Monday, May 14, 2018


I don't think there's a one of us who is happy with the way our country is today... except those who are deliberately trying to destroy it.  

We have, through our own negligence, allowed circumstances to come into existence that are eroding the foundations upon which this country was built.  We are no longer a country which strives for excellence; indeed, the mediocre seems to be just fine with us.  So, for example, we don't reward outstanding achievement in schools or in sports.  A service organization I belong to recently decided it would like to honor an outstanding teacher in a local school.  The school turned the offer down because... it didn't want to make the rest of the teachers feel bad.  The school felt that instead of encouraging other teachers to do better, it would create discord within among the school staff.  

So it is that we allow those who have never put on a military uniform to dictate the terms under which we can fight one.  Although the enemy seeks to lop off our heads and burn them in a fire pit, we think it is cruel and unusual punishment to waterboard them until they tell us where their accomplices are hiding.  When terrorists hijack planes and fly them into buildings killing 3,000 people, we get very angry; but we won't allow TSA agents to question someone who looks like a terrorist and acts like a terrorist because that's akin to racial profiling.  And, if a guy who comes from a poor family and works his tail off to get an education, and invents something good for the benefit of mankind, we want to take away his profits through taxation as a punishment for his success.  

When it comes to our government, we send people to Congress not on the basis of their patriotism or their ability to do the job, but because they have a nice-sounding name or a slick advertising campaign.  We then scream bloody murder when they become corrupt or they don't vote for the things we need in this country... and we cap it off by reelecting them year after year after year.

Don't you think it's time we stepped up to the plate and did something constructive for a change?  Only we, the people, can alter the course of our country.  

Now is the time to get started. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 


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