Tuesday, August 30, 2016



Yesterday, WPTV, a Florida news station, broadcast today's election results.  They were quick to issue a disclaimer, saying it was a "gaffe" and they were just preparing different election scenarios so they could be ahead of the game.  

Later in the day, however, it became known that election computers in at least two states, Arizona and Illinois, have been hacked.  Ostensibly, the hacking was confined to getting the names and information of registered voters, but how do we know at this point whether or not "bugs" were planted to alter election outcomes?  

We know that Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her cronies were actively trying to derail the Sanders Democratic Campaign.  We know that the Benghazi Massacre story was completely covered up in order to protect Obama's reelection.  We also know that in several districts in the last election more votes were cast for Obama than they had registered voters in the district.  

Donald Trump is encouraging voters to sign up to be poll watchers in the coming election.  But, how is a common, ordinary person like you and me going to detect computer fraud?  How are we going to catch it if, when I vote for Trump, a computer actually tallies two votes for Clinton?  

Would Clinton and her minions be beyond arranging that?  Would North Korea, China, Russia or Iran do it to us?   

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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