Friday, November 02, 2018


When you get ready to make your choices Tuesday, remember that not only did Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice cover up for what happened in Benghazi, but that the entire power structure of the Democrat Party covered up for them.  They also covered up for the IRS targeting scandal, Fast and Furious, the Clinton E-Mail scandal, the Clinton Foundation "Pay for Play" program, the sale of American uranium to Russia, and the blatant destruction of evidence by the Clinton machine.  

Remember how the Democrats... the same ones running for reelection Tuesday... covered up for the FBI and the DOJ and did, and are still doing, everything possible to stymie those investigations.  Remember that, although Republicans have crossed party lines to vote with Democrats on important legislation in the past, the Democrats have flatly refused to cross lines to support Republicans on anything.   

Remember Kate Steinle and Mollie Tibbets and the illegal sanctuary cities championed by the Democrats.  Remember our open borders, created by Democrats, and the hordes of illegals headed in our direction.  

Remember the outrageous conduct of the Democrats... the lies, fabrications and maneuvers... the declarations that a man is guilty unless proven innocent... during the Kavanaugh hearings.  

Ask yourselves: Do you really want more of the same?  Do you really want these enemies of America to remain in office?  

This is where the rubber truly meets the road.   I urge you to vote accordingly. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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