Sunday, August 31, 2008


Forget John McCain
We need to Defeat Sarah Palin!

Commentary by Captain Paul Watson:

I have to admit that the up-coming election had not gotten me very excited. I have not been worshipping at the alter of the Obamassiah. The American elections always leave me feeling nauseated over a choice between a Republicrat and a Demopublican. I’m a Ralph Nader or Dennis Kucinich supporter, men who don’t have a chance of getting elected because they actually stand for something.

Actually, if I thought he could win, I might vote for Barr.

And after the broken promises of Kevin Rudd and Peter Garrett in Australia I am pretty damn cynical about politicians in general.


But now John McCain has done something that has really pissed me off.

Actually, I think it was a great choice. He COULD HAVE picked Buchanan or Ron Paul.

In the strangest vice-presidential choice since Dan Quayle, McCain has selected a polar bear killing, wolf slaughtering, anti abortionist, gun-toting, moose burger eating, advocate of oil drilling and natural resource destruction extreme right winger named Sarah Palin, the governor of Alaska.

The only thing I agree with in the above paragraph is "right winger." I haven't heard anything to substantiate the rest.

This choice could not be more bizarre than if he had selected Michael Palin. At least we could have had some laughs.

I have not heard that Michael Palin is a comedian.

Forget John McCain, we’ve got to make sure that Sarah Palin does not get within the heartbeat of the Presidency.

I don't know that any President can do a damn thing if Congress doesn't go along. And Congress is so full of lame idiotic do nothings that I don't know if GOD could get any productive work out of them.

I honestly have not seen much difference on policy between Barack Obama and John McCain. They both intend to withdraw from Iraq “responsibly” which is political speak for a prolonged withdrawal. They both want to continue the so called war on terror. They both want to escalate the war in Afghanistan. They both want to drill offshore and in Alaska. They both want to build nuclear power plants. They both display very little substance in their speeches. They both seem ready to engage the Russians in another cold war.

Sure. They're both moving to the middle, trying to get YOUR vote.

But today, John McCain made a decision that amounts to an open declaration of war upon the environment and wildlife.

What is this assumption based on?

This 44 year old former Alaskan beauty queen makes George Bush look like a liberal. This mother of five certainly does not see population growth as a serious issue and as a card carrying member of the National Rifle Association she intends to train her brood to be killers like her husband and herself.

I guess anyone who has more than two kids should be put out of her misery. And, as a card carrying member of the NRA myself , I don't know that either of my sons has ever gone hunting or kiled a human being, although they do fish.

Her husband’s favorite sport is running dogs to death pulling his ass across the tundra.

This statement assumes that he has run a dog to death. Since the environmentalist wacko who wrote this piece is obviously against drilling for more oil, I would wonder what his reaction would be if told the only way to get to work would be with horse and buggy?

“She stands up for what's right and she doesn't let anyone tell her to sit down,' John McCain has said.

This statement I agree with. McCain did say that.

Well if you consider gunning down wolves from aircraft, trophy hunting bears, running dogs to death on the trail, shooting defenseless animals, despoiling the wilderness, over-populating the planet and ignoring global warming as being right, then I guess she is the woman to vote for.

Obviously, this person doesn't eat meat, fish, or poultry and is a veggie. That's one reason the price of corn is so high. This person also does not believe in having children.

'She's fought oil companies and party bosses and do-nothing bureaucrats, and anyone who puts their interests before the people of whom she swore an oath to serve.' Said McCain.

I also agree with this. McCain did say that. To me, that is an admirable quality, to live up to your oath of office. Since she's the only one in government who has done so in the last 25 years, I can understand why the writer is unfamiliar with this quality.

Right! She fought the oil companies, not to save the planet, but for more tax revenue for Alaska. If the corporations and Republican dinosaurs love her, she is no threat to the oilicratic oligarchy that rules the United States.

Somewhere during her speech, I think she pointed out that the Alaskan government has so damned much money in its coffers that she refunded a ton of it to the taxpayers. She even managed to nix that silly-ass multi-million dollar bridge that Stephens wanted built to nowhere.

John McCain has criticized Barack Obama for his lack of experience in foreign policy yet what kind of foreign policy experience does this woman have. She was mayor of an Alaskan town with only 9,000 people and has been a first term governor for less than two years. But she was once the beauty queen for her little town of Wasilla and she placed second in the Miss Alaska contest back in the Eighties.

Yes, she did enter those contests; I think that part of the paragraph is accurate. Is the writer suggesting that anyone who enters a beauty contest is defiling America? As far as her foreign policy experience goes, I can't speak to that because I have no way at this point of knowing how much she has. But, at his age, how much did Kennedy have? It seems to me he handled the Russians okay.

Like Dan Quayle before her she is just another relatively young pretty face to offset the fact that John McCain is the oldest person in history to run for the presidency of the United States.

I don't think of Dan Quayle as a pretty face. Stupid as all get out, but not pretty. The criticism of McCain's age shows prejudice beyond my comprehension.

This small town hottie is not going to pull votes from Hillary Clinton supporters who for the most part value substance over the fact that she is a woman.

"Small town hottie?" I wonder how many Presidents have come from small towns? Most of them, as a matter of fact. The thing here that irks me is that the writer is obviously more enthralled with the total lack of ethics of the Clinton Administration, including "Travelgate" "Rose Law Firm," "White Water," "Lying under oath..." than he is with someone of apparent moral values and character. The best thing the Democratic Party did was to shed itself of Hillary.

Palin’s husband Todd is 43, and a former commercial fisherman who now works in the oil fields of Alaska. He spends his time racing snow mobiles and dog sleds. He likes guns.

Obviously, sir, blue-collar Americans are beneath your dignity. You prob ably don’t like people who “cling to religion and guns,” either.

And she is fanatical in her stance of defending gun ownership and promoting development of the oil and gas reserves in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

And, I believe she is "right on." I'll guarantee you this: If any sorry s.o.b. invades MY house in the middle of the night for the purpose of doing me or my property harm, he's going to be well ventilated before his body hits the floor. And, my only regret will be having to clean up the bloody mess afterwards. You, on the other hand, can be satisfied in your grave knowing that you allowed your wife to be raped and your children to be killed because you didn't want a gun in your house. Rest in Peace and be proud of your martyrdom.

She even makes Bush look like a staunch environmentalist for opposing the Bush administration's decision in May to list the polar bear as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act because global warming is melting the polar ice cap. Palin said the decision could damage the economy.

Can't address this remark, as I didn't know about the polar bear issue. My only thought is that I agree, if they are an endangered species, they should be so listed.

We don’t want to damage the business of trophy hunting bears to save them!

Who is "we?"

She IS the NRA!

So? You don’t believe in the Bill of Rights?

She is also such an irresponsible 'pro-life' campaigner that she knowingly gave birth in April 2008 to a boy that had tested positive for Downs Syndrome. Not only did she bring this unfortunate child into the world, she now does not have the time to care for him, being Governor and now Vice Presidential Nominee and all.

Here we go again. Prejudice showing flagrantly. Kids with Downs Syndrome should not be born? She should be castigated for having the courage and the belief to allow this child to be born? She is not fit because she refused to abort? Are you a Hitler who wants a perfect society?

This woman who says she is a foe of political corruption is presently under investigation in Alaska by state lawmakers for firing a public safety commissioner who refused to fire a state trooper at her request. The trooper just happened to be her former brother-in-law.

Again, not having the details that the writer obviously has "first hand" knowledge of, I can't comment on this.

McCain is gambling on taking the votes of women and younger people with her on the ticket and considering his age, this inexperienced fanatical right winger could become the first female President of the United States.

Double prejudice. He's old, she's young. Certainly we know now that you will never vote for Obama, because he's black. So, what's the point of all of this diatribe?

can’t let this happen.

If we have any hope of dealing with global warming, this woman is not going to help provide it. She will support the dismantling of the endangered species act, the marine mammal protection act and environmental legislation that we have worked hard for decades to place into law.

I don't know that this prediction has any merit whatever. In my experience, hunters and gun advocates have a better sense of their environmental responsibilities than anyone. But, those who live in Alaska have every reason to be concerned about global warning, so this remark doesn’t hold any water.

She will support the placement of anti-abortion judges on the Supreme Court and will encourage population growth and consumerism.

a. I agree with an anti-abortion stance. I cannot believe that we, as lesser humans, have the right to terminate pregnancy just because a woman has no morals and wants to screw all night and not to have responsibility for her actions. I do believe in the right of abortion in cases of rape, incest, and where the mother's life is threatened if the birth occurs. But, even this belief gives me qualms.

b. Just because she has five kids, we are going to have a population explosion. Obviously, you think we are mindless idiots who can't make responsible life decisions and that we should be subjugated to governmental control.

c. What's wrong with consumerism? My God, this is America!

We cannot allow her to become the next potential President of the United States.

Then, I suppose you are advocating her termination? Just simply kill her and we’ll call it an abortion.

Senator Barack Obama and Vice President nominee Senator Joe Biden must be elected if we have any hope at all of protecting the natural heritage of this nation and of ending the insane foreign wars initiated by George W. Bush.

You can't vote for Obama, because he's black, remember? And, I agree with you on George W. Bush. In fact, I think HE should be the one hiding out in a Pakistani cave, not Osama Bin Laden.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


As for Sarah Palin, she appears to me to be untainted by the politics of our time. It’s kind of like a nice, new, fresh breeze blowing through the stinky, rotten, corrupt streets of Washington. It’s no wonder Hillary is speechless…

The Russians agreed to get of out Georgia almost two weeks ago, but they haven’t. Evidently, they’re waiting for hell to freeze over. What’s really scary is that Putin has openly stated he has no compunctions about starting another cold war. Somehow, I don’t think he’d talking about spreading coughs and nasal drips, either. Also lost in the flurries of Joe Biden and Sarah Palin is the rumbling of war rhetoric flowing out of the Kremlin. Putin blames the United States for starting the problem in Georgia in order to secure the election of a certain President, then goes on to rattle the Russian sabre by threatening Poland could be next, due to their NATO alliances. Incidentally, if you are one of those who believe Putin is no longer in power because Medvedev is the new Russian President, I’d suggest you go see a proctologist to get your head out of you know where. Putin created a new, unconstitutional position in the Russian government of Premier, and he’s it.

As if that’s not enough, the Pakistani situation seems to be an open invitation to Russia to come to their aid. And with Iran’s Ayatollah spouting off that the Jews DO need to be wiped off the face of the Earth, that entire part of the country is closer to being a tinderbox of nuclear disaster than it’s ever been. But, all of these ominous things are not even being mentioned in the daily news. Just as a point of interest, I wonder how many Americans believe that the Russians are already out of Georgia.

Gustav, in the meanwhile, is menacing the southern coast of the United States. Mindful of the Katrina disaster, efforts are already underway to provide for a swift recovery if disaster occurs. Even the Republicans are talking about scaling back their convention so it doesn’t look as if they are celebrating in Minnesota while Louisiana is getting ripped apart. How thoughtful of them.

I had the privilege of being invited to the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe. They are kicking off a countdown to their 50th anniversary which occurs in 2012. My father was the founding superintendent and my stepmother was key in helping the IAIA to get off the ground. Members of the family were honored to receive a special memorial recognizing the visions and the dreams of those two. But, we were also amazed at the terrific art that is being produced and the reputation that the IAIA is gathering on the international front. That’s the good news of the day; it’s too bad there’s not more good news to pass around.

Monday, we celebrate all of the moms who are in maternity wards everywhere giving birth to future generations. It’s called, “Labor Day.” So, drive safely, don’t drink and drive, and remember to pick up diapers at Walmart.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


He's been Biden his time....

I'm on vacation till August 30th.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


For only the second time in two months, I had all of the windows of the house wide open. Smoke from the California fires had forced me to keep them shut. The fresh, mountain air smelled good, felt good. I was sawing logs.

I was abruptly awakened by the sound of a thump. It sounded as if it came from the garage, at the other end of the house. Almost immediately, the burglar alarm went off and the dogs went charging down the hall, barking ferociously. As I rolled out of bed, my hand instinctively reached for the 40 caliber Glock semi-automatic on my night stand. The alarm clock read 2:00 AM. By the time I had rolled behind my dresser, I had slammed the clip and ten rounds of hollowpoint ammunition into the grip of the gun. Now crouched behind the dresser, I pulled back on the slide and let it spring forward, forcing a live bullet into the firing chamber. For the fourth time in my life, I found myself armed and ready to defend myself.

As I peered down the hall, I could see the red dot from my laser sight against the living room wall. The dogs continued their relentless barking. "GET OUT!" I yelled, 'GET OUT OR I'LL SHOOT AND I DO NOT MISS!" The din of noise from the dogs and the alarm continued. There was no reply and no noise of exit. "GET OUT OR I WILL SHOOT TO KILL!" This time, I almost screamed it out. The dogs shut up, but only momentarily.

Instinctively, I moved down the hall at a crouch to the doorway into my office and went in. Now hiding behind the hallway wall, I listened intently for signs of someone leaving or moving. With all of the noise, I couldn't really hear anything. I decided my next move should be down the hall, into the living room and to duck down behind the couch to take stock of things from that point.

Down the hall I went, running to the next point of cover. Just as I reached the living room, a tremendous flash of light lit up the house and the simultaneous "kaboom" convinced me that someone had fired a shot. I crouched and got behind the couch. I didn't feel any pain. The rumble of the shot continued to echo for several seconds and it then dawned on me that it couldn't have been a shot....shots don't rumble like that.

The next thought that went through my mind was some kind of explosion. I had a new, full propane tank in the garage. If that had exploded, the house would be on fire.
I stood up, just as three more bright flashes of light lit up the night, and the kabooms thundered immediately. I was in the middle of a lightening and thunderstorm! Thank God for that.

The point, of course, is that this was the fourth time in my life that I had held a loaded gun in my hands, ready to shoot. I've never had to pull that trigger, except on the shooting range. But, if the threat had been real and I had not had a gun in my hands, I would have been defenseless and, maybe dead.

Just because there are criminals out there who perpetrate crimes with rifles and pistols does not mean that legal, law-abiding citizens should have their avenues of defense taken away from them.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT'S GOING ON; A Renewed Threat To World Peace

August 8, 2008, was an eventful day. John Edwards confessed to screwing or being screwed. China opened the 2008 Olympics. Caylee Anthony continued to be among the missing. Obama shuttled off to Hawaii; Hillary got on his stump in Nevada.

And, Russia started bombing Georgia.

That last event seemed to be an afterthought in the news of the day. Indeed, as the day closed, it seemed that the only place to get information on the Russia / Georgia conflict was on the Internet. One can't help but surmise that the Russian move was planned that way. Bush is off to the Olympics, Congress is out for their summer "energy problem evasion" vacation, and the world's news sources are focused everywhere but where they should be.

The first alert to us should have sounded when Putin arranged for a sham puppet leadership to take his place in the Kremlin. With Putin's former firm grip on the Soviet Secret Service
gulagang that ruthlessly killed opponents and ruled with terror, I've always been suspicious that when the time came to relinquish his Russian Presidency, he'd find some way to evade the relatively new Russian Constitution. That he did.

Putin's cold shoulder to the United States in general and recently to Bush in particular has signified to many that the "Cold War" between us and Russia may have propelled itself from extinction back into a renewed state of tension. And, Putin is no fool. In fact, he's a well-known genius at plotting, conniving, and getting his agenda accomplished. He's never been a friend of American capitalism and has long resented the fact that Reagan engineered the fall of Communism and Soviet rule in the Baltics. Frankly, I do not believe that his ascension to becoming the "top dog" in Russia was a result of happenstance. It was well-planned and executed and his term as the "Top Dog" has allowed him to centralize and consolidate his power.

History will show that the Russians rarely enter a country with the thought of leaving. History will also show that Russia fancies itself as being the dominant power in the world, if not "the" dominant power. Of course, China is a pretender to that role, as is Osama Bin Laden and his increasingly sophisticated terrorist followers. Where the United States stands in this mix should be enough to send all of us to the commode.

We are stretched thin in Afghanistan. Iran is proving to be a formidable enemy that probably will not hesitate to take advantage of any troop withdrawal from Iraq. Our own borders are leaking like a sieve. America itself is war weary. We have no draft. We've had no political backbone since Reagan left office and that's easily interpreted as a sign of weakness, if not outright cowardice, by those who have spent centuries at war.

In short, we are vulnerable. It's almost as if Bush, Clinton and Bush, along with Congress, conspired to put us in this position.

If Russia crushes Georgia, which they may well do, and they then decide to go on and on and on to reassimilate the Soviet Union, who......

At some point, folks, we're going to have to get our collective heads out of our asses and come to grips with reality, or the real reality may become the above flag flying over Washington.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.

Saturday, August 02, 2008


In a recent post, I tackled Barack Obama and laid out the several reasons I don’t like the guy. In that post, I promised to take on John McCain in a forthcoming column. I’ve not forgotten that promise and I am working on it. You’ll see it soon.

And, I’ve made it well known on this illustrious blog and my others that I have no particular love for Congress or George Bush. What I really haven’t discussed at any great length up to this point is our Government in general.

One really has to understand that our government continues to plod on in some direction, whatever that is, regardless of who is in elected office or what the scoundrels are doing Washington. In fact, you can expect that Government will continue to operate this summer while Congress is basking itself in the sun for five weeks at taxpayer’s expense. I suppose that, although they have done nothing for the last 20 years, Congress is so tired from doing nothing that they need a rest. Well deserved, I might add.

While top heads of the various agencies are going to change next year, the underlings…. the real managers of government…will continue. The fact of the matter is that the Cabinet Members and other potentates who are really in the political realm probably don’t even know where their offices are located.

What you have is a managerial structure that continues to actually conduct Government’s business while everyone else flaps their gums, gets into trouble, points fingers, and boozes it up in Washington pubs with well-heeled lobbyists.

Here’s what is interesting. Every day, there are top level politicians in the country who get told by officials of government to “take a hike,” “get lost”, “keep your noses out of our business,” and “dummy up.” That’s a fact. That’s particularly a fact when it comes to “Top Secret” stuff.

Case in point: How many top politicians have tried to find out what is going on in Area 51 and have failed? For that matter, have many investigative reporters have perused that same quest and come back empty handed?

What about the UFO flaps? The Texas UFO sightings this spring are being overshadowed by British sightings this very minute but, you don’t hear about it in the media or see it in the papers and our Government will be quick to tell you that UFO’s do not exist. Never have, never will. Furthermore, just to set the Government record straight, the Roswell incident never occurred, either.

One Dr. Edgar Mitchell, one of the few astronauts to set foot on the moon, has recently come forth claiming first-hand knowledge that UFO’s DO exist, and he’s not the first astronaut to do so. Nor is he the first pedigreed official to suggest that the Roswell incident WAS real and that bodies were removed from UFO’s and ultimately taken to a secret military base, such as Area 51. Several people, claiming to be former employees at Area 51, have come forth and alleged both that there are alien bodies stored in Area 51 and that the Government is “reverse engineering” one or more captured UFO’s at Area 51.

When questioned about the rapid technological advances that have taken place in recent decades, and about the possibility that such advances are in some way linked to what is going on at Area 51, Government sources are quick to suggest that our scientists are no dummies and that these advances are occurring as a result of the efforts of America’s great minds.

I would ask, then, why are all of the advances taking place here, in the United States? Have they no great minds in Britain, or Canada, or even Russia? Just why ARE all of the great technological advances happening right here in our country and nowhere else?

So, there’s this great Government conspiracy to keep us in the dark about UFO’s and aliens. I think that reasonable people, after examining the facts, would agree that the Government is covering up something. Just how much and what, exactly, is anyone’s guess.

Let’s talk about why. If such things exist, and I personally believe they do, and if they were antagonistic or warlike, we’d probably already be toast. We certainly would have angered them to no end when we captured their friends and secreted them off to some desert hideaway. It would seem then, that they are friendly. At least, they are not interfering in our lives. The Government would have us believe that we are uncivilized and barbaric enough that we would panic and behave like senseless idiots, (such as Congressional delegates), if we knew that UFO’s were real.

Let me pose a theory. What if Government is learning enough about technology to be able to take over the world and to control everyone on this planet and there was nothing we could do about it? Would it be worth keeping their plan secret, even from the President and Congress and the Dan Rathers of the world? Furthermore, what if Congress tries to get at the facts and they get told to “butt out” and they have no power to stop it. Don’t you think that Congress itself would come to a grinding halt, unable to function? Don’t you think that the President, faced with the fact that he is powerless against his own Executive Department employees, would become disoriented and dysfunctional?

I know you must think I’m on the sauce when I say these things, but let’s explore this line of thinking to one more level. If what I say is true, would the theory that aliens have been captured and they and their flying machines have been taken to Area 51 where the seed of all of these technological advances was planted and is being nourished, and that those in charge have basically seized control from Congress and the President, thereby creating an inability for Congress and the President to function….. Would, or could, that explain why there’s been nothing done or accomplished by Congress or the Presidents over the last 20 years?

I leave you with that question, until next week.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.