Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Seizing Power Over The People

Never before in the history of America has such a mass of military personnel been gathered to protect the inauguration of a president. The excuse is that there is a danger that extremist factions will storm the Capitol, kill the incoming president, kidnap the Members of Congress and take control of the country. 


There are two things to be gleaned from this military presence: (1) the Democrats are justifiably in fear of retribution for their stealing of the election, and (2) they intend to set the tone now for how they will run the country… like a military junta. 


Juntas shut off the truth about what is going on by controlling the press and the media, which has essentially already been done. There is a move on to silence OANN and Newsmax to complete that process.  Juntas use fear and oppression to “reprogram” the dissenters, a method being suggested now by Democrat leaders and members of the media.  Juntas disarm their opponents, a project already on the front burner of the Biden administration. Juntas eliminate free speech and discourse of ideas, already being squelched under the umbrella of “political correctness.”


We are on the very precipice of becoming subjects instead of citizens.   


That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 


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