Monday, December 28, 2015



I guess we can draw a deep breath... we managed to get through Christmas without a terrorist incident in the United States.  But, I suspect that most of us expected another shoe to drop at any moment and that, at least in the backs of our minds, we were fearful whenever we turned to a news channel during the holidays.  

What a way to live.  

I don't know about you, but I heard two messages during this holiday, one being that we need to get used to losing some freedoms and having some security-type intrusions and inconveniences in our lives; the other being that it we'd better not even think about increasing our surveillance of the Muslim communities or mosques in the U.S.  In other words, we need to expect to have our lives and freedoms disrupted by radical Muslim terrorism, but we'd damned-well better not infringe on the Muslims.  

In the first place, it occurs to me that 99% of the terrorist acts in this world are carried out by Muslims.  Muslims live in Muslim communities and associate among themselves in Mosques.  Don't look at me and have the gall to tell me that we have no right to increase surveillance of Muslim activities and communities in this country because it is not politically correct.  We have every right to know what is going on in our country everywhere, at all times.  

If the government is going to listen to my conversations, they'd damned well better be listening to Muslims.  If they are going to pat me down at the airport, they'd better be patting down Muslims as well.  

Furthermore, Obama and his zombies have no right to tell me I cannot protect myself.  Given the circumstances, we Americans should have every right to own guns, to carry loaded guns on our persons, in our homes, in our cars, at the malls and wherever we go.  Every time there's a terrorist attack in our homeland, we get told to disarm ourselves.  That's bull and we all know it. 

And if our political leaders are content to smile at us and tell us to get used to it... they need to be replaced, pronto.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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