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Can you image the audacity of Mexicans who are crossing our borders illegally standing up and demanding that we stop calling them "illegal aliens" or "illegal immigrants?" This is not a request, it is a demand by the Society of Professional Journalists and others who feel the names are degrading and demeaning to the illegals.
Well folks, if they don't like what we call them, they could sure as hell stay in Mexico and not cross our border illegally. I've had enough of their coming to our country illegally and then telling us what the terms of their illegal stay are going to be. They can pack their wetback butts back across the border and stay there, and I hope that those who are here legally will help them pack.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Pat Robertson, the so-called staid Christian Conservative, has come out in favor of decriminalizing the use of marijuana. His reasoning: sending young offenders off to prisons for the use of marijuana turns the poor souls into hardened criminals.
Well, I’m not going to even debate the use of marijuana here, because that is not the issue. What IS the issue is that he has taken the stance that sentencing a murderer to 40 years in prison should be discontinued because the offender will only come out as a hardened criminal. How can you justify getting rid of the penalty for the commission of a crime on that basis?
It’s this distorted reasoning that is turning this country into a permissive socialistic state without mores and morals. The plain fact of the matter is that if you don’t want to go to jail, don’t commit the crime. If you commit the crime and come out as a hardened criminal, it is YOUR fault, not ours.
It seems to me that, in the same breath, this man of the cloth would tell you not to violate any of the Ten Commandments but, if you do, there should be no punishment attached. Or, is he simply saying that we should just toss the Ten Commandments all out because enforcing them is only going to cause misery anyway? Where in God’s infinite wisdom does that line of thinking come from?
Now, as for the legalization issue, I have seen lives ruined by the use of marijuana. But, I am open to being convinced that what I saw was a figment of my imagination. My mind is not closed on the issue, but it almost is. So, for me that is another argument for another day.
Now that he has displayed this line of reasoning, I can say beyond a doubt that I sure as hell am glad he never became President.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, the last one of the year, respectfully submitted.
The Obama Storm Troopers have summarily shut down more blogs and websites, ostensibly for the illegal use or sale of copyrighted materials. Now, I've said it before and I'll say it again: if they are violating the law, they should be shut down... legally.
Yes, there is a legal process in the country. You give notice of the alleged violation and the opportunity to cease and desist or explain yourself. If that doesn't work, you go to a Court and get a Court Order to shut the site down, so you have judicial review. Then, the site owner can fight it in Court and it will be decided upon its merits.
This is the third time I am aware of where the feds have simply summarily shut down webs and blogs without notice, without judicial review and without the opportunity for the accused offenders to have any kind of hearing whatsoever.
Why isn't the media investigating and reporting these "storm trooper" activities? Can they close THIS blog down because they don't like hearing the truth?
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Julian Assange or Assang, has proven himself to be as elusive as the spelling of his last name. The Wikileaks owner/operator who admitedly has been spilling America;s nation security beans, has been holed up for about a week in a British prison on an arrest warrant from Sweden for an alleged sex crime.
The Brits have decided to let Assange out on bail. As of the time of this post, Sweden has about an hour left to appeal and there is the possibility he may not get out of the can right now.
So, now comes the question. Since our illustrious Attorney General hasn't had to devote his energies to finding Assange for the past week, why hasn't he at least put together enough of a case to bring some charges against Assange in order to influence the Brits to keep him behind bars?
Once again, one of Obama's top echelon has proven themselves to be beyond incompetent.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
You’ve got to hand it to Obama; he’s a skillful magician. He can make bad news disappear in a heartbeat. In recent weeks for example, think about the horrible news from the November elections. Obama got onto his 747 and flitted off into the sunset and the news media immediately focused on his trip; the bad election news got very much downplayed. Then there was North Korea attacking South Korea right after South Korea snubbed Obama’s trade agreement. That piece of bad news got relegated to the third page of the comic section.
Wikileaks came along and the North Korean situation disappeared. Wikileaks was making Obama’s national security look like a slew of kids playing in a sandbox, so Obama made a tax deal and…poof! Wikileaks was gone! More recently, he invited Clinton over for a White House beer and now the tax cut dilemma is exiting to stage left. The right wing media had to ask if Obama was so weak that he needed to lean on Clinton to rescue him and…. It looks like the subject of the New York mosque is about to change the subject yet again!
But, all of these magic tricks are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the Obama prowess. Have you noticed that he’s back to having more face time on TV than Leno and Lettermen combined? As matter of fact, we’ve gotten so used to his mug on TV that he has actually become part of the average American household, like the family dog…. Or the boar, if you live out west.
Let’s face it. This guy is so vain and so egotistical that someone mentioned he looks like a bimbo with a cigarette in his mouth and he quit after smoking after 40 years of the habit.
In fact, when you examine the Obama psyche, you hit a brick wall. Nobody can figure out who he really is. That’s because he’s got more sides to him than the pentagon. And, of course, there are his tricks. I used to say that Clinton had more tricks up his sleeve than Houdini, but Clinton doesn’t hold a candle to Obama. The only problem is that Obama is clumsy; he can’t pull off a trick without showing his dirty underwear.
That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
We are now learning about one of the sneakiest, dirtiest rotten tricks that any White House Administration has ever, ever laid on the American people.
Word is finally wafting out of the Pennsylvania Avenue sewer house that they are granting waivers to many major companies and the unions regarding the new Obamacare Health Plan. That is, those with waivers do not have to comply with the mandates.
Small business owners, individuals, and those without the right "clout" at the Oval Office are still stuck with the plan, which means that costs per person will escalate. MacDonalds is one of several major national companies exempt from complying; they asked for the waiver because they would otherwise have to lay off 30,000 employees. They got their waiver, while Mr. and Mrs. America who run a small hamburger joint down the street did not and will have to close.
What's worse, these waivers are being granted for the purpose of eroding public opposition to the plan; Obama told all of his Czars to keep their lips shut about the waivers. Of course, big secrets like this always leak out.
We should be outraged and we should demand an explanation for this outright bullshit that has been so unceremoniously dumped on the American public. And, Merry Christmas to you, too, Mr. President, you sneaky pariah.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, angrily submitted.
There is so very much crappy news floating about as we head into the end of the year. Wikileaks. Taxes. Debt Commission. Foreign bank and business bailouts in the trillions of dollars. George Soros. FTC takeover of Internet when Congress voted it down. Immigration and border drug battles. North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan and Iraq. Super X-Rays and pat downs. U.S. taxpayer money being used to fund the Muslim mosque at the World Trade Center. Rising jobless claims. Housing foreclosures.
Where does it all end? When do we get ticked off enough that we literally march on Washington and throw the bums out? Where do I start?
Well, I’m going to start by setting all of those sources of anger aside and talking about a matter of utmost urgency.
It’s been eight years since we sent our young men and women overseas. When we ran out of regular servicemen and women, we called up the active reservists and sent them overseas disrupting their lives, their incomes, their families and their futures. Most of them have served more than one tour of overseas duty. We have not only devastated their standards of living, we have also put them in harm’s way, and thousands of them have come home injured while a few thousand more have come home in caskets.
For their part, the military men, women and families have largely been treated by the country like floating curds in a Christmas punch bowl. The left treats them like war criminals. Congress wants to cut or freeze their pay. Obama wants them to pay for their own medical care. If stationed overseas, they are not able to vote in national elections. We shun them when we see them in an airport or on the street.
How this nation can turn their backs on our military families in such a cavalier way, I will never know.
In this season of family, of giving and sharing, let us not be part of these injustices. Let us seek out military families living in our communities and invite them to dinner. Would it not be great if every community held a community-wide event and threw a party for them? At the very least, send a greeting card, but a $25 or $50 gift card to Wal-Mart or Target is not a bad idea, either.
I ask you to set aside the problems of the nation for just a moment, long enough to let our military men and women and their families know that we do care.
That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.