Friday, April 08, 2016



After The Donald took his shellacking in Wisconsin, he capped off two weeks of bad mistakes leading up to that primary by basically thumbing his nose at Wisconsin voters and heading back to New York to lick his wounds... without even extending the courtesy of an election night rally speech.  Word promptly started leaking out that his campaign staff was in serious disarray 

In the days after the Wisconsin primary, Trump's negatives jumped into the high 60% range... as much as 68% in one poll.  And his national poll standings have begun to slide, meaning that his chances of walking into the Cleveland convention with the nomination all sewed up are rapidly dimming.  The Republican establishment is, to say the least, drooling at the mouth.  

There's been some speculation that Trump and Cruz could sew everything up if only they would come together and unite.  The big problem is that neither one wants to be vice-president; in fact, Cruz has never been known to be a team player and is unlikely to give any ground in order to accommodate a Republican win against the Democrats in November.  

Every political wag pretty much agrees that Trump will not snag the nomination unless he wins it on the first ballot in Cleveland.  Until he makes some drastic changes in the way he is conducting himself during this campaign, unless he can substantially reduce his negatives and reverse the declining poll numbers... it could well be that Trump will not be building any walls along the Mexican border.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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