Monday, March 07, 2016



The U.S. Government, and in particular the FBI and CIA, are all complete idiots and they don't mind hanging their stupidity diapers out on the line for the whole world to see.  What they're saying is that they do not employ a single information technology expert capable of hacking into that well-known I-Phone.  Accordingly, I have to surmise that they got their brains out of a Cracker Jack box.  

I'm not alone in my opinion.  BIZ PAC REVIEW reports "Cybersecurity expert and Libertarian Party presidential candidate John McAfee said Apple could unlock the San Bernardino terrorist’s iPhone for the FBI in about half an hour." 

"According to McAfee, both Apple and the FBI are well aware of this. But if the FBI doesn’t know how to unlock the iPhone, then the public should be alarmed at its complete lack of technical prowess.  'If they don’t know it, well then it’s tragic. If they do know it, then they are deceiving the American public and Apple and everyone else by asking for a universal key,' McAfee said."

I'd venture that there well over 1,000 IT types in Silicon Valley alone who could crack that phone.  Add that to the Russian, Chinese, Iranian and North Korean hacks who undoubtedly were shuffling through Hillary's private server and the number could be twice that.  

So, who is kidding who?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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