Saturday, April 09, 2016


Like you, I've had enough with with all of these shootings going on.  We need to change things. 

The proposition that getting rid of guns will end gun crimes in this country is as ludicrous as the suggestion that getting rid of booze will put an end to drunk drivers on the highways.  Now think about this: smart drivers who are worried about getting their compact car into a collision with a truck relieve their concerns by going out and buying bigger and safer vehicles.  So, if you're worried about gun crime, why not go out and buy yourself a cannon?  

It's a fact: well over over 80% of terrorist or mass gun shootings occur in gun-free zones.   I mean schools, military or government facilities... If a potential shooter knows that a particular area is less likely to be infested with people who own guns, it makes common sense to him or her to make that a target area.  Criminals may be dumb, but they're not stupid. 

The bureaucrats and politicians who think that making an area into a gun-free zone don't understand the problem: guns don't shoot by themselves.  You can outlaw the guns and you can outlaw the criminals, but the criminals don't care about your silly-assed rules.  So, judging by the stats, everyone in this country should be made to own a gun, know how to shoot it and be required to carry it wherever they go...and gun-free zones should be eliminated for those who have a concealed carry permit.  

That move puts a realistic barrier between the criminal or terrorist shooter and the law-abiding citizen.  The next move is to start addressing the underlying social issues that create the problem in the first place.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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