Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Time To Return To Our Religious Roots?

At the time of this posting, the results of the Georgia Senatorial runoffs were not yet known; the polls had just closed. 


We have indeed reached a critical juncture in our nation’s history.  What happens in Georgia Tuesday and what happens in Congress Wednesday will surely determine the fate of our nation. Will we remain a democratic republic, or will we turn to socialism and Marxism?


Frankly, I don’t see any resolution to this great divide, regardless of the outcomes. Whatever faction wins out, the rest of the country will be enraged beyond words. I see Antifa and BLM terrorizing the country regardless of who wins, but I also see the anger of the losers turning toward violence as a meaning of expressing their displeasure.


In short, I can see the nation being in a state of national emergency within days, if not weeks. 


This period will certainly be a test of our national will. We need to prepare ourselves for the consequences. This is a good time to return to our religious roots. 



That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 


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