I’m going to make a wild assumption: you are reading this because you want to see what I have to say just before the election. Maybe you are looking for one final bit of my endless wisdom that will sway your vote or help you reach the big decision. Perhaps, you imagine, there is a secret formula that will save the nation?
Before I answer your question, let me lay out my position. First of all, I am an American. Yes, I am a Conservative and yes I am a Republican. I’m not a radical Conservative and am not a die-hard Republican. Tests say that I have libertarian tendencies. I am not voting a straight Republican ticket in 2010. When it comes to making decisions, I look at what is best for the country first and what my political associations are second. I am a member of the Tea Party.
That all given so you know where I am coming from, I say that if you are undecided at this point, you really need to get more involved in what is going on in our government. I don’t mean to belittle you; you are but one of tens of millions of Americans who thought that our government would do right by us if we left them alone. I won’t go into detail here about why that didn’t work, but I will emphasize that we need to make a conscious effort to understand what is going on in our government…federal, state and local.
- If there is an incumbent running against an incumbent, such as a representative or governor against a senator, vote Republican.
- If there is a political newcomer running against an incumbent or longtime politician, vote for the newcomer.
- If two newcomers are running against each other, vote Republican.
- If there are three or more in the race, vote Republican.
- As a rule, remember that the guy with the dirtiest campaign who spends all of his or her energy knocking the opponent instead of coming to the table with new and fresh ideas… is just more of the same that we need to purge from our system.
That’s it. There will be some disappointments and some unexpected victories, but that is what our political process is all about. And, we must remind ourselves that even if we have a perfect election and win all of the battles we want to win. There is still 2/3 of the Senate left in office until 2012 and we will need to purge them as well. Also, we must be demanding and make the new guys in 2010 do their jobs the way the jobs are supposed to be done and to respond to the will of the country; if they fail, we must eliminate them in 2012.
Above all, we must vote.
That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.