Saturday, March 31, 2012


Frankly, this subject annoys me.  It annoys me because, although I knew it was still in existence in the country, I felt that it was in great decline and that America was becoming more comfortable with its diversity. 

Then, along came Obama. 

Barack Hussein Obama and his wife Michelle made no bones about it; they felt that racism still existed in the country and you could feel the prejudice and dislike of whites in their voices when he was running for President.  Yes, he campaigned on the promise of racial harmony, but as soon as he got elected he started interjecting race into everything.  It got started within a month of his inauguration with the issue of a white cop and a black professor, if you remember correctly.  Obama and Biden ended up in the Rose Garden with the cop, having a beer and attempting to schmooze their racial mistake over. 

Suddenly, America was faced with a distasteful subject that was really in its waning days.  We had a President who was preaching racial harmony and practicing racial divisiveness at the same time.  And since that moment in time, things have gotten progressively worse.  You’d almost have to think that we are back in the 50’s and 60’s and ready for a Martin Luther King Jr. to come along and save the blacks from the racist whites.  In fact, here we have a case of a black youth getting shot by a white neighborhood watchman and the flames of racial discrimination get turned extra-hot by a President pre-judging the facts and a press totally ready to convict and hang the watchman before all of the facts are in.  

Those of us who oppose his views and politics have been openly called "racists" and every time something doesn't go Obama's way; the subject of racism is immediately put on the table.   

I for one have had my absolute fill of this racial divide that Obama and his cronies seek to create.  Where I was once comfortable with blacks living next door because they were great people, I’m now ready to say, “Let’s ship them back to Africa,” because they are stirring up hatred and they are all alike. 

Is this the kind of attitude Americans should be acquiring?  Hell no.  Does Obama want to create this divide?  It seems so.   All I can say is, “Enough is enough and if this bull doesn’t stop soon, we need to start getting the ships ready to set sail. 

Or, perhaps, the better solution is to vote Obama out of office and rid ourselves of this cancer on our nation. Maybe then we can continue to erase racism and divisiveness in this country. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Thursday, March 29, 2012



The news coming out of the Supreme Court Hearings into the Constitutionality of ObamaCare has not been particularly friendly to the Democratic Party or to Obama and his White House goons.  In fact, there has been every indication that the Court is looking at canning the entire legislation, not just the individual mandate.  

Predictably, the Obamacrats started to react by mid-day Wednesday, and the reaction was not professional or particularly well-stated in the initial stages.  And, predictably, those starting off the rhetoric were vitriolic, nasty and downright unfriendly.  Dennis Kucinich said, in essence, that if the Supreme Court does overturn ObamaCare, the Democrats will shove the single-payer system right up America's collective rear-ends.  They don't care whether or not the vast majority of Americans are more against a single payer system than ObamaCare, they will pass it.  They'll show us!  Kucinich finished off by saying that the Supreme Court would be "totally out of line." 

And the White House is already gearing up to force another Judge off the bench so they can replace him with a far-left liberal.  Some top-level Democrats suggest that having the Court throw out the legislation will be a good thing for Obama because he'll be able to show how the conservative conspiracy works against the well-being of the country. 

Frankly, I hope they get damned mad and really show their ugly selves for what they are.  They can take their spite, their vinegar and acidic personalities and exit, stage left, in November.  We need to make this our primary objective.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012



The Republican hierarchy, bound and determined to thwart the will of the majority of the Republicans in this country, is now trotting out Congressional Members, former Governors and other political hacks ad infinitum with endorsements of Nit Romney for the Republican nomination.  And they have become more vocal with their calls for  Gingrich and Santorum to give up the fight.  

In all of this fancy footwork, they all fail to mention the fact that Romney has only had more than 50% of the vote twice.  In fact, taken on average, 55% to 65% of Americans so far have voted against Mitt Romney and for some other candidate.  Now, the hierarchy proposes to change that statistic by forcing both Gingrich and Santorum to the sidelines, thereby depriving the remaining Republicans who haven't voted of the right to also vote against Romney.  

The Republican Party sucks.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.   

Saturday, March 24, 2012


We are all cognizant of the fact that a large part of the world hates our guts and would like to see our country disintegrate.  Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Syria, most of the Middle East… They’d all be dancing in the streets if this country went down.  I even think you might include Israel in this list, given Obama’s historical treatment of them.  And, anyone who thinks Mexico or Venezuela wouldn’t like to take this country over is naïve. 

Given that fact, let’s look inside the country.  We know that we have been allowing illegal Mexicans and other nationals enter our country almost at will across our southern border.  Government officials acknowledge that there are Al Qaeda cells, Iranian cells, and left-wing Muslim cells in our country waiting for the call to take us down.  The Mexican drug cartels have gone beyond crossing our border to do their dirty deeds and have teamed up with Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups. 

Yes, this is scary stuff.

Left-wing liberals have wound their way into almost every facet of our society.  They are certainly a powerful force in our judiciary, legislative and executive branches at all levels.  They have developed into a powerful political force, so powerful that the conservative American patriots in this country seem to be stymied. 

Our country may already be lost.  Every way we turn, we face the loss of our country.   

Now is the time for all good American patriots to stand up and be counted.  I firmly believe that November 2012 is not about Democrat vs. Republican, it is about left-wing socialism vs. democracy, a republican form of government vs. totalitarianism and freedom vs. servitude.  This is not just a battle for our present way of life, but about our children and grandchildren and their way of life. 

We need to reestablish our internal direction in this country so that we can effectively deal with the external threats.  And we do not have the luxury of more time.  Now is the time. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Tuesday, March 20, 2012



The word is out; Holder has said that Americans must get rid of their guns and that it is the job of government to change the attitude of citizens about owning guns just like they're changing attitudes about smoking.  According to him, government needs to be on the radio, on the TV, on the Internet, in the newspapers... everywhere... talking about how bad guns are for the country and demanding that they be outlawed.

It was the Holder Storm Troopers who planned, engineered and implemented "Fast and Furious" for the sole purpose of being able to say to the American public that gun stores were selling arms illegally to the Mexicans and therefore gun shops should be put out of business.  What a flagrant lie and dirty deed that was.

He's trying to fulfill Obama's agenda, so Obama won't can him.  

Eric Holder needs to be fired or removed by the Congress. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Frankly, I’ve finally had my fill of the ungrateful citizens and non-citizens of this country who are deliberately trying to undermine the foundations upon which the nation was built.  In my opinion, if they don’t like our social mores, our ethics, our religion, our gun ownership or our form of government, they should pack their damned bags and head back to Africa, Viet Nam, Mexico, Iraq or wherever their roots are. 

I will help them pack their bags. 

They have absolutely no right to tear at the fabrics of our society.  How dare they challenge our voting system when we have the best track record of freedom and democracy in world history?  How dare they challenge our legal system or our Constitution?  How dare they mock our way of life, shout us down or tell us we have no rights to display our beliefs in God or to put up a Christmas tree on land that belongs to our country? 

Enough is enough.  Political correctness can be flushed straight down the toilet as far as I am concerned; I have every right to speak my mind and I also have every right to demand that our press and media report the facts as they exist and keep their political agendas and opinions to the editorial pages.  I have every right to open or close a meeting with a prayer. 

I have every right to look any one of these people straight in the eye and say, “If you don’t like our country, get the ^&$$()@! out.”  Leave now or shut the hell up.  We’re not taking your crap any more.  

I am a God fearing and believing, gun toting American whose family has been here since 1636 and, when it comes to my country, I believe in the axiom, "DON'T TREAD ON ME OR MY COUNTRY."

That’s MY AMERICAN RANT, respectfully submitted.  

Thursday, March 15, 2012



New estimates from the Congressional Budget Office show the cost to Americans for ObamaCare is more than twice the original estimate of $900 billion.  That only counts the cost of coverage, not implementation costs and other changes.

Why should we be surprised?  He lies to us every time he opens his mouth. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012



I am urging every American who can drive, ride, walk or use the Post Office to vote not just once, but as many times as you can, in as many districts as you can.  And, I'm here to tell you that you are going to be able to do it. 

Right now, the Administration is culminating three years of dismantling our election laws and making it easier to commit election fraud.  In Texas, a law requiring voters to show picture identification has been struck down by Attorney General Holder on the basis that it discriminates against Hispanics whether they are citizens or not.  Never mind the fact that the law provides for free I.D. cards to legal citizens. 

In various states, you can register to vote without ever showing any identification.  There are some states where you can actually register to vote at the same time you vote... and not show any I.D.  Military personnel and others stationed overseas are again being denied the right to vote in many primary elections because, "we just don't have the time."   

Whenever the government of any country sets itself up so that election laws are loose and not enforced, election fraud has historically been rampant.  I don't know about you, but I intend to vote at least three or four times.  Otherwise, we don't stand a chance. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Saturday, March 10, 2012


There you are, sitting at the stop light, when you look up and spot the surveillance camera next to the signal light.  You have to wonder if they are watching you.   

I was working in the casino business when an employee stole $1,000 in cash from a stash of unprotected money.  We were able to track his every move from camera to camera throughout the casino, until he eventually stopped and removed the money from inside his shirt and put it into the lining of the jacket in his locker.  Yes, today they can track your moves from camera to camera. 

Not only are store owners watching customers, they are also watching employees and delivery people.  The price of cameras has gone into the basement; even homeowners are putting cameras around the exteriors of their houses to watch who comes and goes in the neighborhood, but they’re also using them to check on their kids and babysitters.  No, they don’t always stick out like a sore thumb; some can be hidden in planters, briefcases, smoke detectors and pens. 

The real question is, “Who is it that is watching you?”  Do they have a legal right, or are they trying to catch a glimpse of your teenage daughter changing clothes for bed?  Yes, the bank has a right to look at transactions and potential robbers, but does a clothing store have a right to keep a camera focused on a fitting room? 

Everywhere we go, the cameras are there watching everything we do.  It’s time we started paying attention to where they are located and to start asking why they are there. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Thursday, March 08, 2012



We now have a leader in the Republican race for President who does not have a majority of the party vote.  In other words, we are heading for November with a candidate who only has 42% or 43%, or thereabouts, of the party membership who truly support him.  The other 56% or so would prefer to have another, more conservative candidate, but they'll be there to vote for him because the alternative is unspeakable; Obama simply must be defeated.  

The party is being torn apart by the very liberals that it is supposed to despise.  McCain is liberal, Romney is liberal;  the heart of the party is supposed to be conservative.  The Republicans have been weakened for several years, perhaps two decades, by liberals in conservative clothing and also due to their inability to develop a cohesive message for Americans. 

While it's too late to make a difference in this election, it's time to develop a new party.  A new, more conservative party will take that 55% or so of the Republicans away and many independents as well.  The Republican Party will then die on the vine with the true liberals being forced back into the Democratic Party where they belong, and we'll be back to a two party system.  It may take 10 or 12 years, but it needs to be done.  Otherwise, we may just as well be a one-party system with the Democrats in charge of everything. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.