Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Former Secretary of State John Kerry has laid down the gauntlet to President Trump, warning that neither he or the Democrats will tolerate any more of Trump's America First agenda... period.  John Brennan, former Director of the CIA, upon hearing of Trump's demand that the DOJ investigate whether or not various Obama administration intelligence agencies infiltrated and spied on the Trump Presidential Campaign, fired off a blustering demand to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan demanding that they put Trump on a leash immediately, (or face the unfortunate consequences, I presume.)  Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the principal current establishment lackey, has stood squarely in the way of any current administration attempt to bring American justice to the wrongdoings of the Obama dynasty.  

For their parts, Ryan and McConnell have proven themselves to be Republicans in name only by refusing to support President Trump's agenda and, by all appearances, colluding to make his initiatives fail.  The so-called Republican Congress has allowed both "leaders" to have free reign over Congressional actions, sabotaging the border wall, avoiding the repeal of ObamaCare, failing in moving the approval of Trump nominations, foisting a huge spending budget on America, failing to pass the Farm Bill and shirking their Constitutional duties to God and country.  

The FBI and the DOJ have defiantly refused to produce documents relative to Obama-era mischief to Congressional oversight committees or any court charged with deciding the outcomes of relevant litigations.  Every effort has been made by the Justice Department, and Jeff Sessions in particular, to protect Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and other members of the "Establishment."  Sessions has stonewalled any attempt by Congress or Trump to initiate a new Special Counsel to look into the many Clinton law-breaking activities.  Robert Mueller has been successful in holding the Trump White House hostage to his endless farce of an investigation into "Russian collusion."  

In response to Truimp's demands for an investigation into probable spying on his campaign, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein assigned the DOJ Inspector General to investigate; the IG has no authority to subpoena former government employees, such as Comey, Brennan, Clapper or McCabe, who could shed light on the issues.  

And the American press and media compound the issue by refusing to report the truth to the American people.  

The "Deep State Establishment" is riding the black horse of the American apocalypse, determined to run President Trump and American democracy firmly into the ground. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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