Saturday, October 29, 2011


On and on they go, day in and day out, taking away our lives one dribble at a time.  Since 1960 at University of California at Berkeley, they have totally destroyed the fundamentals of our country.  I can sum it all up as follows:  education, sexual mores, religious beliefs, truth in history, borders, illegal immigration, economy, bailouts, takeovers, lies, spins, media and the press.  Did I miss anything? 

There is not one facet of our lives that they have not debauched.  Just as they have attacked these things piece by piece, they have piece by piece eroded the very fabric of our democracy.  They have used our liberties against us.  They have protested, screamed, yelled, litigated and coerced their way to becoming a minority ruler over the majority in this country. 

Part of the problem is that we were taught as youngsters that our Senators, Representatives and President were charged with the democratic responsibility to run our government in an ethical and responsible manner; we thought we could trust them to do just that and they betrayed our trust.  They caved in and became part of the “them” that have been tearing our country and its values apart. 

I’m sick and tired of the whole socialist agenda.   

We have to remove every last one of them, Democrat and Republican alike, fumigate their offices and elect some people with at least some semblance of trust and ethics.  Let’s start seeking them out, identifying them and recruiting them for their new roles today. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Thursday, October 27, 2011



“All you want is to see Obama defeated.  You don’t care about anything else.” 

You know what?  They’re right; I admit it.  That is the single most important focus in my life right now.  I want to see the man who has done more harm to this country than any single person in its history out of the White House. 

I want the guy who violates the law, ignores the Constitution, turns a deaf ear to the will of the people, refuses to come to grips with spending or the national debt, doesn’t give a damn about the unemployed and turns on his own people… I want him crucified, vilified and removed from office.  It can’t happen fast enough for me. 

I know that you are going to immediately react by calling me a racist.  That’s the only way you liberals can deal with people like me.  But, if you bothered to know anything about my life, you would know that I am the farthest thing from being a racist that anybody can be. In fact, I am very much enthralled with Herman Cain, because HE is an American.  

If you have a problem with anything I’ve just said, it’s your problem and not mine.  So get over it.  I stand with my country. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.   

Tuesday, October 25, 2011



Now is the time for all good, solid and patriotic Americans to come to the aid of their country. 

All of us have watched our country go down the drain.  It was a slow process at first, back in Bush 1 years, but it has been increasing in speed ever since and is now progressing down that drain at break-neck speed.  What’s worse, we have a Congress and a President who are pushing it.  What’s worse yet is that we are allowing them to do it. 

Our forefathers founded this country.  They fought the battles and chose the words from which our future as a nation would evolve.  Every succeeding generation has served as a caretaker of freedom and democracy and the world has envied us and often tried, unsuccessfully, to follow in our footsteps.  The reason we have prevailed where others have not is because we all love our freedoms, we all love our democracy and we all love our country;  we have always been prepared and willing to stand up and be counted on to defend these principles. 

In recent years, however, it almost seems as if we have turned our backs on our heritage.  Our ethics and morals are shot.  Greed and corruption have invaded the halls of government.  We have allowed the religious, moral and ethical principles upon which this country was founded to erode.  Indeed, we are in danger of losing our country on all fronts: social, economic, moral, ethical and democratic. 

We fled Europe to get away from oppression and here we are, just a few centuries years later, again being the oppressed. Really, whose fault is it? 

The nation awakened in 2010 and took its first giant step toward taking our country back from those who would change her into something else.  We are the caretakers of our nation now, and we must continue and complete the job in 2012.  We have every duty to our forefathers and to our descendants to step forward and renew our nation’s dedication to the principles upon which it was founded.  We need to vote out everyone who was not voted out in 2010.  We need to vote out our President and his crony thugs. 

We can do this.  We stood together in 2010; we can stand together now, hand-in-hand, elbow-to-elbow and shoulder-to-shoulder.  United we must stand to take care of our country, or divided we shall fall. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Saturday, October 22, 2011


With “OCCUPY WALL STREET” protests on Wall Street in New York City and elsewhere across the country approaching the ripe old age of one month, I feel that it is of paramount importance for me to now weigh in on the demonstrations. 

At the outset, it must be pointed out that residents in that part of the Big Apple are complaining about the inability to take their families out to the part or to conduct other daily outdoor activities.  To an extent, they have become prisoners in their own houses and they have to wonder: if these dudes turn violent, will their houses be torched?  Local merchants complain because the protesters are using business restrooms and leaving them in total messes. Those who dare to be passers-by complain about the stench now emanating from the tent city. 

I do want to say that I believe in and support their right to protest.  But, when their protests infringe upon the Constitutional rights of the local community to enjoy their property and walk the streets without fear, then the First Amendment right to assemble and speak has to be tempered.  There has to be some “give-and-take;” but such leftist groups only take and, in fact, they have given nothing of any substance.  Even they do not know why they are protesting.

Now comes the inevitable attempt by the Administration, by the unions and by the media to take control of the situation and to steer it toward their own interests.  So it is of no surprise that those on the left were quick to compare the protesters to the American Tea Parties. 

When the Tea Parties demonstrate, they do it in an orderly fashion, getting approval in advance, creating an agenda, bringing in portable toilets and limiting the time of protests to a day.  They do not overstay their welcome.  They do not condone or allow violence.  Individuals do not accept payment for their protest time.  They allow people with opposing views to come to the podium.    

How can you compare the protesters with the Tea Parties? 

Any other city mayor, when faced with a similar situation, would shut the protests down.  Mayor Bloomberg, the guy who favors the building of a Muslim Mosque at the site of the World Trade Center, prefers to allow them to continue.  President Obama chooses to openly support them.  They, in turn, have announced that they have no intention of leaving until the government of the United States falls. 

I find it disgusting that the authorities have not ended this travesty.  I find it reprehensible that Americans are not demanding it. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011



Responding to the revelation that the "CLASS" provisions of ObamaCare will cost taxpayers $78 billion more than Obama and Reid let be known, Health & Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced the other day that they were scrapping that portion of ObamaCare.  The illustrious President Obama, in his empirical way overruled Sebelius and said the provision stands.  

In other words, he's saying that he doesn't care if he used accounting tricks and outright lies to get his Bill passed or not and, in the same breath, he doesn't care about adding to the national deficit crisis; "Up yours, America."  

He's been saying "Up yours, America" ever since he set foot in the Oval Office.  I think it's way past time for us to get this dictator out of office.  It's time for us to say, "Up yours, Obama."  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011



If you take a close look at Obama’s stature and how he is acting on the campaign trail, you can easily detect that he is not worried… not concerned at all about being reelected.  He says what he wants, whether it is politically correct or not, chastises his own party, sends more American troops into another illegal engagement, smiles and backs the Marxist “Occupy Wall Street” protesters.  Does this sound like someone who is worried about what the polls say or Fox News says? 

If Congress refuses to act on a piece of legislation he wants, he simply creates the law by Executive Order.  He ignore the Constitution and surrounds himself was a wall of Czars who carry on his biding while he pretends to be annoyed with the Tea Parties and conservative America. 

The Republicans in Congress are the Great Pretenders.  They pretend to oppose his ideas right up until the last minute and then give in to what he wants.  Has this President ever, even once, acknowledged the voice of the American people? 

His reckless disregard for the will of the people, the Constitution and the Congress all add up to one thing: Marxist Dictatorship.   If you doubt what I am saying here, you do not know your American or world history. 

We need to do something. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Here I am, a registered Republican since 1963 and I honestly have to now say that the Republican Party makes me sick.  Not that I’m about to go register as a Democrat, mind you, but the Republican Party should fold up its tent and go join the Democrats, as far as I am concerned, and I’ll become an independent. 

The plain simple fact is that the Republican Party has lost touch with those of us who consider ourselves to be conservative American Patriots.  They have become “unprincipled.” 

You have Congressional Members who swear up and down that they will stick to their guns and bring economic sense back to the country right up until ten minutes before vote time, and then they fold like a stack of wet cards.  That has happened time and time again over the last three years and even the last two years of the Bush Administration.  The same party refused to step up to the plate and do what is right for the country when they had control of both Congress and the White House. 

Now, you have this big damned rush to move primaries up because the Republican powers that be want to make certain that Mitt Romney doesn’t lose steam to Herman Cain; they want the major state players to have their primaries before Mitt loses his luster. In that manner, since he is leading the polls in those major states right now, he will have a commanding lead going into the rest of the primary process.   And God forbid that the people, THE people, have the opportunity to choose for themselves who THEY want to lead the party into the November 2012 elections.  If that doesn’t sound like arrogant Democrat thinking about the populace, what does? 

This maneuver is patently unfair to the election process in this country and a betrayal of the people’s trust.  If we want to Mitt Romney or Herman Cain or Madeline Foxtrot up for President, that should be OUR decision, not theirs.  The Republicans do make me sick.  Why don’t we Republicans just put Harry Reid up for President and Nancy Pelosi for Vice President and then we’ll ALL be turncoat Republicans?  


That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Thursday, October 13, 2011



Republican Presidential candidate Herman Cain is like a breath of fresh air to a lot of Americans, but his voice is particularly strong in Black America where the Democrats have controlled Black politics for decades.  For the first time in modern memory, Blacks now have someone who represents alternate views and the Democrats are fit to be tied.  

Any Black conservative has been unmercifully ostracized by his Democrat peers, therefore being forced to shut up and follow the crowd.  Now, as Cain says, Blacks have the opportunity to think for themselves again.  

It will be interesting to see how the Obama machine deals with this new development.  One consistent claim by Obama and his cronies, the claim that the Tea Parties and white America are racists, must surely now be put to rest.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011



The news yesterday that Iran was engaged in a terrorism plot planned to unfold in Washington, DC should put all of us on notice: we could be vulnerable. 

At the outset, I would like to congratulate our intelligence people and the Justice Department for uncovering this plot and stopping it.  To be fair about it, the Obama Administration deserves credit for this catch. 

Now comes the problem.  Iran is definitely working on atomic weapons and may in fact have them already.  Their rush to develop missiles capable of carrying a nuclear payload is indicative that their program is probably much further along than we would like to believe.  And, their stated objective to move naval ships off our shores underscores the fact that they do not believe our current President is going to do anything about it. 

In fact, we have to ask ourselves: If this last plot had been successful and the Saudi Arabian and Israeli embassies in Washington had been destroyed, would Obama have retaliated?  Realistically, it seems that Obama has done everything he can to undermine our national security. 

We have to consider this issue carefully as we now begin to decide who will lead the nation beginning in January 2013. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Tuesday, October 11, 2011



I heard the words "Americans vs. Americans" yesterday when they were discussing the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrations on Fox; I can't remember who said the words, but they are rapidly becoming the new mantra for the Obama machine. 

Yes, it seems that Obama and his cronies want Americans to be pitted against each other, to tear at the fabric of our society and to distract from the continued mess he has created for himself and our democracy.  Today, this very day, we have the "Occupiers" backed by the Democrats and the SEIU against the American Tea parties, theoretically backed by the Republicans, two movie stars and a crocodile. 

We have the Mormons against the rest of religious candidates, gays against the straights, blacks against the whites, men versus women, illegals against legals, rich against poor, thin against fat, and ad infinitum. Looking back before "change,"  I don't remember these divisions as being at the forefront of American discourse as they are today. 

Are "divide and conquer" philosophies at work and orchestrated by Barack Hussein Obama? 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Saturday, October 08, 2011


We have a Federal government that flatly and overtly refuses to abide by the law or to apply the law when it comes to the issue of illegal immigration.  Arizona, faced with an inundation of illegals across its southern border and an associated crime wave, was trying to enforce the Federal laws but got told by Eric Holder to butt out.  So, they created their own immigration laws that virtually mimicked the one the feds refuse to enforce and Obama and Holder promptly went on the offensive with court actions to quell the new Arizona laws. 

Several other states, even northern states, have enacted laws to deal with the subject of illegal immigration; Alabama was one of them.  Once again, Holder has filed court actions to stop the implementation of the new law, alleging that it invites discrimination against foreign-born citizens and legal immigrants. 

We are all aware of the tremendous drain on our economy these illegals create.  Not only are they availing themselves of free medical services and educational programs, but they take jobs away from Americans who are out of work and they are creating a tremendous prison over-population problem. Aliens who made it here legally are ticked off, because of the paperwork and delays they face.  

Any argument that these illegals pay their way through the payment of taxes falls on deaf ears in this quarter.  If you know that you may be rounded up and deported at any moment, why would you pay taxes?  If you fly under the radar and get paid in cash, how are you going to get nailed?  

We have an Administration that ignores the law, defies the public will and common sense. 

If we do not know who is legal or illegal in our country, why shouldn’t we discriminate? If we don’t know whether not the guy is here legally or has committed crimes, we have every right to protect ourselves and our self-interests.   

The Republicans are just as guilty for failing to come to grips with the issue as the Democrats are.  But, I seriously doubt that any Republican would take the issue to court on our dime and ask the court not to enforce our immigration laws. 

Once again, Obama and his lackeys continue to flaunt their arrogance and their ignorance.  They need to be removed. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Thursday, October 06, 2011



It now appears that the two major scandals in Washington, "FAST AND FURIOUS" and Solyndra, have tentacles that reach all of the way to top White House Officials.  In fact, a defiant Barack Obama has already said that he stands behind his decision to extend $535 million in federal loan guarantees to Solyndra, although he did not discuss the political contributions he did receive in campaign years 2008 and 2012 from top officials of that company. 

This morning, word is that three more companies which received help from the White House are also in financial trouble and that they also made substantial political contributions to Obama's 2008 campaign.  

In yesterday's post on THE BURNEY MOUNTAIN HERMIT, I alluded to my belief that the knowledge of Fast and Furious also reached into the White House and that I thought Rahm Emanuel may also have been involved.  Today. we know for certain that "top White House officials" also were in on this action. 

A President and/or his Administration simply cannot continue to display open arrogance and contempt for the power and will of the people without crossing the boundaries of ethics or committing crimes, and that appears to be the case here.  Each scandal is grounds for impeachment on its own if it is proven that Obama also knew of and approved these activities.  Put them together it it is almost a certainty that impeachment will be the inevitable result.  Obama's Chicago-style mobster Presidency may end sooner than the end of his first term. a possibility I have been saying from the first day of his Presidency, that he would not finish his first term. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Tuesday, October 04, 2011



Those who march on Wall Street and elsewhere in the country in opposition to "corporate greed" don't have it entirely wrong.  Certainly, business drives the economy and employment and, to that extent, we don't want to add taxes or regulations to the business sector, particularly during adverse economic conditions. 

Nevertheless, we all know that corporate bank accounts are fat.  From a purely business standpoint, it is wise to have extra cash on hand in these economic times, especially when forecasts are for s deepening recession and the possibility of depression.  Businesses may have to weather a nasty economic storm.  And, there's that nasty and pervasive Obama anti-business stance that has that sector wondering what the effect of ObamaCare is going to be and whether or not the Bush Tax Cuts are going to expire

Yes, these are all good reasons for holding on to cash.  But, between the banks not lending and businesses not investing, the economy is not going to recover anytime soon, if ever.  If businesses were to lower profit margins and drive volume, we could get some money moving again and maybe even start hiring.  Corporations are not so inclined; they live by margins and statistics. 

Corporations and large businesses are not without blame.  Those in the board rooms need to rethink their marketing strategy and adjust their margins.  Otherwise, I feel the monicker of "corporate greed" is justified. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Saturday, October 01, 2011


The scandals involving Solyndra receiving over $500 million in Federal guarantees in return for political contributions, and SolarReserve receiving over $740 million while one of its principals is the brother-in-law of Nancy Pelosi and other scandals yet to be revealed should be accepted and understood for exactly what they are:
  • ·         Abuse of power
  • ·    Corruption
  • ·    Embezzlement from the government

But, it must be equally understood that two or three hundred companies engaged in the business of providing renewable energy on a legitimate basis should not be tainted by these events.  These companies have provided and are providing substantial investments of their own in solar, wind, biomass, hydro and geothermal energy projects which are reducing national dependence on foreign oil more and more each year.  A geothermal company can invest $2 million or more in a dry hole or one that doesn’t yield brine that is hot enough or in sufficient quantities to be a viable producer of electrical energy. 

Yes, it is a shame that those in power in Washington have elected to engage themselves in this type of scurrilous activity.  Nevertheless, their misdeeds should not taint the honest men, women and companies who are in the renewable energy industry. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.