Monday, June 27, 2016



This is the fifth in a series on  the Clinton scandals.  This one is growing bigger by the moment.  

1. The Benghazi Massacre led to investigations by Congress, as well as a cursory examination by the Department of Justice which concluded there was no wrong doing.  In the course of its investigations, it became well-known that Hillary had steadfastly refused to use Department of State internet communications channels when she was Secretary of State and had, in fact, shoved all such communications through her privately owned and lightly-secured server.  The question was: why would she spend her own money to do that and why did she not want to use approved D.O.S. channels?  The only logical answer was that she had something to hide.  

2.  When caught, Hillary denied using the private server for any official communications, saying that it was used only for "personal" communications.  Accordingly, she flatly denied any access to her server by any and all investigators.   

3.  When legal decisions forced her to open up access to her server and when it was discovered that she did indeed have official government emails on her server, she refused to allow anyone to see them.  She then said she personally went through each and every email and determined which ones were personal and which ones were official and that she deleted all of her personal ones.  Around the same time, the State Department revealed that internal copies of official emails sent to and from Clinton had mysteriously disappeared.  

4.  Copies of emails sent back and forth were eventually "discovered."  The government grabbed her server and started investigating not only what was on it, but what had been erased.  Someone suggested that a lot of her official emails had to be classified and that her use of her personal server was therefore a violation of national security regulations.  She was quick to retort that there were not... were NOT... any classified emails on her server.   

5.  Investigators found classified emails on her server and she amended her statement to say that she never sent or received any emails that were "marked" classified.  It turns out that some were marked classified and that some others had had their classification removed.  Others were classified on their face because of the nature of their content.  Right now, they don't know who did that.  

6.  The lid then blew off the Clinton Foundation, established by Bill and Hillary ostensibly to take in donations and help the poor and disadvantaged around the world.  It became apparent that Bill was making speeches in return for ludicrous sums of money that were paid into the Foundation totaling "hundreds of millions" of dollars. of which only 11-12% has ever been spent helping the poor or disadvantaged.  The rest has been eaten up in "administrative costs," including Bill and Hillary's travel expenses.  

7.  Someone asked the inevitable question: what are these governments, these corporations and individuals who are contributing to the Foundation going to get in return?  Certainly, a 30-minute speech by Bill isn't worth $500,000, is it?  Could it be, someone had to audacity to suggest, that Hillary was using her position at the State Department to grant these "donors" some big-time favors? 

8.  So, they started to look into that and while they were doing so,  allegations surfaced that Hillary's email wasn't all that secure and that the Russians, Chinese and Romanians probably had acquired every tidbit of information or emails that had ever gone through her server.  Hillary suggested that her server was more secure than the government servers at State.  Well, dammit... security on her site was totally shut off for weeks while they investigated "software conflicts."  Was she deliberately allowing the Russians, Chinese and others to acquire information on her server?  Was that the "payback" or one of the "paybacks?"  

9.  There were many stories, one about how the Russians donated huge amounts to the Foundation and that Hillary subsequently approved the acquisition of hoards of uranium stockpiles in the U.S. by... the Russians.  Could it be that the real purpose of the private server was to allow for and hide communications about speeches, donations and Clinton favors?  

10.  One might assume that some of these "donors" would like direct access to Hillary herself.  Would her calendar of State Department meetings tie in to any of those "donations?"  Alas, it turns out that someone... we don't have the slightest idea who... scrubbed the calendar almost clean.  All of the sudden, no one knows who she met with, about what, when or even what decisions might have been made.  

Could it really be that she was selling national secrets and granting political and governmental favors in return for money?  Is that the reason for the server?  

The sad part is that we might never know the answers.  Obama has endorsed her for president.  The F.B.I. has yet to come forth with any findings and insists that it won't until it is damned good and ready.  That could be after the election when, if she wins, she could legally pardon herself.  

Stay tuned.  This one is nasty and getting nastier by the minute.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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