Tuesday, March 01, 2016



For the last three days, every cable and broadcast news channel program has been glued to today, Super Tuesday, and the proliferation of political commentary and claims by the candidates.  There's been no other news... What's going on with the Syrian cease-fire?   What's the latest absurdity from the midget in North Korea?  When are they going to start working on that wall along the Mexican border that Vicente Fox is going to pay for?

Who in the hell is Oscar and why are they giving him awards?  Is it true that Lindsay Lohan married Charlie Sheen?  Did Michael Bloomberg really join the NRA?  Did Barack Obama nominate Nancy Pelosi to the Supreme Court?  Did Putin decide to get out of the Ukraine?  Is it true that Hillary has agreed to tell the truth about Benghazi?  Has Debbie Wasserman Schultz go in for a face transplant?  

These are all important questions to which we desperately need the answers and all the media is talking about is the damned elections.  Yeah, I know that Rubio is now saying he is the best qualified to be president, because his ears are bigger than Obama's.  

Who cares?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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