLM refused to allow protesters near the site and confined them to two small "Free Speech" areas with a limit as to the number of protesters who could be at the areas and the condition that only one of the two areas could be occupied at any given time. This is a glaring violation of the 5th Amendment.
The BLM may be gone from the Bundy Ranch today, but they are not used to losing their battles. You can bet they will be back; it's just a matter of time.
Illegitimi non carborundum.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Young and innocent, an eleven-year-old boy made a dumb move and turned the small town of Burney, California, upside down. He was tooling along on his skateboard on the main street of town and ran into the side of an 18-wheeler. Two physical objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time. I could say the 18-wheeler won and the lad lost, but the driver of the 18-wheeler is also a loser. I cannot imagine his agony.
Gage Sealander did have a chance. He didn't need to be there on Main Street riding his skateboard in evening traffic. He didn't have to plow into the side of an 18-wheeler, but he did. Did he know better? Knowing his parents, I'm sure he did.
A couple of years ago, I came off of Main Street into the parking lot of the VFW Hall and almost ran over two young boys on skateboards. One was Gage's friend and the other one could have been Gage, I do not know. But, I stopped and told them if they were going to ride their skateboards, to stay off of driveways and entryways. Traffic comes off the highway at 30 miles an hour, sometimes more. They both continued to skateboard around town, but I never saw them in that driveway again.
Kids at that age don't absorb lessons from adults unless they are repeated, repeated and repeated. And that's my lesson here. Kids at that age are still young, innocent and exploring their territorial bounds. We have to be after them constantly, in a loving way of course, but we cannot let our guards down for even one split second... because that's all it takes for tragedy to strike.
I don't blame the parents; I don't blame the truck driver; I don't blame the kid. What a tragic ending to a beautiful spring day.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Gage Sealander did have a chance. He didn't need to be there on Main Street riding his skateboard in evening traffic. He didn't have to plow into the side of an 18-wheeler, but he did. Did he know better? Knowing his parents, I'm sure he did.
A couple of years ago, I came off of Main Street into the parking lot of the VFW Hall and almost ran over two young boys on skateboards. One was Gage's friend and the other one could have been Gage, I do not know. But, I stopped and told them if they were going to ride their skateboards, to stay off of driveways and entryways. Traffic comes off the highway at 30 miles an hour, sometimes more. They both continued to skateboard around town, but I never saw them in that driveway again.
Kids at that age don't absorb lessons from adults unless they are repeated, repeated and repeated. And that's my lesson here. Kids at that age are still young, innocent and exploring their territorial bounds. We have to be after them constantly, in a loving way of course, but we cannot let our guards down for even one split second... because that's all it takes for tragedy to strike.
I don't blame the parents; I don't blame the truck driver; I don't blame the kid. What a tragic ending to a beautiful spring day.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Friday, April 11, 2014
Dozens of fully armed law enforcement officials from various government agencies continued to wreak havoc at Cliven Bundy's Nevada ranch as the week wore on. They reportedly had armored trucks and other heavy-duty military gear as they surrounded Bundy's ranch house and deployed snipers; they were on a mission to seize Bundy's cattle.
When hundreds of protesters showed up to support Bundy, the Feds immediately informed them they must confine their protests to certain "First Amendment" zones or risk arrest. This by and in itself is a direct violation American rights to protest; they were threatened with being attacked by K-9 dogs unless they complied. Bundy's son was tasered and his wife was allegedly shoved to the ground. The government claimed that protesters had "crossed the line" into overt interference with federal authorities.
Nevada's Governor Brian Sandoval says he was “disturbed” by the First Amendment zone which he said “tramples upon Nevadans’ fundamental rights under the U.S. Constitution.”
“To that end, I have advised the BLM that such conduct is offensive to me and countless others and that the ‘First Amendment Area’ should be dismantled immediately,” Sandoval said. “No cow justifies the atmosphere of intimidation which currently exists nor the limitation of constitutional rights that are sacred to all Nevadans. The BLM needs to reconsider its approach to this matter and act accordingly.”
It should be noted that this latest action against Bundy began immediately after FOX NEWS aired the matter over the weekend, and that is prima facie evidence evidence as far as I am concerned, that the actions are a "payback" for the FOX story. Once again, the BLM has inserted bad blood into Western states' rights. Once again, the Obama government is displaying all-out contempt for our Constitution and historical ways of life.
And so the overthrow of our government begins and the time of the ending of the American way of life is at hand.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Dozens of fully armed law enforcement officials from various government agencies continued to wreak havoc at Cliven Bundy's Nevada ranch as the week wore on. They reportedly had armored trucks and other heavy-duty military gear as they surrounded Bundy's ranch house and deployed snipers; they were on a mission to seize Bundy's cattle.
When hundreds of protesters showed up to support Bundy, the Feds immediately informed them they must confine their protests to certain "First Amendment" zones or risk arrest. This by and in itself is a direct violation American rights to protest; they were threatened with being attacked by K-9 dogs unless they complied. Bundy's son was tasered and his wife was allegedly shoved to the ground. The government claimed that protesters had "crossed the line" into overt interference with federal authorities.
Nevada's Governor Brian Sandoval says he was “disturbed” by the First Amendment zone which he said “tramples upon Nevadans’ fundamental rights under the U.S. Constitution.”
“To that end, I have advised the BLM that such conduct is offensive to me and countless others and that the ‘First Amendment Area’ should be dismantled immediately,” Sandoval said. “No cow justifies the atmosphere of intimidation which currently exists nor the limitation of constitutional rights that are sacred to all Nevadans. The BLM needs to reconsider its approach to this matter and act accordingly.”
It should be noted that this latest action against Bundy began immediately after FOX NEWS aired the matter over the weekend, and that is prima facie evidence evidence as far as I am concerned, that the actions are a "payback" for the FOX story. Once again, the BLM has inserted bad blood into Western states' rights. Once again, the Obama government is displaying all-out contempt for our Constitution and historical ways of life.
And so the overthrow of our government begins and the time of the ending of the American way of life is at hand.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Representative Louie Gohmert’s line of questioning during a House Judiciary Hearing Tuesday did little to assuage the reputation the AG has earned for himself of being "untouchable." Gohmert was going after Holder over DOJ's refusual to provide documents pertaining to a DOJ case against the Holy Land Foundation, a Texas-based group whose members were convicted and sentenced for funneling money to Hamas.
“Attorney General, I’ve read in the 5th Circuit opinion, about 9,600 summaries of transcripts of conversations that the Justice Department had that were made available to attorneys for the terrorists,” Gohmert said. “I still do not understand why your department can provide documents to terrorists’ lawyers, and many of them to four out of eight of the terrorists, and not provide them to members of Congress.
“Sir, I’ve read you what your department promised, and it is inadequate, and I realize that contempt is not a big deal to our attorney general, but it is important that we have proper oversight,” Gohmert said referring to the House’s 2012 vote to hold the AG in contempt for failing to turn over Fast and Furious documents.
That’s when Holder got his back up. The AG shot back, “You don’t want to go there, buddy. You don’t want to go there, OK?”
Holder, most of us will agree, is an arrogant stooge for Obama misdeeds. He has allowed the Obama hoodlums to trash our Constitution and to run rampant end-runs around our laws, and he has thumbed his nose at any and every attempt to stop him.
"You don't want to go there?" Well, screw you,"buddy," we are still free in this country and we have every damned right to go there and if you don't like it, you have the right and the obligation to America to get the hell out of the way.
Illegitimi non carborundum.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Representative Louie Gohmert’s line of questioning during a House Judiciary Hearing Tuesday did little to assuage the reputation the AG has earned for himself of being "untouchable." Gohmert was going after Holder over DOJ's refusual to provide documents pertaining to a DOJ case against the Holy Land Foundation, a Texas-based group whose members were convicted and sentenced for funneling money to Hamas.
“Attorney General, I’ve read in the 5th Circuit opinion, about 9,600 summaries of transcripts of conversations that the Justice Department had that were made available to attorneys for the terrorists,” Gohmert said. “I still do not understand why your department can provide documents to terrorists’ lawyers, and many of them to four out of eight of the terrorists, and not provide them to members of Congress.
“Sir, I’ve read you what your department promised, and it is inadequate, and I realize that contempt is not a big deal to our attorney general, but it is important that we have proper oversight,” Gohmert said referring to the House’s 2012 vote to hold the AG in contempt for failing to turn over Fast and Furious documents.
That’s when Holder got his back up. The AG shot back, “You don’t want to go there, buddy. You don’t want to go there, OK?”
Holder, most of us will agree, is an arrogant stooge for Obama misdeeds. He has allowed the Obama hoodlums to trash our Constitution and to run rampant end-runs around our laws, and he has thumbed his nose at any and every attempt to stop him.
"You don't want to go there?" Well, screw you,"buddy," we are still free in this country and we have every damned right to go there and if you don't like it, you have the right and the obligation to America to get the hell out of the way.
Illegitimi non carborundum.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Here is a third story about oppressive, heavy-handed activities on the part of the government against its citizens.
Don Miller in Indianapolis has a basement of artifacts he has collected from all over the world on his extensive travels. It was made mention of on the local TV station, WISH-TV, and almost within hours FBI agents descended on Miller's house. Since then, they have erected a command center, huge tents and extensive yellow crime scene tape.
“Over the last several months, an FBI investigation has determined that Mr. Miller may have knowingly and unknowingly collected artifacts, relics and objects of cultural patrimony in violation of several treaties federal and state statutes,” FBI Special Agent in Charge Robert Jones told WISH.
It seems to me that this operation is another over-kill instance of Nazi-like oppression, the likes of which are ominous signs of things to come, unless we choose to do something about it.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Wednesday, April 09, 2014
Yesterday, I reported on storm troopers and their heavy-handed raids on a Nevada rancher. Here's another story that should send shivers down your spine.
Last year, Gun Owners of America warned that ATF agents were going from gun dealer to gun dealer scanning information from Forms 4473 which are completed at the time of a gun purchase and which contain information about the buyer that, under the law, is supposed to remain in the dealer's possession. The ATF is unconstitutionally terrorizing small gun shop owners and threatening to put them out of business unless they comply.
Phil Chabot, owner of Pac 'N Arms in Sanford, Maine, says that although gun shops are subjected to routine audits of paperwork and inventory, his most recent audit dragged on for months "and it appeared to be little more than a thinly-veiled attempt to create a registry of my clientele."
What is happening is a secret, illegal attempt to begin the creation of a national gun registry. In other words, the government doesn't give a damn what the law says, it will do as it pleases.
Has the decline and fall of America already occurred?
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Yesterday, I reported on storm troopers and their heavy-handed raids on a Nevada rancher. Here's another story that should send shivers down your spine.
Last year, Gun Owners of America warned that ATF agents were going from gun dealer to gun dealer scanning information from Forms 4473 which are completed at the time of a gun purchase and which contain information about the buyer that, under the law, is supposed to remain in the dealer's possession. The ATF is unconstitutionally terrorizing small gun shop owners and threatening to put them out of business unless they comply.
Phil Chabot, owner of Pac 'N Arms in Sanford, Maine, says that although gun shops are subjected to routine audits of paperwork and inventory, his most recent audit dragged on for months "and it appeared to be little more than a thinly-veiled attempt to create a registry of my clientele."
What is happening is a secret, illegal attempt to begin the creation of a national gun registry. In other words, the government doesn't give a damn what the law says, it will do as it pleases.
Has the decline and fall of America already occurred?
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
and it appeared to be little more than a thinly-veiled attempt to create a registry of my clientele."
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/04/atf-agent-attempts-illegally-scan-forms-pac-n-arms-multiple-times-threatens-owner-license-revocation/#E4F0HSgCrArvzY6A.99
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/04/atf-agent-attempts-illegally-scan-forms-pac-n-arms-multiple-times-threatens-owner-license-revocation/#E4F0HSgCrArvzY6A.99
We've seen, in recent weeks, how this unconstitutional agency is illegally terrorizing small business owners, such as Ares Armor, and raiding their establishments to gather information on their customers, in what many people believe is part of the plan to create a national gun registry database.
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/04/atf-agent-attempts-illegally-scan-forms-pac-n-arms-multiple-times-threatens-owner-license-revocation/#E4F0HSgCrArvzY6A.99
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/04/atf-agent-attempts-illegally-scan-forms-pac-n-arms-multiple-times-threatens-owner-license-revocation/#E4F0HSgCrArvzY6A.99
We've seen, in recent weeks, how this unconstitutional agency is illegally terrorizing small business owners, such as Ares Armor, and raiding their establishments to gather information on their customers, in what many people believe is part of the plan to create a national gun registry database.
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/04/atf-agent-attempts-illegally-scan-forms-pac-n-arms-multiple-times-threatens-owner-license-revocation/#E4F0HSgCrArvzY6A.99
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/04/atf-agent-attempts-illegally-scan-forms-pac-n-arms-multiple-times-threatens-owner-license-revocation/#E4F0HSgCrArvzY6A.99
We've seen, in recent weeks, how this unconstitutional agency is illegally terrorizing small business owners, such as Ares Armor, and raiding their establishments to gather information on their customers, in what many people believe is part of the plan to create a national gun registry database.
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/04/atf-agent-attempts-illegally-scan-forms-pac-n-arms-multiple-times-threatens-owner-license-revocation/#E4F0HSgCrArvzY6A.99
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/04/atf-agent-attempts-illegally-scan-forms-pac-n-arms-multiple-times-threatens-owner-license-revocation/#E4F0HSgCrArvzY6A.99
seen, in recent weeks, how this unconstitutional agency is illegally
terrorizing small business owners, such as Ares Armor, and raiding their
establishments to gather information on their customers, in what many
people believe is part of the plan to create a national gun registry
Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here: http://patriotupdate.com/2014/04/atf-agent-attempts-illegally-scan-gun-owner-forms-pac-n-arms-multiple-times-threatens-revoke-dealers-license/#0GxQXVSkYUOxFOcr.99
Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here: http://patriotupdate.com/2014/04/atf-agent-attempts-illegally-scan-gun-owner-forms-pac-n-arms-multiple-times-threatens-revoke-dealers-license/#0GxQXVSkYUOxFOcr.99
seen, in recent weeks, how this unconstitutional agency is illegally
terrorizing small business owners, such as Ares Armor, and raiding their
establishments to gather information on their customers, in what many
people believe is part of the plan to create a national gun registry
Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here: http://patriotupdate.com/2014/04/atf-agent-attempts-illegally-scan-gun-owner-forms-pac-n-arms-multiple-times-threatens-revoke-dealers-license/#0GxQXVSkYUOxFOcr.99
Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here: http://patriotupdate.com/2014/04/atf-agent-attempts-illegally-scan-gun-owner-forms-pac-n-arms-multiple-times-threatens-revoke-dealers-license/#0GxQXVSkYUOxFOcr.99
seen, in recent weeks, how this unconstitutional agency is illegally
terrorizing small business owners, such as Ares Armor, and raiding their
establishments to gather information on their customers, in what many
people believe is part of the plan to create a national gun registry
Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here: http://patriotupdate.com/2014/04/atf-agent-attempts-illegally-scan-gun-owner-forms-pac-n-arms-multiple-times-threatens-revoke-dealers-license/#0GxQXVSkYUOxFOcr.99
Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here: http://patriotupdate.com/2014/04/atf-agent-attempts-illegally-scan-gun-owner-forms-pac-n-arms-multiple-times-threatens-revoke-dealers-license/#0GxQXVSkYUOxFOcr.99
Tuesday, April 08, 2014
I've had several posts on my blogs in the recent past about the oppressive, storm-trooper style antics of government agents. Over the weekend on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, FOX NEWS carried a special report about the BLM and other government agencies and their battles against Cliven Bundy and other ranchers in Eastern Nevada. That coverage prompted a storm trooper invasion of Bundy's ranch; the feds hired contract cowboys to start seizing Cliven Bundy's cattle, which have been grazing on public land managed by the Bureau of Land Management. The government officials brought a show of force that included dozens of armed agents in SUVs and helicopters.
Now Cliven's family has owned the ranch for many decades and had grazing rights on BLM land. At one point, the Bundy family was beseiged by several different government agencies who made it clear that they wanted all ranching to end in the area. One by one, Bundy's ranching neighbors gave up the battle. To make a long story short, Bundy's family eventually won a law case against the BLM and $14 million, which I do not believe has been paid as of yet.
Bundy's ranch adjoins BLM land, but there is no fence line to distinguish ownership, presumably because Bundy's family had grazing rights on the BLM land and it didn't make sense to fence it. Now, the BLM has arbitrarily said that Bundy can no longer graze on the land and, without building a fence, has proclaimed that any of Bundy's cattle found on BLM land will be seized. And they chose this weekend, the weekend of the FOX NEWS special to do so, with dozens of armed agents in SUVs and helicopters.
Don't you see this for what it really is... oppressive tyranny in America?
As long as we allow it to occur, without raising holy hell, I assure you it is going to get worse.
Illegitimi non carborundum.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
I've had several posts on my blogs in the recent past about the oppressive, storm-trooper style antics of government agents. Over the weekend on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, FOX NEWS carried a special report about the BLM and other government agencies and their battles against Cliven Bundy and other ranchers in Eastern Nevada. That coverage prompted a storm trooper invasion of Bundy's ranch; the feds hired contract cowboys to start seizing Cliven Bundy's cattle, which have been grazing on public land managed by the Bureau of Land Management. The government officials brought a show of force that included dozens of armed agents in SUVs and helicopters.
Now Cliven's family has owned the ranch for many decades and had grazing rights on BLM land. At one point, the Bundy family was beseiged by several different government agencies who made it clear that they wanted all ranching to end in the area. One by one, Bundy's ranching neighbors gave up the battle. To make a long story short, Bundy's family eventually won a law case against the BLM and $14 million, which I do not believe has been paid as of yet.
Bundy's ranch adjoins BLM land, but there is no fence line to distinguish ownership, presumably because Bundy's family had grazing rights on the BLM land and it didn't make sense to fence it. Now, the BLM has arbitrarily said that Bundy can no longer graze on the land and, without building a fence, has proclaimed that any of Bundy's cattle found on BLM land will be seized. And they chose this weekend, the weekend of the FOX NEWS special to do so, with dozens of armed agents in SUVs and helicopters.
Don't you see this for what it really is... oppressive tyranny in America?
As long as we allow it to occur, without raising holy hell, I assure you it is going to get worse.
Illegitimi non carborundum.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Monday, April 07, 2014
When we send our sons and daughters off to war, they're normal, or however we perceive "normal" to be. They're away or gone from our daily lives for a couple of years or more and then, suddenly they are back. We haven't been around them for the intervening two years; we have no idea what they have been exposed to and we expect that things will quickly get back to "normal."
But, that is not always the case. They've probably been shot at, maybe even wounded. They've seen friends maimed or killed, sometimes right next to them. They've been given a gun, taught how to shoot it... taught to kill. Yet, they have rules... you can't shoot unless or until this or that happens and if you shoot when you're not supposed to, you could end up in jail.
I don't know how anybody can spend a few years under those conditions and then come home "normal." "Well," the government says, "they can get help. The V.A. will give them help. If they're still on active duty, the military will get them help."
Anyone who has ever done service with the military or who knows people who have served knows that getting help is much easier said than done. I know of people who have been waiting over two years just to get cleared to see a doctor. Even when you do get "help," it's not always qualified to deal with the issues that accompany post traumatic stress syndrome, for example.
I mention all of this because people don't understand how a good, decent, hard-working "normal" guy can pick up a gun and walk into a clinic and start shooting.
It's way past the time when this government should stop treating our young men and women who have served as if they were cattle. We owe them a profound debt of gratitude and it needs to be repaid with respect and loving care; we need to help them heal not only their physical wounds, but also their individual mental hells. Spending taxpayer money on lavish parties and undeserved bonuses just doesn't get it done.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
When we send our sons and daughters off to war, they're normal, or however we perceive "normal" to be. They're away or gone from our daily lives for a couple of years or more and then, suddenly they are back. We haven't been around them for the intervening two years; we have no idea what they have been exposed to and we expect that things will quickly get back to "normal."
But, that is not always the case. They've probably been shot at, maybe even wounded. They've seen friends maimed or killed, sometimes right next to them. They've been given a gun, taught how to shoot it... taught to kill. Yet, they have rules... you can't shoot unless or until this or that happens and if you shoot when you're not supposed to, you could end up in jail.
I don't know how anybody can spend a few years under those conditions and then come home "normal." "Well," the government says, "they can get help. The V.A. will give them help. If they're still on active duty, the military will get them help."
Anyone who has ever done service with the military or who knows people who have served knows that getting help is much easier said than done. I know of people who have been waiting over two years just to get cleared to see a doctor. Even when you do get "help," it's not always qualified to deal with the issues that accompany post traumatic stress syndrome, for example.
I mention all of this because people don't understand how a good, decent, hard-working "normal" guy can pick up a gun and walk into a clinic and start shooting.
It's way past the time when this government should stop treating our young men and women who have served as if they were cattle. We owe them a profound debt of gratitude and it needs to be repaid with respect and loving care; we need to help them heal not only their physical wounds, but also their individual mental hells. Spending taxpayer money on lavish parties and undeserved bonuses just doesn't get it done.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Saturday, April 05, 2014
Now that the Supremes have ruled there can be no lid on the total amount of contributions an individual can make, the misinformation somehow gets spread that from now on, George Soros and his cohorts can control the political process. Actually, the ruling only changes one aspect: You still can't contribute more than $2,600 to any one candidate.
That having been said, I think we are all aware that PACs's and other methods allow candidates to circumvent the rules anyway. Millions of dollars floated into Obama's campaign in both elections and a substantial amount came from small, unidentifiable overseas donations.
Our country was founded on the basis that when it comes to politics and government, everyone in this country is an equal. The rich have no leg up on the poor, the powerful have no leg up on the meek when it comes to choosing the leaders of our government. Over the period of historical time, however, that premise has been eroded. That's how you get Members of Congress being reelected over and over again, even though they are doing a lousy job. That's how we end up with a President who has no real right to the job. The flow of money into the political system has badly and adversely changed the way things were meant to be.
There' a call out for a Constitutional Convention right now to amend the Constitution to require a balanced budget. Since we're going to end up having that convention anyway, I think it is time that we set term limits for members of Congress. But, let's leave a back door open, just in case a Congressional member is doing such a great job and is so highly respected, let's allow him or her to keep their job for another term if they garner 67% or more of the popular vote.
I can live with that, and it takes one helluva lot of this campaign finance issue off of the table.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
That having been said, I think we are all aware that PACs's and other methods allow candidates to circumvent the rules anyway. Millions of dollars floated into Obama's campaign in both elections and a substantial amount came from small, unidentifiable overseas donations.
Our country was founded on the basis that when it comes to politics and government, everyone in this country is an equal. The rich have no leg up on the poor, the powerful have no leg up on the meek when it comes to choosing the leaders of our government. Over the period of historical time, however, that premise has been eroded. That's how you get Members of Congress being reelected over and over again, even though they are doing a lousy job. That's how we end up with a President who has no real right to the job. The flow of money into the political system has badly and adversely changed the way things were meant to be.
There' a call out for a Constitutional Convention right now to amend the Constitution to require a balanced budget. Since we're going to end up having that convention anyway, I think it is time that we set term limits for members of Congress. But, let's leave a back door open, just in case a Congressional member is doing such a great job and is so highly respected, let's allow him or her to keep their job for another term if they garner 67% or more of the popular vote.
I can live with that, and it takes one helluva lot of this campaign finance issue off of the table.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Friday, April 04, 2014
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has called for a special hearing on April 10th to determine whether or not Lois Lerner, formerly of the I.R.S. should be held in contempt of Congress for refusing to answer questions of the Committee on two occasions.
Should the Committee decide that she should be held in contempt, then it goes to the full floor of the House for a House vote and then into the Federal Court system. You may recall that Eric Holder was held in contempt over his refusal to produce Fast & Furious documents in June of 2012; that's nearly two years ago and the Department of Justice has been successful in several delaying tactics, although they have lost several motions.
The point I am making is that two years from now, we're going to be in the middle of the 2016 election campaign. I think it is highly likely that the Lerner contempt matter will not make it to the Supreme Court until sometime in 2017 or even 2018, long after the Obama regime has left office.
This is a gross miscarriage of justice in our country. This process is actually rewarding government hooliganism in the Obama Administration.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has called for a special hearing on April 10th to determine whether or not Lois Lerner, formerly of the I.R.S. should be held in contempt of Congress for refusing to answer questions of the Committee on two occasions.
Should the Committee decide that she should be held in contempt, then it goes to the full floor of the House for a House vote and then into the Federal Court system. You may recall that Eric Holder was held in contempt over his refusal to produce Fast & Furious documents in June of 2012; that's nearly two years ago and the Department of Justice has been successful in several delaying tactics, although they have lost several motions.
The point I am making is that two years from now, we're going to be in the middle of the 2016 election campaign. I think it is highly likely that the Lerner contempt matter will not make it to the Supreme Court until sometime in 2017 or even 2018, long after the Obama regime has left office.
This is a gross miscarriage of justice in our country. This process is actually rewarding government hooliganism in the Obama Administration.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Thursday, April 03, 2014
Fort Hood again, four deaths as of last night and 14 injured. More gun violence. What's the answer?
I have the answer. The number of mass gun shootings among the Army is disproportionately high in relation to mass gun shootings in the general populace. It only makes sense to disarm the Army. All Army personnel should be prohibited from carrying any guns, long or short, on any military installation anywhere in the world, whether or not the guns be government issued or privately owned or possessed.
Furthermore, the number of law enforcement shootings in Albuquerque seems to be disproportionately high in comparison to other cities. Therefore, Albuquerque Police and Bernalillo County Sheriff officers should be banned from carrying any weapons whether on duty or not.
This solution makes perfect sense to me; doesn't it make sense to you?
Illegitimi non carborundum.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Fort Hood again, four deaths as of last night and 14 injured. More gun violence. What's the answer?
I have the answer. The number of mass gun shootings among the Army is disproportionately high in relation to mass gun shootings in the general populace. It only makes sense to disarm the Army. All Army personnel should be prohibited from carrying any guns, long or short, on any military installation anywhere in the world, whether or not the guns be government issued or privately owned or possessed.
Furthermore, the number of law enforcement shootings in Albuquerque seems to be disproportionately high in comparison to other cities. Therefore, Albuquerque Police and Bernalillo County Sheriff officers should be banned from carrying any weapons whether on duty or not.
This solution makes perfect sense to me; doesn't it make sense to you?
Illegitimi non carborundum.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Wednesday, April 02, 2014
No sooner did I post on WE'RE NOT TO BLAME my dissatisfaction with the progress on the Benghazi investigation than the House announced it is calling top CIA officials on for closed-door testimony on Tuesday.
This massacre and resulting coverup is by far the worst deed ever perpetrated by any administration on the American public. We have every right to the full and complete story, and it is incumbent upon us in the name of those who died there to keep hounding our Congressional delegations until the answers come out.
Illegitimi non carborundum.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
No sooner did I post on WE'RE NOT TO BLAME my dissatisfaction with the progress on the Benghazi investigation than the House announced it is calling top CIA officials on for closed-door testimony on Tuesday.
This massacre and resulting coverup is by far the worst deed ever perpetrated by any administration on the American public. We have every right to the full and complete story, and it is incumbent upon us in the name of those who died there to keep hounding our Congressional delegations until the answers come out.
Illegitimi non carborundum.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Tuesday, April 01, 2014
With all of the changes Obama has issued by Executive Order, the "Affordable" Care Act is no longer anything like the bill as it was originally presented and passed back in 2010. In order to bring the law into conformity with how it has morphed without Congressional action, it is only right and proper that the bill be passed again in its new form.
Not to worry there, Prez: Since you still have the Democrats under your thumb and the Republicans still don't know which was is up, there shouldn't be any problem in getting this done. Right?
Illegitimi non carborundum.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
With all of the changes Obama has issued by Executive Order, the "Affordable" Care Act is no longer anything like the bill as it was originally presented and passed back in 2010. In order to bring the law into conformity with how it has morphed without Congressional action, it is only right and proper that the bill be passed again in its new form.
Not to worry there, Prez: Since you still have the Democrats under your thumb and the Republicans still don't know which was is up, there shouldn't be any problem in getting this done. Right?
Illegitimi non carborundum.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
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