Saturday, March 27, 2010


A recent California poll shows that only 31% of Californians think the GOP has the answers to our national dilemma, but 34% think the American Tea Party has the answers. The remaining 35% applaud the Democrats. In other words, the Republicans can’t win in California in a three-way race. The Tea Party could win if it gains only a few more supporters. As a matter of fact, it appears to me that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans can win a two-way race without Tea Party support.

The Democrats have made their strategy quite obvious. They are attacking the Tea Party at every turn, calling them “terrorists,” accusing them of being “racists,” and doing everything within their power to marginalize the growing numbers of Americans who are joining Tea Party ranks and calling for the return of America to the people. By their actions, the Democrats are committing political suicide with their arrogant, self-serving elitist attacks.

Do we presume that the strategy of the Republican Party is to just wait for the Tea Party to come running into its fold? Or, does the GOP eventually plan to pick its sorry ass up and start doing something? Has the GOP yet gotten the message that Americans want a return to responsibility in government? Does the GOP understand that “picking on the other party” is no longer going to get it anywhere? My fellow Americans, do you realize… Can you come to grips with the fact that we, the people, want our country back and that it is within the Republican Party’s ability to seize the moment and comply?

But, does it make sense for us to jump on the Republican bandwagon if they are not going to mend their ways?

Michael Steele, can you and the National Committee create a platform containing a far-reaching and acceptable health care plan to replace the one now on the books? Can you muster the courage to stand up to the convictions of patriotic American principle? Is it within your ability to pick up the pieces of political wreckage which your party has fostered in the past, to mend your ways in a meaningful and relevant platform that we Americans can attach our hopes to?

Or, Michael, are you and the Committee going to be content with mailing us and calling us and asking us for more money so that you can “get even” in November? Is it a matter of getting even, getting back the power, rubbing their noses in it? Or, is there even a slight possibility that the “Grand Old Party” might be willing to step up to the plate of being the party “of the people, by the people and for the people?”

My fellow Americans, we want to know just where the Republican Party stands and we need to know now if that party is willing to work shoulder-to-shoulder with those of us who are dedicated to the restoration of democracy and the fundamentals of our Constitution. Without solid, firm commitment on their part we, the people, need to promptly examine other alternatives because, when it comes to our liberty and our country, time is truly of the essence.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

Monday, March 22, 2010



It was a battle fought to the bitter end against the will of the American people. Every dirty political trick and gimmick was employed. There were lies, manipulations, misinformation and disinformation. There were promises made that have already been broken and the ink hasn’t even all been applied to the finished product yet.

Members of Congress had the chance to stand up and let their “yeas and nays” be heard last night, but they refused to do so… obviously because they knew what they were doing was wrong. Just hours before the big votes were taken, they flatly turned down proposed language that would have required them to be insured through this “great, historic legislation,”just like the rest of us. 

By failing to bow to the wishes of the American people, they have become a pox upon our democratic republic.

What now?

Some have vowed to keep the fires lit and the battle going, and that must certainly be done. We cannot allow ourselves to fall victim to their willingness to roll over from our principles at the mere whisper of command and dictatorship from their leaders. In the best interests of our children and their children, we must continue to wage the fight for what is right in this country, because that fight is a morally fit and proper thing to do.

We must stand by our principles and beliefs; those who refused to do so simply must be removed, whatever it takes.

The Republicans are quick to promise that they will carry the fight forward,  but before we jump on their bandwagon we must remember that they had chances to fix the health care problems in the past and they did not step up to the plate. And, we must remember that most of the issues that face this nation today were caused by both Democrats and Republicans alike.

Before we trust the battle to the Republicans, we need to extract from them solid proposed health care legislation of their own that will appropriately address the issues and resolve them without enlarging an already over-zealous government. They need to carve out such legislation, word by word, and to openly share and discuss their plans with the American people before November so that, if we agree, we can then join them in the fight. In so doing, corrective legislation can be introduced and passed in January.

This must be our goal, and we must work together as Americans every minute of every hour of every day to make it happen. The Republicans have vowed to win in November, but that objective must not be allowed to morph itself into being the goal that we seek. Our goal must be to restore our government of the people, by the people and for the people to its rightful owners and to correct the course of our nation.

Here is another chance for the Republicans to step up to the plate. The next few days will tell us whether are not they are sincerely up to the task.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


John Boehner made a great and impassioned speech. The Democrats refused to have a roll call vote.  Obviously, they are ashamed at what they have done to the country. 

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010



This whole display of what goes on in our government is enlightening and disgusting.  These guys are not Americans.  They are not patriots.  They are the scum of the earth. 

WE need to make change. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2010



This display of dirty politics in Washington is a cesspool of putrid, ugly stench.  If this is the way they call "business as usual," then it's way past time for us to remove the sources of the stench, these dregs of our Republic.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION respectfully submitted. 

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Remember all of those scurrilous additions to the Health Care Bill that were inserted back in December for the purpose of making deals for votes? They will remain in the final version of the bill. Word came out Thursday that there can be no changes to the Senate version, which has already passed the Senate. That means that Ben Nelson gets his free Medicaid for Nebraska. There now appears to be a lot more leaking out.

For one thing, Nancy Pelosi says a second administration priority, far-reaching changes in the student loan industry, will be added to the legislation. The measure would have the government originate assistance to needy college students, ending a system that has allowed banks and other private lenders to do so at a fee. What does this have to do with Health Care? Nothing. What will it add to the deficit? They’re not saying. But, the "addition" can only be added assuming that the Senate would then ratify the changes. The latest word is that the Dems simply want to pass the Senate version that was passed in December and to send that on to Obama for signature, and the Senate is ostensibly to come back afterwards with a new Bill encompassing and addressing the issues that the House wants resolved through the process of reconciliation.

Pelosi told Emanuel to quit setting deadlines to obtain passage of the Bill and then announced that March 18th was no longer a realistic date. Obama, obviously refusing to take “no” for an answer, decided to delay his scheduled trip to Indonesia by three days, and then evidently sent orders to Pelosi to “get it done.” He doesn’t care what happens to any Dems who vote for the bill. No sooner had those orders been delivered than Pelosi took to the podium to say that the House would not be taking a vote because several members were not comfortable that the Senate would make the promised changes to the Bill after passage. Presumably, one of those changes involves the abortion issue. (Harry would never renege, would he?)

Hot on the heels of the Pelosi statement, word came in that Rep. Bart Stupak is alleging Sen. Henry Waxman told him that public funding of abortion will remain in the Senate version and that the rest of the Senate feels the same way; presumably, that would mean at least one “promised change” would not happen. Stupak is said to have reminded that the Congress had overwhelmingly passed a law against any public funding of abortions, and Waxman is reputed to have responded in essence, “So what?” Late yesterday, Waxman issued s statement to the effect that he believes in complying with "current law."  You can read between those lines.  Representative Anthony Weiner went on the record as saying he doesn’t believe the Senate will issue a subsequent bill with the promised changes. Even if the Senate did that, there is no guarantee that Obama would not veto the second bill.

Late in the morning, the word came that three more Congressmen had agreed to vote for the bill after being subjected to unknown enormous pressures. Not to be outdone by all of the mudslinging and corrupt legislative goings on, Harry Reid announced that reconciliation will indeed be used to jam the health care plan through. If nothing else works, maybe they’ll have ACORN count the votes?

This is all an emergency situation, isn't it?  

My son, the Unknown Scribbler Jr., spoke with respect to the provisions regarding senior care and “death squads:”

“In 2008, [Washington state] voters passed an initiative legalizing doctor-assisted suicide in this state. Many people were wary that this would lead us down a slippery slope to wholesale euthanasia, but the liberals pushing the bill were very adamant that stringent safeguards would be in place to ensure that such a thing would never happen.

“Last weekend, the Seattle rag printed a huge story lamenting the fact that only about a hundred people have “been allowed to die” since the law was passed, and that too many people are being cheated out of their ‘death with dignity’ by all the bureaucratic hoops they have to jump through. So the ‘safeguards’ have now become ‘obstacles.’

“Once Obamacare passes and sick people become a strain on the system, expect these ‘obstacles’ to be eliminated entirely.

“Human beings are being turned into livestock. You’re born, the government bleeds you until you’re no longer worth the cost of feeding you, and then it snuffs you out.”

I hate to admit it, but I agree with him. It’s part of that “progressive shove it” routine that Washington has been employing for decades.

The way things were degrading around The Hill yesterday, I halfway expected to hear reports of a telephone exchange between Pelosi and Emanuel, starting with Pelosi:

“So there.”

“Do as I say or by Monday, you’ll no longer be Speaker.”

“Go suck a lemon.”

“I’ll tell Obama on you!”

“Your mother wears brogans!”


I wonder how Gibbs would spin that scenario.

What the country needs right now is for one or two of those Congressmen who are being brow beaten and coerced to stand up and let the truth be known to America. This whole fiasco is a rotten display of dark, dark character. Eddy Poe, Billy Shakespeare, Al Hitchcock and Stevie King together could not write dark drama like this.

Do you remember when Obama put out an Executive Order that he wanted veterans to pay for their own insurance? He said it would save the country $540 million a year? And, when the vets raised wholly hell, he said "Look, it's an all volunteer force. Nobody made these guys go to war. They had to have known and accepted the risks. Now they whine about bearing the costs of their choice? It doesn't compute. I thought these were people who were proud to sacrifice for their country. I wasn't asking for blood, just money. With the country facing the worst financial crisis in its history, I'd have thought that the patriotic thing to do would be to try to help reduce the nation's deficit. I guess I underestimated the selfishness of some of my fellow Americans." Now, he wants to force HIS health care plan on an America that does not want it and at a cost of over $1 trillion. Who in the hell does this guy think he is?

I don’t know about you, but after a year of this health care bull, I’ve had enough. I’ve had enough of his lies, manipulations, deceit, arrogance, bullying, name-calling, and outright refusal to recognize the American will. I even heard a Republican lawmaker say that Obama and Emanuel have already arranged that once it is passed, it can never be repealed because they have inserted ironclad language into the bill to prevent that.

With all of these tricks, demands and lies, you know as well as I do that the legislation and the people involved in it are rotten to the core. And this autocratic President seems to be daring us to try and do something about it. I think he’s going to be in for a most unpleasant response; the next nine days may well tell the story. Keep the pressure up with calls, emails and faxes to your Congressional delegates; it’s been working so far.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

Thursday, March 11, 2010



The media doesn't get it.  FOX doesn't get it.  Congress doesn't get it.  The pundits don't get it. 

Everybody is talking about what the Democrats are going to do next, and what the Republican response to that will be, and what the White House will say, and how many seats the Democrats are going to lose in November, and what Queen Nancy has to say about it, and on and on and on, ad infinitum.  

Doesn't anyone want to know what WE AMERICANS have to say? 


That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Monday, March 08, 2010



I think that every American has been aware, to varying degrees, that the Obama crowd has some cold-blooded and vindictive members. Pelosi stands accused of exerting tremendous pressures and outright coercion on her House Members to vote for the Health Care Bill. Attorney General Eric Holder, who decided to try terrorist Khalid Sheik Mohamed and his cohorts in civilian court in New York City, who engineered a 50 minute interrogation of the Christmas Day airline bomber along with Miranda rights and another civilian trial, and who hired nine attorneys who represented terrorists in previous trials to now prosecute new terrorists and who refuses to identify those individuals or to defend his actions, has made no secret of his intentions to take away Americans’ guns. White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel is known to be a ruthless strongman for Obama who does not hesitate to threaten his adversaries in order to get his way. And, our President has surrounded himself with far-left radicals, several of which are felons, in an end–run around the right of Congress to investigate and approve policy-making positions and employees; his “Czars” seem to have unlimited powers, including the right to keep Cabinet Members in line. 

Eric Massa, New York’s Democratic Representative, has resigned amid ethics charges. He’s alleging that Emmanuel called him and cursed relentlessly at him and threatened his ability to continue as a Congressman, all because he voted against Cap & Trade. Massa also alleges that Steny Hoyer filed bogus ethics charges against him in the House after he made it known that he was against the President’s Health Care Plan. While these allegations are yet to be investigated, we all know that where there’s smoke, there’s fire. We have to ask, is the Chicago Mob now in charge of our government, or what?

Is it possible that the growing numbers of Democrats who are announcing they will not run again are fed up? If so, will one or more of them exercise a little American patriotism and come forward to back up Massa’s claims?

Somehow, I think this is all just the tip of a very ugly and large iceberg, involving political contributions and the unions.

If WE don’t get to the bottom of this within a matter of days, WE will surely be to blame.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Saturday, March 06, 2010


The predictions are dire. We are in deep financial trouble and the news is getting worse by the day. It seems that our individual freedoms are being hijacked from us by an increasingly powerful central government, even when the Constitution was designed to keep the powers with the states and with the people. We have a President who is barking orders to the Congress and a Congress that seems willing to comply. 

The overwhelming majority of Americans don’t want the health care program that the President seems hell-bent on shoving down our throats. Our children are being indoctrinated with revised history and socialistic agendas in schools. We have “Czars” who have not been screened taking up residency in the Administration and making national policy. We have a media that is complicit in hiding the truths and disseminating misinformation and disinformation. Millions of people have been out of work for over a year with no end to that problem in sight. 

Is there not someone out there who can lead this country out of the impending abyss? 




By standing together regardless of political affiliation, elbow to elbow and shoulder to shoulder, we wield a power and force to be reckoned with. It is that power that has thus far prevented the country from being burdened with a costly health care plan that the citizens do not want. With the President now demanding that Congress pass his plan by March 18th and who insists that they owe him even if it costs them their jobs in November, the struggle for governmental power and authority has now been reduced to a battle of wills between us and them. 

We simply must prevail; the future of our government and the futures of our children and grandchildren are at stake.Your country needs you now more than it has needed Mr. and Mrs. America in 100 years. 

We need to again make our power and presence known. We must email, fax and call our Congressional representatives today. In that list, we must include Reid and Pelosi. We must clearly convey our anger, our concerns and our commitments to work closely together to assert our rightful ownership of our government. This mission can’t wait. With a March 18th deadline, we have to know that they will try to jam this health care legislation through by the coming March 13th weekend. 

We can and we must stop this because, if he succeeds, this President will trash the Constitution and run rampant and unchecked over our freedoms and our rights. And, once we win this battle, we must continue to work together to unseat those in currently Washington, to reestablish ethics and patriotism in the corridors of power and to correct the multitudes of changes that our government has already made in this and past decades to strip us of our unalienable rights. Working together through new websites, blogs and other forms of modern communication, we can form a patriotic bond of Americans who are willing to make the sacrifices necessary to save our country. 

You are the mettle that made America great. America needs you and me, and all of our families and friends. The airplane of liberty is in danger of coming under control of those who would subvert it. Together, by the grace and guidance of God, we can do this. 

Let’s roll!

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010



Most of the people I asked said they had no intention of listening to Obama’s latest version of his Health Care Plan. “Every time it’s billed as a new plan, all it turns out to be is the old plan with new window dressings.” “Every time it’s ‘the last effort’ and it fails again, it gets rehashed and presented again.” “The actual projected cost is as elusive as Obama’s birth certificate.” And, predominantly, “I’m just sick and tired of listening to this bull shit.”  "You want reconciliation? You really want reconciliation?" one frustrated California native shouted in anger. “Here, reconcile this!” Up went a clinched fist with a protruding middle finger.  

So there Obama was in front of the microphone again, surrounded by human props dressed in rented medical smocks, again. The entire planet, already knocked off its axis by the earthquake in Chile, abruptly stopped its rotation altogether. One little old lady in Scottsdale was knocked off her commode and has already filed for coverage under the new Health Care Plan. Either Pelosi or Reid will be talking about her medical misfortune before the day is over.

Obama couldn’t resist talking down to us, as if we are lowly Astroturf idiots who enjoy getting high on Tea Party leafs and who are going through life like pissants, way, way down beyond the end of his condescending nose. Without describing his plan in any details, he said he was changing only three things of current health care by reigning in the insurance companies with increased regulation.

He also alleged that this “new” proposal is paid for. “In fact, it will save us over $1 trillion over a ten-year period according to the CBO.” There was no mention of CBO’s wanting to know how he can extend the term of Medicare benefits at a cost of $500 billion and provide new programs at a cost of $500 billion and, at the same time, claim thist totals a $1 trillion savings. In fact, it turns out that there are really an included $500 billion in Medicare cuts, $500 billion in new taxes, and still an ultimate cost to the deficit of $2.5 trillion over the next ten years.

What was also missing here was an answer to the government paid abortion question, the mandatory insurance provision, and several other contents of the Democrat bill that have raised hackles on the necks of most Americans. In other words, I guess, no contents of the existing plans have been removed.

In a rebuttal to Obama’s speech a few minutes later, Senator Mitch McConnell said that the American people remain totally against this health care plan and that the Republicans will not participate in Obama’s call for joining them. He said that probably means the Democrats will go ahead with their reconciliation and that they will pay for it in November.

Here we go with another “final vote” on health care reform... Although he has said in the past that he would not sign major legislation that had been passed by a simple majority, he said today that his plan has already passed the House and the Senate and he wants an up or down vote, (reconciliation), within the next two weeks with a simple majority. In that same breath, he said he didn’t really care about the political implications.

I guess he’s willing to throw his radical left political base under the bus as well?

He insisted that more government control is necessary, less is not an option. With darkening, angry eyes he chastised a national cry to start the process over. “We will not start over, we don’t have the time.”

Why does this have to happen in two weeks? Where have his past “emergency” decisions and legislations gotten us? Why all of the double-talk, misinformation and disinformation…AGAIN?

I’ve said it before and I will say it again: This battle is no longer about health care; it has degraded into being a fundamental battle for the control of America… It’s us vs. him. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.