Forget John McCain
We need to Defeat Sarah Palin!
Commentary by Captain Paul Watson:
I have to admit that the up-coming election had not gotten me very excited. I have not been worshipping at the alter of the Obamassiah. The American elections always leave me feeling nauseated over a choice between a Republicrat and a Demopublican. I’m a Ralph Nader or Dennis Kucinich supporter, men who don’t have a chance of getting elected because they actually stand for something.
Actually, if I thought he could win, I might vote for Barr.
And after the broken promises of Kevin Rudd and Peter Garrett in
But now John McCain has done something that has really pissed me off.
Actually, I think it was a great choice. He COULD HAVE picked Buchanan or Ron Paul.
In the strangest vice-presidential choice since Dan Quayle, McCain has selected a polar bear killing, wolf slaughtering, anti abortionist, gun-toting, moose burger eating, advocate of oil drilling and natural resource destruction extreme right winger named Sarah Palin, the governor of
The only thing I agree with in the above paragraph is "right winger." I haven't heard anything to substantiate the rest.
This choice could not be more bizarre than if he had selected Michael Palin. At least we could have had some laughs.
I have not heard that Michael Palin is a comedian.
Forget John McCain, we’ve got to make sure that Sarah Palin does not get within the heartbeat of the Presidency.
I don't know that any President can do a damn thing if Congress doesn't go along. And Congress is so full of lame idiotic do nothings that I don't know if GOD could get any productive work out of them.
I honestly have not seen much difference on policy between Barack Obama and John McCain. They both intend to withdraw from
Sure. They're both moving to the middle, trying to get YOUR vote.
But today, John McCain made a decision that amounts to an open declaration of war upon the environment and wildlife.
What is this assumption based on?
This 44 year old former Alaskan beauty queen makes George Bush look like a liberal. This mother of five certainly does not see population growth as a serious issue and as a card carrying member of the National Rifle Association she intends to train her brood to be killers like her husband and herself.
I guess anyone who has more than two kids should be put out of her misery. And, as a card carrying member of the NRA myself , I don't know that either of my sons has ever gone hunting or kiled a human being, although they do fish.
Her husband’s favorite sport is running dogs to death pulling his ass across the tundra.
This statement assumes that he has run a dog to death. Since the environmentalist wacko who wrote this piece is obviously against drilling for more oil, I would wonder what his reaction would be if told the only way to get to work would be with horse and buggy?
“She stands up for what's right and she doesn't let anyone tell her to sit down,' John McCain has said.
This statement I agree with. McCain did say that.
Well if you consider gunning down wolves from aircraft, trophy hunting bears, running dogs to death on the trail, shooting defenseless animals, despoiling the wilderness, over-populating the planet and ignoring global warming as being right, then I guess she is the woman to vote for.
Obviously, this person doesn't eat meat, fish, or poultry and is a veggie. That's one reason the price of corn is so high. This person also does not believe in having children.
'She's fought oil companies and party bosses and do-nothing bureaucrats, and anyone who puts their interests before the people of whom she swore an oath to serve.' Said McCain.
I also agree with this. McCain did say that. To me, that is an admirable quality, to live up to your oath of office. Since she's the only one in government who has done so in the last 25 years, I can understand why the writer is unfamiliar with this quality.
Right! She fought the oil companies, not to save the planet, but for more tax revenue for
Somewhere during her speech, I think she pointed out that the Alaskan government has so damned much money in its coffers that she refunded a ton of it to the taxpayers. She even managed to nix that silly-ass multi-million dollar bridge that Stephens wanted built to nowhere.
John McCain has criticized Barack Obama for his lack of experience in foreign policy yet what kind of foreign policy experience does this woman have. She was mayor of an Alaskan town with only 9,000 people and has been a first term governor for less than two years. But she was once the beauty queen for her little town of
Yes, she did enter those contests; I think that part of the paragraph is accurate. Is the writer suggesting that anyone who enters a beauty contest is defiling
Like Dan Quayle before her she is just another relatively young pretty face to offset the fact that John McCain is the oldest person in history to run for the presidency of the
I don't think of Dan Quayle as a pretty face. Stupid as all get out, but not pretty. The criticism of McCain's age shows prejudice beyond my comprehension.
This small town hottie is not going to pull votes from Hillary Clinton supporters who for the most part value substance over the fact that she is a woman.
"Small town hottie?" I wonder how many Presidents have come from small towns? Most of them, as a matter of fact. The thing here that irks me is that the writer is obviously more enthralled with the total lack of ethics of the Clinton Administration, including "Travelgate" "Rose Law Firm," "White Water," "Lying under oath..." than he is with someone of apparent moral values and character. The best thing the Democratic Party did was to shed itself of Hillary.
Palin’s husband Todd is 43, and a former commercial fisherman who now works in the oil fields of
Obviously, sir, blue-collar Americans are beneath your dignity. You prob ably don’t like people who “cling to religion and guns,” either.
And she is fanatical in her stance of defending gun ownership and promoting development of the oil and gas reserves in
And, I believe she is "right on." I'll guarantee you this: If any sorry s.o.b. invades MY house in the middle of the night for the purpose of doing me or my property harm, he's going to be well ventilated before his body hits the floor. And, my only regret will be having to clean up the bloody mess afterwards. You, on the other hand, can be satisfied in your grave knowing that you allowed your wife to be raped and your children to be killed because you didn't want a gun in your house. Rest in Peace and be proud of your martyrdom.
She even makes Bush look like a staunch environmentalist for opposing the Bush administration's decision in May to list the polar bear as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act because global warming is melting the polar ice cap. Palin said the decision could damage the economy.
Can't address this remark, as I didn't know about the polar bear issue. My only thought is that I agree, if they are an endangered species, they should be so listed.
We don’t want to damage the business of trophy hunting bears to save them!
Who is "we?"
She IS the NRA!
So? You don’t believe in the Bill of Rights?
She is also such an irresponsible 'pro-life' campaigner that she knowingly gave birth in April 2008 to a boy that had tested positive for Downs Syndrome. Not only did she bring this unfortunate child into the world, she now does not have the time to care for him, being Governor and now Vice Presidential Nominee and all.
Here we go again. Prejudice showing flagrantly. Kids with Downs Syndrome should not be born? She should be castigated for having the courage and the belief to allow this child to be born? She is not fit because she refused to abort? Are you a Hitler who wants a perfect society?
This woman who says she is a foe of political corruption is presently under investigation in
Again, not having the details that the writer obviously has "first hand" knowledge of, I can't comment on this.
McCain is gambling on taking the votes of women and younger people with her on the ticket and considering his age, this inexperienced fanatical right winger could become the first female President of the
Double prejudice. He's old, she's young. Certainly we know now that you will never vote for Obama, because he's black. So, what's the point of all of this diatribe?
We can’t let this happen.
If we have any hope of dealing with global warming, this woman is not going to help provide it. She will support the dismantling of the endangered species act, the marine mammal protection act and environmental legislation that we have worked hard for decades to place into law.
I don't know that this prediction has any merit whatever. In my experience, hunters and gun advocates have a better sense of their environmental responsibilities than anyone. But, those who live in
She will support the placement of anti-abortion judges on the Supreme Court and will encourage population growth and consumerism.
a. I agree with an anti-abortion stance. I cannot believe that we, as lesser humans, have the right to terminate pregnancy just because a woman has no morals and wants to screw all night and not to have responsibility for her actions. I do believe in the right of abortion in cases of rape, incest, and where the mother's life is threatened if the birth occurs. But, even this belief gives me qualms.
b. Just because she has five kids, we are going to have a population explosion. Obviously, you think we are mindless idiots who can't make responsible life decisions and that we should be subjugated to governmental control.
c. What's wrong with consumerism? My God, this is
We cannot allow her to become the next potential President of the
Then, I suppose you are advocating her termination? Just simply kill her and we’ll call it an abortion.
Senator Barack Obama and Vice President nominee Senator Joe Biden must be elected if we have any hope at all of protecting the natural heritage of this nation and of ending the insane foreign wars initiated by George W. Bush.
You can't vote for Obama, because he's black, remember? And, I agree with you on George W. Bush. In fact, I think HE should be the one hiding out in a Pakistani cave, not Osama Bin Laden.