Thursday, August 04, 2016



News came out from various sources yesterday afternoon alleging that Donald Trump was considering dropping out of the presidential race.  That was followed not long afterwards by news that a group of "concerned people within the party" were going to force an "intervention" with Trump to make him toe the party line or, as they put it, to make him focus on Hillary and to quit running down rabbit holes of distraction.  

Can you imagine Trump dropping out the race after all he has been through?  

Now, I do not deny the fact that Trump has not positioned himself properly to get the full, complete and energetic support of Americans.  I said yesterday that what we really want is a leader... someone we can look up to like a Reagan or a Truman.  We so desperately want that... and every time we start to get comfortable and to think that Trump can do just that, he pulls the rug out from under our dreams and, as my dad used to say, "pulls a boner."  

But, what the stories coming out yesterday tell me is that there is an organized effort still going on within the Republican establishment to prevent Trump from winning.  There were even a few G.O.P. luminaries who said they were going to bolt from the party and go vote for Hillary.  What they are saying is that they would rather lose the election to Hillary than to lose it to Trump.  

They are traitors and nothing more.  They are traitors to the American people and to those in the party who have put Trump where he is by voting for him.  They are traitors to American idealism and democracy.  

As far as I am concerned, they can eat poop and die. However the tide ebbs and flows in this race, I cannot fathom the thought of having four more years of Obama... four years of a presidency marred by the ghosts of Benghazi, a total lack of national cyber-security and scandal. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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