Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The Capital Break-In And The Democrat Lies

There has been a lot of conflicting information floating around out there about exactly what happened during that "riot" in the nation's Capitol last week.  I think it would be useful to take a moment and examine the facts a little closer.   

First off, what would be the motive for such an attack? The right and the Trump supporters would have everything to lose and nothing to gain by pulling such a stunt; nor do they have a history of such activity.  On the other hand, the Democrats, the Russians, the Chinese and Iran had every reason to do this. Why? 

When the facts of the rigged election started to ooze out, they desperately needed something to distract the focus. Indeed, there has been a mountain of evidence accumulated in the last few days to support the allegations of widespread fraud.  When Trump called for Americans to join him on January 6th for a demonstration of protest, the Dems knew that hundreds of thousands would answer the call. The game plan quickly evolved: organize thugs to attack the Capitol during the protest and blame it on the Trumpers.  

The word was out in the days immediately preceding the 6th that Antifa activity was moving into the area; even D.C.'s Mayor warned of it. Capitol Police were given intelligence from both the FBI and the New York Police Department on potential threats before the storming of the Capitol Building, according to NBC News. More than a dozen extremists were paid a visit by the FBI before the rally and were urged to not travel to Washington, D.C.

Capitol guards refused any assistance from D.C. police or the Pentagon, and are seen actually waving the  evil-doers through Capitol fencing. This was a pre-planned event, not a spontaneous response to a Presidential plea.  The perpetrators knew exactly where to go once in the Capitol and what they intended to accomplish. 

With this entry, the stage was set for the Democrats to seize the the initiative away from those investigating the election fraud and to paint Trump and his followers with the broad stroke of blame.  Yes... seize the initiative and the narrative and rush to impeachment, silencing 75 million Trump patriots at the same time by shutting down their ability to post on social media.  

What a stroke of genius!

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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