Monday, November 26, 2018


Enough is enough.  Trump is absolutely correct: It's an invasion.  These animals, and they are animals, are infringing upon my individual security and safety... as well as upon the security of our nation.  

There is a legal way to get here; they defy it.  They throw rocks and bricks at us, and issue demands which not even citizens have a right to demand.  Their caravans contain known criminals and foreign agents.  After having been warned that they will be turned back and denied entry until they meet the legal requirements, they have stormed our border.  By these actions, they have proven themselves to be lawless and hostile.  

I frankly don't give a damn what the Democrats, the liberals or the "establishment" think or say on the subject.  The illegals at our borders can all go to hell.  They are not welcomed by me.  They are not wanted by me.  If they are so hellbent on getting here, there is a legal way for them to do it.  Otherwise, they can go piss up a rope... and so can the Members of Congress who fail to hear this message or do anything about it.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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