Thursday, October 30, 2008



THE ELECTION IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT YET VOTED. If you have already voted, you may be able to vote again if you live in any one of the “swing” states. That would depend on how many times you have registered. If you have any questions, contact your local ACORN representative.

Normally, at this point, you could say that it’s all over except for the shouting. Unless this election is a landslide, I think there is going to be one helluva lot of shouting on November 5th, regardless of who wins.

There are already lessons to be learned from this election.

1. VOTER FRAUD in a country where we can electronically process millions of transactions per second, where we have fingerprint and biotech safeguard technology, is pure bull. Could it be that our elected officials don’t WANT to solve the problem?

2. WE AMERICANS HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW EVERYTHING THERE IS TO KNOW ABOUT THE CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. If they are not prepared to discuss their college, their religion, or their associates, or to prove their citizenship, they should be prohibited from running.

3. THE MEDIA should be absolutely barred from the insertion of opinion or political agendas into news reporting unless it is clearly labeled as “opinion.”

4. IT SHOULD BE AGAINST TO LAW TO ACCEPT FOREIGN CONTRIBUTIONS from any one, regardless of amount. No foreign nation or entity should be allowed to be in any position to influence the outcome a national election.

5. ONLY THOSE WHO ARE WILLING TO SIGN AN AFFIDAVIT OR OATH OF HONESTY and to become an agent of the Voter Registrar’s Office should be allowed to sign up voters for registration.

6. NO POLITICAL CAMPAIGN SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO RAISE MORE MONEY OR SPEND MORE MONEY than 200% of what they could receive from public funding.


These are alarm bells ringing. We know 1,000 times more about John Kerry or Al Gore or John McCain than we do about Barack Obama. There is a solid question about his citizenship and he has flatly refused the order of a Federal judge to produce a certified birth certificate. There is a birth certificate out there, I have seen it, there is no certification on it. Hawaii says they certify their birth certificates on the back, as opposed to the front as all of the rest of the states do. Yet, all we have is the front; why not show us the back and resolve the issue? The Federal judge gave the deadline, Obama let the deadline pass and did not produce.

Obama's family had no money; they were poor. He ended up in Occidental College which is an outstanding college in L.A., then went to Columbia then went to Harvard. Where did the money come from to put him through school? Scholarships? He won't answer. Now he has advanced to the point where he can personally give $1 million to his brother who is trying to obtain control of Kenya. Where is this money coming from? He won't answer. If it is on the up and up, what is there to hide? Would you hide anything under such scrutiny if you were on the up and up?

If there was nothing wrong with his association with Bill Ayers, why did he deny the association ever existed? If there was nothing wrong with his association with Rasdhid Khalidi, Tony Rezko, Joseph Albanaro...why deny they existed? Only when the facts were brought out did he admit well....yeah, I know the guy, he lives in my neighborhood...... when Rezko hosted a political party for him, (and so did Ayers in another party.... and that I have confirmed in the Chicago Times, an Obama supporter!) People who deny their associations remind me 100% of La Cosa Nostra.

This country has its heads buried in the sands because we have been screwed over by Congress and the White House and the Supreme Court for the last 20 years and now comes a smooth talking, handsome guy who says he is going to lead us all out of this mess and no one cares about WHO he is or WHERE he comes from or WHAT he believes in? This is not about party politics for me. If John Edwards was running against John McCain today, I'd vote for Edwards in a heartbeat.

This about America, an America that everyone seems content to let be run by incompetents. You have a Congress with the lowest approval rating in history and the polls say they are all going to be re-elected? WHAT RIGHT DO WE HAVE TO COMPLAIN IF WE REFUSE TO USE OUR POWER OF THE VOTE TO CHANGE OUT CONGRESS?

Obama admits openly today... listen to him talk.... we need to redistribute the money in this country from the rich. Nobody in this country is listening to what he openly says, and what he refuses to disclose. If you have something you are ashamed of, you hide it. He hides his associations, he hides his nativity, he denies us the right to know who he is.

This obscene giveaway of $700 billion plus the $85 billion that went before and the $300 billion more they are going to pass right after the election? You and all of the rest of the people who let the polls say, "That's okay...they may be assholes and the worst Congress we've ever had but we're going to vote them back in and we're going to cap it off by electing a President that we know SPIT about because he talks nice" are NOT Americans or you would step up to the plate and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

If speaking my American mind and standing by my love of this country costs me a friendship, so be it. Both sides of my family have been in this great land since the 1600's. I stand on the side of liberty, I stand on the side of justice, I stand with absolute patriotism in the bloods of my forefathers and when it comes to America, I will not ever let my guard down.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Now we know that Joe the Plumber owes $1,200 in taxes and that he doesn’t have a plumbing license. What do we know about Barack Obama?

How about putting all of the U.S. citizens’ names in a basket and we’ll draw one and that person will be the next President of the United States? Too risky? At least we’d know for sure that the winner was a United States Citizen….

Caylee Anthony is alive and living with Amelia Earhart.

They want to reinstate the “Fairness Doctrine” in broadcasting. The reasoning is that talk shows are one sided and monopolize too much air time. But, it will never work. If they reinstate it, NBC, CNN, CBS and those guys are going to having to broadcast Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity and the gang to be “fair:” to their one-sided and opinionated broadcasting.

Why is everyone in the world except Joe Biden explaining what he said?

If Barack Obama’s grandmother is not even in the hospital, why does he intimate that she is on her death bed, and why does he take four days to get to her bedside?

Could it be that the reason the market is down is that they want the value of your 401k to decease before they quit giving you tax breaks on it?

Is there any truth to the rumor that Obama wants to take 10% out of every person’s savings account on the basis that the poor people don’t even have a savings account?

There is a better than a 60-40 chance that William “Bill” Ayers will end up on the front page of the next issue of TIME MAGAZINE.

WHYZIT that every time I put on my cowboy boots and by toes hurt, I think of ACORN and all of the hard work they did signing up all of those voters for registration?

Now that the Obama campaign has raised almost $700 million, maybe he’d consider making a 1% contribution toward the $700 billion that Congress just gave Paulson so that AIG Execs could party hearty. No? Shucks.

Did it ever occur to you that the reason Obama despises Sarah Palin is that she tends to cling to her guns and religion?

Is it possible that Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are going to meet in a secluded D.C. restaurant ion Tuesday to decide the future of the country, and that their conclusions will be delivered to Congress as a “Position Paper” right after the election?

Since Tony Rezko is in the can, what is going to happen to the rest of that parcel of land next to Obama’s house? Maybe they’ll plant cucumbers there….

WHYZIT that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid always look as if they’d just had a dose of alum for dessert?

Madeline Albright agrees with Joe Biden that Obama is going to have a serious national threat within six months? Don’t worry about that; Colin Powell will take care of it.

Is this race about race?

Barney Flintstone…..Franks, please excuse me…has already earmarked where Obama’s first tax increase is going to go….more social programs. I think he said something like $80 billion in the first year? Ah, yes. That lake under his Congressional seat is made of drool?

We don’t really need to worry about Obama and his so-called “terrorist connections.” It has recently been fully proven to us that the real terrorists are in Congress, but no one in this country has the guts to vote them out of office.

Remember to vote on November 4th. ACORN is counting on you.

Saturday, October 18, 2008



Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Congress wants another $300 billion? Pelosi says so, right now! Another stimulus package! Now, it's our fault, because we're not spending our hard-earned money.


Saturday, October 11, 2008


Normally, picking a candidate to vote for is a "no-brainer;" you have a good candidate and one that's not so good. When you're lucky, which is rare these days, you have two great candidates and you have to really do some research to find out which one is going to represent your interests the best. In recent Presidential elections, it's been a matter of voting for the guy you disliked the least. And now, we come to a new twist, where you have two candidates that you just can't embrace no matter how hard you try.

I'm a registered Republican. That doesn't mean that I always vote the party line. I've voted for plenty of Democrats in my life. And, I'm admittedly a conservative, somewhat to the right of McCain and way to the right of Obama, who is as far left as you can go. There are some things that I have a more liberal view of than most Republicans and, no, I'm not a "moderate."

Before I go further into my reasoning for choosing McCain, I need to underscore the fact that I am not a die-hard Republican by telling you that I intend to vote against every incumbent at the California State level and in Congress, regardless of party. I don't think I need to explain why, except to say they've all strayed from their duties to me and to you and they have collectively brought this country to the very verge of disaster in so many ways that I don't have the space to0 elaborate. They're airheads, they're nincompoops, they're drunks, they're party-goers, they're do-nothings. They take kickbacks from failing financial houses. They have the lowest approval rating in the history of this country. They are all ugly, narcissistic bottom-feeders and they all need to go.

That having been said, why do I choose McCain?

Well, I was ready to quit the Republican party when he got the nomination. I was livid with rage, and to this day am still unhappy. Sarah Palin
is a nice addition to the ticket and I think she will do well in her role and will live up to her promises to the best of her ability, but that has no impact on my decision. In fact, my decision is, I feel, very pragmatic.

We are facing, at the time of this writing, unprecedented financial peril. We have world-wide dangers lurking in the Middle East, with Korea, and now with Russia; we are already militarily committed to Iraq and Afghanistan. We have an immigration problem that has yet to be resolved. We have a national, and indeed a world-wide energy crisis and the growing probability that greenhouse emissions
are having an adverse impact on global climate that could lead to disruptions in our food supplies and worse. We have an election system that's been besmirched by ACORN.

These are all issues of great magnitude that will have to be dealt with during the coming four years.

These are issues that require knowledge and judgment.

Barack Obama has never held a military position and has virtually no knowledge whatsoever of military strategy or capabilities. I'm not saying that McCain is an expert, but he certainly has had military experience; he comes from a military family and graduated from Annapolis. Barack Obama is a novice again when it comes to national finances and the economy, and McCain is certainly no genius
in that respect, either. But, good managers can tap good and knowledgeable expertise to advise them. What we do know now is that Republican financial experts were sounding the alarm bells about our financial crisis a decade or more ago and the alarm bells were summarily dismissed by the Democratic financial leaders, so I would suspect that Obama's financial advisors as President would be less reliable than McCain's.

I don't agree with McCain's stance on immigration. It gives me heartburn every time I think about it. Obama's stance is much, much worse. The energy crisis needs both short-term and long term solutions, and McCain's strategy of drill now and reduce our reliance on foreign oil is sound strategy, as long as it is followed up with the investigation and research for viable alternatives.

So, on those points, I give the advantage to McCain. He does have a track record and we know, to a great degree, how he thinks. These are two critical things that Obama lacks.

As to the matter of judgment, we know only about Obama what we have been able to dig up through the limited research avenues and tools we have available. The Obama campaign has virtually shut down and closed out all of his past. That secrecy, in and of itself, tells me that Obama does not want to be open and honest with the American public. We all have skeletons in our closet, but the office of the Presidency of the leading nation of the world community demands that those skeletons be exposed and revealed. Obama refuses to do so.

So, we are left to wonder about his past, to wonder about how Jeremiah Wright can be the pastor at his wedding and his preacher for over
20 years and why it took national umbrage to get Barack Obama to eventually leave that church after 20 years. And, we have to wonder about William Ayers and Tony Rezko, and Farrakhan, Khalidi, Aramanda, the over 500 campaign contributions from Iran that Obama's camp is refusing to identify. Those things weigh heavily on me because Mr. Obama won't tell me about Occidental or Columbia or Harvard. Their weight is compounded by his adamant secrecy, and his judgment in refusing to open up tells me that his character and his loyalties are, at the very least, suspect.

I do not believe that this country can step into 2009 with a leader who refuses to tell us what we need and are entitled to know, who has no track record, and who is weak in two critical areas, (military and the economy).

I believe that, in the dangerous times we are facing in so many respects, we cannot take a chance on this man. Now is not the time to add another risk to the forces in the shark tank that might bring this country down.

I vote for John S. McCain.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

Friday, October 03, 2008


Do you realize what has just happened to us? Let’s go through the drill.

1) Back to at least 2003 that we already know of, those in charge of keeping their eyes on our nation’s financial affairs have been warning the House Committee that things were going astray and that big problems were looming, especially with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. And the Committee has been stonewalling. Led by Barney Frank, the Committee has practically been ordering those in charge to put out more and more money and they didn’t care if the deals were risky or not. In fact, someone very close to me who has been involved with the building industry recently related to me that mortgage companies weren’t even verifying income or credit, they were just funding mortgages. I don't know about you, but I got quite the grilling when I went through my last house purchase.

2) As recently as three months ago, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were in so much trouble that only a blind man could miss it. Just a couple of weeks ago, our Secretary of the Treasury was telling us that everything was rosy, that we might have “a few bumps,” but that there was nothing to worry about.

3) The regulators needed to be issuing all kinds of findings against the investment companies and against Fannie and Freddie, but they were not. You might say that they were turning their eyes the other way. And, no one in Congress had the slightest clue that something was wrong? This led all of the way up to a declaration of an emergency by Paulson and Bush, and Congress had no idea what was coming? An emergency that had been brewing, undetected, that threatened to bring down the country unless we acted immediately? Is that dumb, or stupid?

4) The House looked at Paulson’s proposed emergency legislation and turned it down. The Senate then looked at it, added a few things for “window dressing,” added a whole pile of pork, over 400 pages of it, passed it and sent it to the House, with the President threatening Holy Hell on Earth if the House didn’t also pass it. So, the House passed it.

5) Congress, led by the Patriarchs of American Salvation, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, then issued forth a proclamation honoring those whose actions or inactions created the problem in the first place, anointing them with thanks for a “job well done.” And, President Bush waved his pious hand over the Bill and affixed his signature thereto, and now all is good and well in America.

Thank God for their insight and perseverance in protecting us. They even added a protective commission to ride herd on the financial houses in the future and to ensure us that “this could never happen again.” Guess what? They somehow neglected to provide this great commission, the great protector, with any power whatever to enforce sanctions or to address future violations of the public trust by our esteemed Fannie or Freddie or any other institution.

Isn’t that sweet? Doesn't that just make your lips pucker?

Now, let’s talk pork, pork, pork, pork, pork, pork, pork, pork. Don’t you feel really good down inside that we Americans just took on $700 billion in more debt and that everyone in Congress had kept solidly away from any verbiage that this will guarantee that the problems will go away? In fact, every last one of them who has been asked has coughed when asked that question and a few have admitted, reluctantly, that there are “no guarantees.”

But, there IS plenty of pork. TAXPAYERS FOR COMMON SENSE, ( has managed to list a whole pile of pork added on to this emergency legislation that was so needed to save our country. Here are some samples:

Sec. 503. Exemption from excise tax for certain wooden arrows designed for use by children

Cost to taxpayers: $2 million

Sec. 317. Seven-year cost recovery period for motor sports racing track facility

Cost to taxpayers: $100 million

Sec. 308. Increase in limit on carry over of rum excise tax to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands

Cost to Taxpayers: $192 million.

Sec 502. Provisions related to film and television productions

Cost to Taxpayers: $478 million (You really should go to their website to read up on this one)

Sec. 211. Transportation fringe benefit to bicycle commuters

Cost to Taxpayers: $10 million

And now, my fellow Americans, bend over for THIS one:

Sec. 301. Extension and modification of research credit

Cost to Taxpayers: $19 billion, (and yes, Microsoft, Boeing and Harley-Davidson get a chunk of this)

I don’t know about you, but this is how I feel about it:

Doesn't all of this make you wonder how long it took for members of Congress to get on over to Paulson's office to grab their share so they can try and go back to their states and buy some votes?

We Americans need to turn out every member of Congress that we possibly can, by voting against any and all incumbents in the November elections, regardless of political party. They're all in it, they're all tainted. We haven't had a decent Congress in over 20 years and these guys have just underlined the fact that they don't give a damned what we think or feel by shoving it way up there out of sight.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008



We all know that Congress failed us on the job. We know that they have been worthless for over 20 years. Nevertheless, here we are with a gun to our heads.

Yes, we know that something has to be done. We understand the ramifications if we don't. But this "great, terrific rewrite" has done nothing for the vast majority of Americans except to stick them, and generations to come, with the bill.

"Oh, but we raised the FDIC Insurance from $100,000 to $250,000." Now, just what percentage of Americans did that move help? Joe Q. Public who lives from paycheck to paycheck? Bill Gates with billions? No, it helped who happened to have somewhere between $100,000 and $250,000 in the bank, and that's not a whole lot of people, percentage-wise.

Why did the damned Senate have to tack on all of those B.S. amendments? To obfuscate and confuse? If they were all that damned good and important, why weren't they passed on their own instead of on the back of a bill where we have a gun to our heads? And, at WHAT additional cost?

Reid congratulates himself and the Senate on their good work on sticking it to the American people to cover the fact that the Senate and the House of Representatives have collectively managed to pass the buck for their negligence and malfeasance to the American citizen?

450 pages can hide one helluva lot of dirty deeds. If the House is going to pass this, they need to peel those pieces of crap out of the Bill to be taken up on another day and let us, as Americans, see for ourselves, what is actually being shoved down our throats.

As far as I'm concerned, their 20 year past record leads me to believe they're still useless b.....ds. All of them.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.