Saturday, March 29, 2008
Are White Americans In Mortal Danger?
1. The country has been infiltrated by radical Muslims with hate in their hearts for our lusts and sins.
2. The country has been infiltrated by millions of illegal Mexican aliens with fear in their souls that they will be caught and punished, or caught and sent back to their poverty.
3. The country is being bombarded with hate from the likes of Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, and there are one helluva lot of Venezuelans in this country right now.
4. Black America is beginning to rattle its sabres and get it's backs up; if the super-delegates do anything to derail Obama, there's going to be hell to pay. If Obama doesn't win in November, then watch out. And, they are now starting to point out that they have been spewing hate in their churches for ages, and we'd better get used to it.
Is there any reason to believe that, should any of these four groups start physical violence, at least one of the other groups won't jump straight into the fray?
And, presuming this might happen, who would the likely targets be?
It seems to me that the "melting pot" is very much in danger of boiling over.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
UFO'S AND GOD: Hot Topics for Easter Sunday
And, indeed they ARE hot topics. Jeremiah Wright made God a hot topic and the California UFO pictures have made UFO’s a hot topic. So, where am I going with this?
How do I leap to that word from “God” and “UFO’s?” Follow my line of rationale.
Let’s examine the awesome discoveries about our universe that have been made in our short lifetimes. Think of the new words, “quarks,” “black holes,” “supernovas…” The list is impressively lengthy. In the process of examining the stars, we have finally come to the realization that at least some of those billions of pinpoints of light in the sky have planets rotating around them. Further, some of those planets are at right distances from their respective suns and, at least from preliminary scientific analysis, have the right chemicals to support life. Wow. Please pass the mustard.
Yet, we persist in our self-centered arrogance to shrug our shoulders and say, “So what? I won’t believe it until I see it, and if I can’t see it, it cannot exist.” Just as a side note, that happens to be the same logic used by atheists to deny the existence of God.
Progressing further into my hypothesis, I think that we are bound to accept the probability that some intelligent, humanoid forms of life have been living “out there” for thousands of years longer than we have been around. You can extrapolate that further into the likelihood that some of that populace has the ability to travel from place to place in space. Oh, here we go again. “You can’t travel faster than the speed of light, so the hypothesis is already full of holes.”
Scientists have already pushed miniscule fragments of matter faster than the speed of light under controlled laboratory conditions, and without increasing their mass to the point that they erupted into a gigantic and uncontrolled explosion, (sorry about that, Dr. Einstein). So, this wall of scientific obstinacy is about to be totally torn down. Besides, we know that, at the instant of death, the body loses a miniscule but measurable amount of weight; there are countless stories of “near death experiences” where people report traveling out of their bodies and through an amazing tunnel of light at unbelievable speeds. If a soul can travel faster than the speed of light, what else can?
The smug ones have an answer for all of this. “Simply put, why would any intelligent life that is that advanced want to travel here, of all places, more than once, anyway?” They would be quick to add, “I suppose that you would suggest that they came here thousands of years ago to plant the seeds of life, and now they’re coming back to check on us and watch over us? Oh, get a grip!”
Before I can respond, the proverbial nail in the coffin of my hypothesis is sure to follow. “If you believe in God, and you believe that God created life, how can you propose that we were created by alien beings?”
Let’s get back to the UFO thing. How’s that for artfully dodging the bullet?
There’s just too much evidence these days that something strange is going on in skies all over the world. With the advent of digital cameras that don’t use film that can be damaged by radioactivity, more and more pictures and videos are being taken and the evidence is piling up that we are being observed, if not by some one, by some thing. Having scanned the night skies myself for most of my life, both as a surveyor and as a pilot, I have to say that I have seen two UFO’s in widely separated spots over a period of 15 years; both were remarkably similar in shape.
I have also seen numerous lights in the sky that appear to me to be some kind of “star wars” technology being tested in the skies well north of
Yet, the logical question to me is, “Why would any intelligence with the ability to accomplish these things travel repeatedly to this planet?” They have certainly seen what they need to see, gathered what samples they need to gather, and they should by all reason be well on their way to other solar systems, other galaxies.
Now, let me tackle the second part of this “arrogant” equation. There is simply too much evidence for me to deny the existence of God. Who among us have been in a situation where we needed help, wisdom, money, guidance? Virtually everyone, I am sure, has at one time or another faced that need. Those of us who believe have prayed. There are too many people that I have met or read about who can say that, not only did they pray, but their prayers were answered. There are too many to be explained away by “coincidence or happenstance.”
Even if you take the scientific approach, you have to confront the unexplained mysteries of the universe. Regardless of how much we dig down into the smallest bits of matter, we always end up finding something even tinier. The more we gaze into the vastness of space and confirm theories, the more theories about the universe are proven to be untrue. There is a strange order that we cannot fathom, an order that can only be explained by acceptance of Infinite Supremacy.
Most religions teach that there is a price to pay for wrong doing, usually something along the lines of spending eternity in Hell. Could it not be that “Hell” is being trapped in a physical body, forced to toil daily for food and water, surrounded by those whose wrongs were equal to or greater than yours, for what seems like an eternity on Earth? Can anyone deny that the souls of Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mussolini and the likes….. must have been possessed by such evil that being trapped in skin and bones here may have been totally just?
Is it possible that God one day said to His attendants, “Hop into your UFO’s and split on down to Earth and create some life there so that I have a place to send some of these bad souls?” Is it possible that He sent his Son down here to try to convince us that, if we redeem ourselves, there is a way out? Is it possible that these UFO’s are jailers coming to check on their prisoners?
Am I suggesting that life here was not created by God, but by some wacko scientists from the other side of the universe, armed with test tubes full of DNA? I don’t know. To me, it’s a possibility. Does that stand in the way of my belief in God?
Somewhere, some time ago, and somehow…life was created. There simply had to be a beginning. That fact alone, through an argument I don’t have time here to present, leads one to the conclusion that God must exist.
We are the center of the universe. Nothing in the universe can occur unless we either make it occur or allow it to occur. Therefore, UFO’s do not exist and cannot exist until we, ourselves, learn how to make them. We are the most advanced civilization of all time. Any life that exists “out there” must be inferior to us.
That makes us, collectively, Gods.
All of which leads us to, “arrogance.”
Happy Easter.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Dump Spitzer? How HYPOCRITCAL Can You Get?
Here you are, pious Americans, on the very precipice of choosing our next President. You have already, by your "well-considered" votes in your primaries, selected:
(1) The wife of a President who screwed a White House Intern all over the Oval Office carpet, redefined the word "is," lied to a Grand Jury and the American people, and got barred from the practice of law; the woman you selected lied for him, mishandled legal documents at the Rose Law Firm, was deeply involved in the White Water scandal, and has a mouth worse than that of a common street whore.
(2) A man who has yet to define his platform or to address the issues; known to be an associate of Louis Farrakhan, a leader of radical Islam who fosters continuing hatred and unrest in America; who refuses to place his hand over his heart during the Star Spangled Banner or the Pledge of Allegiance, and who is willing to accept the inevitable deaths of tens of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan souls by withdrawing troops from those countries and turning them over to.... radical Islam.
(3) A man who was closely associated with Jack Abramoff, former lobbyist now in jail for illegal payoffs and political bribery; who investigated Abramoff for the Senate but refused to investigate members of Congress who were "on the take;" a man who had a long, warm friendship with Charles Keating who is also in prison for his "Keating Five" savings and loan ripoffs.
You choose those three to be final candidates for holding the highest office in the world. Yet, in the midst of your frenetic rush to November, you have the audacity to stop just long enough to throw Eliot Spitzer under the bus for poking a hooker.
You judgmental, pietistic Americans make me want to puke.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
This Is National Security?
McCain, Clinton and Obama all are quick to tout their ability to meet any security crisis the country might have, even at 3:00 in the morning. Yet, all three would leave the Mexican border wide open and grant illegal aliens at least some form of amnesty.
Now that I have made that charge, I would suppose their universal answer would be, "That's different. We're talking about acts of war, things of a military nature."
War can be waged in more than one manner. It doesn't require tanks and missiles and brigades to wage war. War can be waged economically. And, I would suggest, we are at war with Mexico and her allies.
By allowing tens of thousands of its citizens to cross our border illegally, the Mexican government is forcing us to pay for benefits, health care, education and social services for those people. The economic drain and impact on our country is so large that Americans are no longer willing, or able, to absorb the adverse impact on our economy. If this continues unabated, this country could lose its economic war while our candidates, one of which will inevitably end up in the White House, wage the different kind of war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Something has to be done. None of of these three finalists seems to have the balls to do it.
That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.