Friday, May 11, 2018


The NEW DORK TIMES was hollering loud and clear: While President Trump was announcing the U.S. was pulling out of the Iran Nuclear "deal," Trump's newly-confirmed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was nowhere to be seen.  When Pompeo returned to the U.S. with three Americans who had spent years behind North Korea's prison walls, NBC News "star" Hallie Jackson screamed that the whole rescue operation was a “very carefully choreographed, staged production meant for television.”  

The BIG "news" last week was that Melania Trump had moved out of the White House over the Stormy Daniels allegations.  That "news" was trumpeted around the media to the obvious exclusion of the real news about the economy and declining unemployment.  Indeed, the media and press expended far more newsprint on Obama's anger over the U.S. pulling out of his beloved Iran "deal" than it did on the news that Iran had launched rocket attacks on Israel in the Golan Heights.  

The fact is that we do not have a free press in this country.  Our press and media have become  wholly-owned subsidiaries of the George Soros' Socialist-Progressive Party.  Either George Soros has taken strong ownership positions in these outlets, or they have collectively sold their souls... and America... down the drain.  

If ever there was an argument to abolish "freedom of the press" in this country, today's press and media have strongly made that argument.  As far as I am concerned, they've become nothing more than whores and pimps for the nation's enemies.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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